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Nigel Robertson

Understanding the Flipped Classroom: Part 2 | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    Part 1 of this article looked at the history of the flipped classroom. Today we look at what it takes for someone to teach effectively in a flipped classroom.
Nigel Robertson

Is "Flipping The Teacher" The Next Flipped Classroom Trend? - 0 views

    Reduce time spent on student presentations in class by getting students to record them.
Nigel Robertson

7 Steps to Flipped Professional Development - Getting Smart by Laura Conley - 0 views

    Describing a flipped approach to PD
Nigel Robertson

A New Visual on Flipped Learning ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    Infographic on what flipped teaching enables for learning.
Stephen Harlow

re-mediating assessment: Flipping Classrooms or Transforming Education? - 0 views

    "The problem is that most classroom assessments fail to ask students to use course knowledge in a different context in a meaningful way."
Stephen Harlow

The Flipped Classroom Infographic #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #edtech - 1 views

    "A new method of teaching is turning the traditional classroom on its head."
Stephen Harlow

The 'flipped classroom' [WEBINAR] | Dangerously Irrelevant | Big Think - 0 views

    WHAT: Webinar - The 'flipped classroom' WHEN: Wednesday, 8 June 2011 at 5:00:00 p.m. NZST. WHERE: [enter as a guest]
Nigel Robertson

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture « User Generated Education - 0 views

    Critique of the Khan Academy model inasmuch as who has told the teachers what to do with the freed up class time?
Stephen Harlow

Pedagogical Consciousness: A Lecture By Any Other Name... - 1 views

    "Flipping the classroom is a buzzword with little substance because it rearranges the same bad product:  the lecture."
Stephen Harlow

Donald Clark Plan B: Flip the classroom - every teacher should do this - 1 views

    "Don't use technology in the classroom, use it before and after, outside of the classtoom."
Nigel Robertson

flipvideo - home - 0 views

    This wiki is dedicated to using the Flip Video cameras in the classroom for digital storytelling and video podcasting.
Stephen Harlow

SpeEdChange: Changing Gears 2012: rejecting the "flip" - 1 views

    "Any pedagogical design which relies, in essential terms, on homework is a problem for me, and many others."
Nigel Robertson

njea-tis-09 - FLIPpin-SWEET-Student-created-video-in-the-classroom - 1 views

    Resource on using Flip video cameras in education.
Stephen Harlow

Lecture Capture Can Change Classroom Dynamics for the Better | Faculty Focus - 1 views

    "When I heard a teacher tell me that they were creating recorded lectures for courses as homework assignments and spending classroom time on discussions and more active learning, I knew right then the value of the lecture capture tools."
Tracey Morgan

7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    "The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning technologies. Each brief focuses on a single technology and describes what it is, where it is going, and why it matters to teaching and learning. Use these briefs for a no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues."
Tracey Morgan

Creating interactive online video using YouTube | Technology with Intention - 1 views

    YouTube doesn't have to be a place where viewers passively watch video. Free annotation tools allow content creators to provide interactive opportunities to engage content. The resulting video can be used as part of a flipped classroom model or to time-shift any kind of instruction.This video tutorial shows you exactly how to create buttons that can be placed on your video to jump forwards and backwards within the timeline.
Stephen Harlow

Advancing the Flip: Developments in Reverse Instruction | Connected Principals - 0 views

    "...what is now an opportunity is also becoming an urgency: if students don't need to come to class to get informational content delivery, if they can get it easily on their own, we need to transform how we use our classroom time such that it continues to be relevant and valuable."
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