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Nigel Robertson

OU one of the first universities to make free, interactive eBooks available on iTunes U - 1 views

    Rich, interactive ebooks from the OU - and free too!
Dean Stringer

Tim's blog: The Open University's approach to plagiarism - 1 views

    A post from Tim Hunt about plagiarism in general and OUs policies for coping with it, and looking at the problem that some folks thing a technological solution is all thats required
    A post from Tim Hunt about plagiarism in general and OUs policies for coping with it, and looking at the problem that some folks thing a technological solution is all thats required
Nigel Robertson

Rhodri Thomas HHL 2009 "Mobilising The OU" - 0 views

    Slides on things the OU has done to mobilise web and VLE - based around student input. See graph slide 5 on changes in mobile web access.
Nigel Robertson

CIO interview: David Matthewman, CIO, Open University - 0 views

    Head of OU IT talks about the changes he has wrought.
Stephen Bright - 0 views

    Innovating Pedagogy 2012. First report of an OU working group looking at exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers
Nigel Robertson

Innovating Pedagogy | Technology Enhanced Learning Blog - 0 views

    Report from the OU on new forms of teaching, learning & assessment.
Nigel Robertson

Computer marking of free text answers - Moodle - 0 views

    A thread by Tim Hunt describing work at the OU developing tools to auto mark free text responses in quizzes. Has links to try out two approaches. In so will need (free) log-in to read.
Nigel Robertson

Project update February | RISE - 0 views

    Recommendations to improve search experience - an OU project using library logs - eg "Other students on your course are also searching for ..."  At an early stage but worth watching.
Nigel Robertson

HHL09 Thomas Mobilising The OU - 0 views

    Paper omn the work that the OU has been doing to mobilise their web and VLE offerings. Very good.
Nigel Robertson

Responsive Open Learning Environments - OpenLearn - The Open University - 0 views

    The OU does Personal Learning Environments PLEs as a supported project / unit. "This course introduces the main concepts and technologies behind Responsive Open Learning Environments (ROLE). The ROLE project provides tools and services that enable learners to build their own technology-enhanced learning environment based on their needs and preferences."
Nigel Robertson

Open University research explodes myth of 'digital native' - 1 views

    (Article not new and thought I had already bookmarked it) Reports on work by OU 'debunking' Prensky native/immigrant thesis. Don't think it does at all and I argued at time that we ad to stop viewing concepts in such dichotomous ways.
Nigel Robertson

OUHK Open Learning platform - 1 views

    The Hong Kong OU now has an open learning space with a range of resources.
Nigel Robertson

OU Linked Data - The Open University - 0 views

  • is the home of open linked data from The Open University. It is a platform currently developed as part of the LUCERO JISC Project to extract, interlink and expose data available in various institutional repositories of the University and make it available openly for reuse.
    " is the home of open linked data from The Open University. It is a platform currently developed as part of the LUCERO JISC Project to extract, interlink and expose data available in various institutional repositories of the University and make it available openly for reuse."
Nigel Robertson

Open Research Online - Authors/Editors/Creators/Editors Name matches "minocha" - 0 views

    Minocha search on OU research repository. Has written a lot on effectiveness etc of blogs, wikis and social software for learning.
Nigel Robertson

University World News - GLOBAL: Lectures to go in a Web 2.0 world? - 1 views

    Very short report on the change of the role of unis in providing content based courses. Thin, but notes OU has 360,000 iTunesU downloads per week and that the VC of the OU says that the value of an institution would not be its course content but how it motivated and supported students.
Nigel Robertson

Library: Add OU Library Google Gadgets - 1 views

    Library gadget for iGoogle. Should have a look at what's been developed through the API.
Nigel Robertson

Essay and report writing skills - OpenLearn - The Open University - 0 views

    OU key skills paper an an example of some tools available in their Moodle.
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