These posters are not the usual motivational posters you see hanging around offices. In fact, the little quotes we see on them aren't exactly motivating and might even be insulting to social media users. Any offense is obviously intentional, but it's all
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology won a social-networking scavenger hunt over the weekend, locating 10 red weather balloons tethered across the country in less than nine hours, The New York Times reports. And all it took was a sor
According to a survey conducted for Citibank Small Business, 75% of small businesses revealed that they have not found social media sites, such as Facebook and LinkedIn helpful in generating leads or business expansion.
To help you see how social media can work no matter how big or small your business, I've found some great case studies of small businesses that get it and are seeing results!
No es tan agresivo como Robocop, pero su misión es muy dura: luchar contra la pedofilia en las redes sociales. Se trata de "BabyBot", un prototipo que utiliza distintos avatares e interactúa en las redes sociales con un lenguaje similar al de los menores, para atraer a posibles pervertidos sexuales....
A June survey released by Facetime, makers of a gateway appliance for managing Web 2.0 applications, revealed the growing popularity of social networking applications in the workplace. Out ...