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Monique Abud

Urban villages and housing values in China / - 0 views

    [Sur ScienceDirect via Biblio-SHS] Auteurs : Yan Songa, Yves Zenou Publié dans : Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 42, Issue 3, May 2012, Pages 495-505 Abstract The presence of urban villages is a unique product of China's urbanization. In this article, we explore the effects of urban villages on the formal housing market. For this purpose, we develop a hedonic housing price model to investigate whether the proximity to urban villages affects the selling price of urban housing units. Controlling for the structure and other characteristics of urban housing units, we find that housing prices are lower the closer the buildings are from urban villages. We then carry out a survey of households living nearby and explore how they are affected by urban villages. The results indicate that there are both positive and negative effects associated with these villages. Highlights ► In this article, we explore the effects of urban villages on the formal housing market in China. ► Propose a theoretical urban model of urban villages. ► We test the model and find that housing prices are lower the closer the buildings are from urban villages. ► Households declare that they are both positive and negative effects associated with these villages.
Jacqueline Nivard

Urban villages and housing values in China - 1 views

    The presence of urban villages is a unique product of China's urbanization. In this article, we explore the effects of urban villages on the formal housing market.
Monique Abud

State-led land requisition and transformation of rural villages in transitional China - 0 views

    [ScienceDirect, via Biblio-SHS] Auteurs : Ying Xu, Bo-sin Tang, Edwin H.W. Chan Paru dans : Habitat International, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 57-65 Abstract Since the implementation of economic reforms in 1978, Chinese cities have undergone unprecedented urban expansion. The suburban landscape of these cities has changed dramatically - from traditionally agricultural to rapidly urbanizing. This paper sheds light on the urbanization process that rural villages have undergone through state-led land requisition. It identifies two physical manifestations of the Chinese countryside during the urbanization process: semi-urbanized villages and urban resettlement housing districts. Based on a case study of the suburban districts of Shanghai, it argues that these two emerging forms of suburban landscape differ not only in terms of their physical form and land-use structure, but also in many of the social, economic, cultural and organizational characteristics of these ex-rural communities. Through analysis of public data and observation from personal interview, the study concludes that state-led land requisition has been a dominant force in expediting the urbanization of the suburban areas of Chinese cities and that the complex interplay between state and market impetuses has led to the multi-faceted transformation of rural communities and to a complicated countryside profile.
Monique Abud


    K. Sophia Woodman Ph.D. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Vancouver) October 2011 This study uses the China case to revisit some of the central assumptions of the literature on citizenship, showing how citizens and states are formed in and through the local places where citizenship is practiced. It suggests that the location of the political and of citizens have been an understudied aspect of citizenship orders, not just in relation to the growing impact of global and transnational forces, but also in sub-state entities. Through fine-grained examination of the daily interactions between citizens and state agents, this study shows how citizenship in China is embedded in local relationships of belonging, participation and entitlement anchored in institutions that organize people in workplaces, urban neighborhoods and rural villages. Based on 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork in four communities in Tianjin, China, the study examines how two such institutions, the villager and residents committees, act as a nexus for participation and formal rights, while also providing social welfare to the needy. The practices of these institutions bind citizens to the state through a face-to-face politics that acts both as a mechanism of control and a channel for claims-making and pressure from below, a mode of rule I call "socialized governance." Both enabling and constraining, this exists in tension with bureaucratic-rational forms of governance, such as the current Chinese leadership's objective of "ruling in accordance with law." While the frameworks for citizenship are set at the national level, its local, cellular character means great variation among places in both form and practice. My model of local citizenship helps explain patterns of economic and social inequality and of contentious politics in contemporary China. While the unsettling of the congruence between the national and citizenship has been widely noted, this study points to
Monique Abud

Guangdong: collective land ownership and the making of a new middle class - 0 views

    May 18th, 2012 Authors: Jonathan Unger, ANU, and Him Chung, HKBU Across China, ongoing industrialisation and urbanisation has led to many local villagers being pushed off their land, sometimes with inadequate compensation. But in some parts of the country - and especially in the southern province of Guangdong - rural communities retain collective ownership of much of their land when it is converted into urban neighbourhoods or industrial zones. In these areas, Mao-era rural collectives have not disappeared. Instead, they have been able to convert themselves into property companies that sometimes generate very sizeable incomes from industrial zones and urban property. Every native villager owns a share in the property company, which is really the old rural collective with a new title [...]
Monique Abud

Shequ construction:policy implementation, community building, and urban governance in C... - 0 views

    LESLIE L. SHIEH Ph.D. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Vancouver) March 2011 China's nationwide Shequ (Community) Construction project aims to strengthen neighbourhoodbased governance, particularly as cities wrestle with pressing social issues accompanying the country's economic reforms. This policy has produced astounding outcomes, even though it is implemented through experimentation programs and the interbureaucratic document system rather than through legislation. It has professionalized the socialist residents' committees and strengthened their capacity to carry out administrative functions and deliver social care. Thousands of service centres have been built, offering a range of cultural and social services to local residents. This research addresses how the centrally promulgated policy is being implemented locally and what its impacts are in various neighbourhoods. The lens of community building is used to explore how the grass roots organize themselves and how they are defined and governed by the state. The research thus seeks to analyze the impact of Shequ Construction, not through measuring outcomes against the intentions set out in policy documents, but through considering the wider, sometimes unforeseen, implications for other processes going on in the city. Based on fieldwork in Nanjing, the chapters explore the meaning Shequ Construction has in four areas of urban governance: 1) fiscal reform and decentralization of public services, 2) suburban village redevelopment, 3) community-based social service provisioning through the emergent nonprofit sector, and 4) role of homeowners' association under housing privatization and neighbourhood inequality. By examining the interaction of Shequ Construction with a diverse set of policies, this research demonstrates how policy becomes interpreted during the course of implementation by local agencies as they contend with realities on the ground; and conversely how the Shequ pol
Jacqueline Nivard

Urbanization of the People Must Follow That of the Land - 0 views

    Without plans to turn rural workers into urban citizens, urbanization can only become yet another round of massive land grabbing and city-building that has happened around the country for the last decade. This will create more people without roots who can neither integrate with their new urban environment nor return to their village. The next phase will no longer be only urbanization of the land, but of people.
Jacqueline Nivard

China's Electronic Waste Village- Photo Essays -TIME - 0 views

    Guiyu, China breaks down much of the world's discarded electronics, slowly poisoning itself in the process. Photographs by Chien-min Chung / Reportage by Getty.
Monique Abud

Heritage-led eco-regeneration: the case of Zhejiang water towns protection, restoration... - 0 views

    Luciano Cessari, Elena Gigliarelli In: Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7616, 2012, pp 369-377 Abstract Climate change have impacts on many sectors: land use, housing, transportation, public health, water supply and sanitation, solid waste, food security, and energy. This article presents the results of the project SECHURBA, financed by European funds, whose purpose was to examine the potential of environmental protection and sustainability in historic cities, documenting barriers and prospects of various historical communities with diversity in Europe. Critical objectives which were achieved, such as 'Historic Community Climate Change Strategies', assessment tools, route maps to intervene in areas such culturally sensitive, are under implementation in historic urban areas in Popular Republic of China. Through the application to some typical towns and villages in the Chinese province of Zeijang the outcomes of SECHURBA will developed to outline a set of actions and tools that will call 'Historic Cities Regeneration by Climate Change Strategies'. Online at:
Jacqueline Nivard

Protecting China's natural habitat feels like a game - 0 views

    In a new short documentary, 'Hopeful', Jonah Kessel shows the work of environmental NGO Friends of Nature in using new laws to hold companies accountable for their pollution. The film focuses on a Yunnan "cancer village" and Friends of Nature activist Chang Cheng, who says: "Sometimes trying to protect China's natural habitat feels like playing a game, because we have an opponent. Every time we advance, so do they. Sometimes it feels as though we cannot move at all. But there are still those of us who remain hopeful."
Jacqueline Nivard

China at the crossroads: are the reformers winning the argument? - 1 views

    Programmes Wider Europe Image China Image Middle East and North Africa Other projects Scorecard 2012 Reinvention of Europe Security & Defence Germany in Europe Human rights Events Poland towards France and Germany: the new opening? - 27 Jun 12 We were pleased to see you at the debate Poland towards France and Germany: the new opening? with participation of Georges Mink and Janusz Reiter. We discussed Poland's position relative to the current Franco-German dynamics. It was, and still is, of particular importance due to the growing risk of a two-speed Europe, in which Poland would definitely have to take a back seat. Go to Events page China at the crossroads: are the reformers winning the argument? China has reached a crossroads. After years of political stability and enviable economic growth, the regime has been facing a stark choice about how the country should move forward. But two crucial recent political events have turned Chinese politics on its head, and are forcing it to decide whether to regress or reform. Over the last year villagers in Wukan, in Guangdong province, rose up and ousted their corrupt local leaders after months of protest. Meanwhile, Bo Xilai, the Communist Party secretary in Chongqing, who used Maoist rhetoric and violence to push his vision of economic development, was ousted from his post in March. In a new ECFR essay, 'China at the crossroads', François Godement argues that these two events signal that the Chinese government may be choosing the path of legal and political reform, promoting sustainable growth to reduce macroeconomic imbalances and overreliance on the dollar. François argues that: With seven of the nine Politburo Standing Committee members due to be replaced this year, there has been a battle for influence with reformers warning that China is facing a 'success trap' of an economic and political model unsuited to the current stage of development, and capture by vested interests.
Jacqueline Nivard

Learning to Live with Pollution: The Making of Environmental Subjects in a Chinese Indu... - 0 views

    Anna Lora-Wainwright, Yiyun Zhang, Yunmei Wu, and Benjamin Van Rooij DOI: 10.1086/666582 The China Journal July 2012, No. 68: 106-124. Available on JSTOR
Monique Abud

Rural residential properties in China: Land use patterns, efficiency and prospects for ... - 0 views

    Thématique n° 2 [ScienceDirect, via Biblio-SHS] Auteur : Hui Wang, Lanlan Wang, Fubing Su, Ran Tao Paru dans : Habitat International, Volume 36, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 201-209 Abstract Rural residential land represents one of the most important land use types in China. However, the literature so far has paid insufficient attention to the patterns and efficiencies of this type of land use. To fill in this gap, this paper uses a national survey to analyze the institutional setups for rural residential land use, to assess the effectiveness of existing regulations, and to evaluate the efficiencies in rural residential land use. Farmers' subjective receptiveness toward rural residential property regulation reform is also investigated. We find that rural residential properties are inefficiently utilized under the existing land use regulations, that those who are younger and who had previous migration experiences are more likely to support the free trading of rural residential properties while the village cadres are more likely to oppose it. A coordinated policy reform package that includes free trading of rural residential properties and Household Registration System to facilitate permanent migration out of the countryside is proposed to address the existing efficiencies in China's rural residential land use. Highlights ► Rural residential land is an important land use type in China. ► Under existing regulations rural residential land is inefficiently used. ► A coordinated land-Hukou reform package is needed to address the inefficiency.
Jacqueline Nivard

Survey and analysis on implementation situation of new cooperative medical sc... - 0 views

    Objective To understand the implementation situation of new cooperative medical scheme(NCMS) in Chongqing and to evaluate its difficulties and problems existed during the practical process.Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out in a suburb town of Chongqing city.The participants were performed the investigation by questionnaire,including living conditions,health status,participation in NCMS,level of perceiving and satisfaction to NCMS.Results 96.6% of participants joined in NCMS,59.5% knew NCMS,44.6% knew the propaganda about NCMS,66.2% were dissatisfied with the compensation for medical care,61.4% thought the procedure was convenient and in time,59.1% were pleased with the quality of medical service and attitudes of township health centers,and the utilization of NCMS was low.Conclusion The participation rate in NCMS has risen greatly,but there are also deficiencies in propaganda and perceiving NCMS.This research proposes some suggestions about NCMS for healthy and sustainable development.
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