ThinkTank is an electronic performance support system to help students narrow down research topics and create keyworks and searches to move the research process forward.
Mendeley, a Web service that lets users organize and share research papers, recently announced that it has surpassed 100,000 users, and that its database now includes some 8 million works.
did dig up the eLearning Guild Authoring Tools Research Report (January 2008). It's a bit out of date (almost 2 years old) and I suspect the numbers have changed a bit. My guess is that Articulate represents a larger market share than two years ago. is a recording toolbar for your web browser. records all the web pages you visit while you research. Save, review, and share your research with friends or colleagues.
This paper explores how a group of undergraduate students in one of the university in South of Malaysian use their mobile phones to perform informal learning activities related to the content of their courses outside the classroom. The paper also addresses the usefulness of informal learning activities to support students' learning. The study adopts an exploratory case study design and uses two methods of data collection including questionnaires and interviews. Main findings suggest that students performed informal learning activities mostly from office, home, interacting mainly with classmates. It also shows that students were in control of their informal learning activities without tutor or SMEs' input. However, it was found that students used only a limited number of applications but these were considered useful to their learning. The paper contributes to a discussion of the implications of training and instructional support to help students to take more advantage of mobile phone applications to support informal learning. The conclusion is discussed about the further research in this domain.
Becta has published major new research into the use of Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, blogs and social networking, by children between the ages of 11-16, both in and out of the school environment.