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Nigel Robertson

The economics of dating - 1 views

    "First year economics students at Waikato University now have a better understanding of their subject, thanks to new media. Lecturer Michael Cameron gave students the option of making a video and uploading it to YouTube rather than doing a written assignment. The subject was 'Why should you study economics?'"
Nigel Robertson

EDIRC/RePEc - Waikato - 0 views

    repository of working papers in Economics.  Seems like an open way of sharing ideas with several Waikato contributors.
Nigel Robertson

Business as usual | Music for Deckchairs - 1 views

    Moocs as capitalist ventures which will parasitically destroy academia and also produce poor returns for learners. This is an economic landgrab of huge proportions.
Nigel Robertson

The Ed Techie: Yeah, but who pays? - 0 views

    Potential economic models for publishing OERs, running open courses, and for open scholarship.
Tracey Morgan

Digitisation Perspectives - Review | Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences - 0 views

    Book Review "This book examines various views and perspectives on digitisation. As Simon Tanner, Director Digital Consultancy, King's College London says in the Foreword: "Digitisation has become a cultural, scholastic, economic and political imperative and raises many issues for our consideration." Furthermore, that the book: "...seeks to address and answer some of the big questions of digitisation"
Nigel Robertson

Massive Open Online Courses and Beyond: the Revolution to Come - 0 views

    Michael Peters reviews MOOCs from an economic, post-modern university type standpoint. Quite long. Most of the comments are garbage!
Nigel Robertson

Lessons to Be Learned From Paulo Freire as Education Is Being Taken Over by the Mega Rich - 2 views

    Article on Freire and relevance in current economics and education
Nigel Robertson

Official Google Blog: Microsoft's Bing uses Google search results-and denies it - 0 views

    Very interesting post that is probably more about economics than search but nevertheless reveals the dark arts of the search provider!
Nigel Robertson

Eureka! Teaching threshold concepts to students - 3 views

    "That "Eureka" moment when a student thunders over an educational hurdle opening up a new realm of learning, is the holy grail for educators. The technical term is a "threshold concept", and they're being discovered in every discipline from economics to engineering, design and English grammar."
Nigel Robertson

Debunking the 'digital native': beyond digital apartheid, towards digital democracy - B... - 2 views

    Nuancing Prensky and introducing the 'digital stranger'. Useful although not sure how much of a cultural and economic argument is being layered on.
Nigel Robertson

Blackboard: A Tale Of 2 Companies - Seeking Alpha - 0 views

    Some economic backstory to the state of Blackboard today and why there might be a significant collapse over the next 2-3 years.
Nigel Robertson

Spaces for Knowledge Generation - 1 views

    Spaces for Knowledge Generation is an ALTC project which was undertaken as a partnership between La Trobe University as lead institution, Charles Sturt University, Apple and Kneeler Design Architects. The context of the learning experience necessarily changes over time, with technological, economic and social developments influencing the types of learning spaces learners and teachers require to achieve their learning outcomes, and this $220,000 project was designed to inform, guide and support sustainable development of learning and teaching spaces and practices, maximising flexibility so as to be used by as many disciplines as feasible. The project was based on the philosophy that constructivist approaches to learning, as well as to research and study, should make use of technologies and approaches that students favour, and that learning spaces should therefore be organised to accommodate learner-generated aspects of learning. Spaces for Knowledge Generation provides a model for designing student learning environments that is future-focused and sustainable for the medium term.
Nigel Robertson

Implementing a Cost Effectiveness Analyzer for Web-Supported Academic Instruction: A Ca... - 1 views

    "This paper describes the implementation of a quantitative cost effectiveness analyzer for Web-supported academic instruction that was developed in Tel Aviv University during a long term study. The paper presents the cost effectiveness analysis of Tel Aviv University campus. Cost and benefit of 3,453 courses were analyzed, exemplifying campus-wide analysis. These courses represent large-scale Web-supported academic instruction processes throughout the campus. The findings were described, referring to students, instructors and university from both the economical and educational perspectives. The cost effectiveness values resulting from the calculations were summarized in four "coins" (efficiency coins=$; quality coins; affective coins; and knowledge management coins) for each of the three actors (students, instructors and university). In order to examine the distribution of those values throughout the campus assessment scales were created on the basis of descriptive statistics. The described analyzer can be implemented in other institutions very easily and almost automatically. This enables us to quantify the costs and benefits of Web-supported instruction on both the single-course and the campus-wide levels. "
Nigel Robertson

Yochai Benkler - Wealth of Networks - 0 views

    The economics of networks, and new ways  of working online.
Stephen Harlow

How online education could stop the higher-ed bubble from bursting | eCampus News - 0 views

    "Low-cost online courses could help higher education from becoming the next economic bubble that bursts..."
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