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Home/ UWW310Spring2012JournalismCommunication/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tamara Sturm

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tamara Sturm

Tamara Sturm

Study Photojournalism Techniques - Feature Story - JPG - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - No Cached
    Today, both fashion and glamour photographers are employing more photojournalistic styles, producing images that stand strong and often make statements. Ive been fortunate enough to have almost thirty years of photojournalism experience that often kicks in when Im photographing glamour models.
Tamara Sturm


    Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles. Each journalistic form and style uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. There are five principal types of journalism: investigative, news, reviews, columns and feature writing.
Tamara Sturm

40 Awesome Android Apps for Writers | Journalism Journeyman - 0 views

    So you purchased an Android rather than an iPhone. Be proud of your purchase, because Android apps for writers and journalists are numerous and growing. The following list of 40 awesome Android apps for writers contains writing and reference tools, inspiration and event five great poetry apps for those folks who celebrate April with their words.
Tamara Sturm

Society of Professional Journalists: Tools for Freelance Journalists - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
    The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation's most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.
Tamara Sturm

Media College - Video, Audio and Multimedia Resources - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
    This website is more for the media/communications person. I found it to be interesting and could be very helpful in many areas. Enjoy! is a free educational website for all forms of electronic media. We have hundreds of exclusive tutorials covering video & television production, audio work, photography, graphics, web design and more. You'll also find utilities, reference material (e.g. user manuals), industry news and a helpful forum.
Tamara Sturm

Sean McManus - freelance journalist, business and technology writer, photographer - 1 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
    This is the personal website of Sean McManus, a business and computer book author based in the UK. I am the author or co-author of these books: Find out more about my computer and business books, and download free chapters. To buy my books, visit the shop. I posted this website because it looked interesting to me because it offered tips on how to write different types of books and offered different resources.
Tamara Sturm

Plain Language: Improving Communications from the Federal Government to the Public - 0 views

    This site looked interesting to me and has some tips on how to write more clearly. It is to help the government write clearly enough for the average Joe to understand.
Tamara Sturm

Blogger: Create your free Blog - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 24 Mar 12 - Cached
    A lot of people love to blog. This site is a common site to get started.
Tamara Sturm

Research, Writing, and Style Guides (MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, CGOS, CBE) - 0 views

    1. Citing Sources - General 2.Citing Electronic Sources 3.APA Style (American Psychological Association) 4.Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian Style 5.CGOS Style - Columbia Guide to Online Style 6.CBE Style -Council of Biology Editors 7.Harvard Style 8.MLA Style (Modern Language Association) 9.Resume Writing and Cover Letters 10.
Tamara Sturm

The Online Community for Writers - Writing.Com - 0 views

    Writing.Com is the online community for writers of all interests. Established in 2000, our community breeds Writing, Writers and Poetry through Creative Writing Help, Online Creative Writing Portfolios, Poetry, Writers' Tools and more.
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