critical thinking is not a skill that can be improved through practice—like a golf swing—nor is it a “general” capability. Instead, it is an abstract description of what humans can do as a result amassing a wealth of underpinning knowledge and skills relevant to the particular context in which thinking is to be deployed
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in title, tags, annotations or urlApple iPad art: portraits created by David Kassan using the Brushes app on the touchscreen device - Telegraph - 1 views
How will iPad picture books affect young reader's literacy? | The Digital Media Diet - 0 views
This post is part of a community effort to discuss literacy issues this week through "Share a Story - Shape a Future" . It's sponsored by a group of "blogging librarians, teachers, parents, illustrators, authors, and literacy passionistas," and represents "a collaborative venue to share ideas and celebrate everything reading has to offer our kids." - 0 views
young children are capable of thinking critically about subjects they know a great deal about, whereas trained scientists can fail to think critically in areas where they are less knowledgeable
not all knowledge is created equal. We need to differentiate between knowledge and information. Much of the information stored on the Internet is pictures of kittens or videos of people singing sea shanties. This can keep increasing exponentially without any need for school children to become acquainted with it
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