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Jeffrey Plaman

Find facts and do research inside Google Documents - 0 views

    The research pane taps into Google Search directly from Google documents, so whether you want to add a cool destination to your itinerary for an upcoming trip to India or you're looking for the perfect presidential quote for a political science paper, you don't even have to open a new tab.
Katie Day

2012 American School of Bombay | Scott McLeod (@mcleod) - 1 views

    "What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social MediaThis page contains resources from the ASB Unplugged 2012 Leadership Institute in Mumbai, India. These materials are made available under a Creative Commons 3.0 attribution-share alike license, which means that you are both allowed and encouraged to use them! Please contact Drs. Scott McLeod or Jayson Richardson if you have any other questions about these resources."
Little Planet Preschool

Nursery Admission Age Criteria 2014 - 0 views

    Get the Nursery School Admission Age Criteria and Eligibility information and detail. Supreme Court of India has given directives on the nursery admission eligibility.
Katie Day

MAP (jpg) : The true size of Africa - 1 views

    "It's about 11.7 million square miles, which is really big-big enough to fit the United States, China, India, Japan, and much of Europe within its borders. And that's precisely what Kai Krause did with this inventive map, "The True Size of Africa," which he describes as his contribution to "the fight against rampant Immappacy.""
Miles Beasley

BBC News - Badar Azim: Does the Queen's ex-footman live in a slum? - 0 views

    An interesting story about our definition of a slum.
Katie Day / Global Economy - World's hungry 'close to one billion' - 0 views

  • The Rome-based organisation said that a preliminary estimate showed the number of undernourished people rose this year by 40m to about 963m people, after rising 75m in 2007. Before the food crisis, there were about 848m chronically hungry people in 2003-05.
  • Prices of agricultural commodities such as wheat, corn and rice jumped to record levels earlier this year, triggering food riots in countries ranging from Haiti to Egypt to Bangladesh and prompting appeals for food aid for more than 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.Although food commodity prices have fallen about 50 per cent from this summer’s all-time highs, they remain well above pre-crisis levels. The cost of rice, for example, has halved since July, but it still trades at prices that are 95 per cent above 2005 levels.
  • The vast majority of the world’s undernourished people – more than 90m – live in developing countries, according to FAO estimates. Of these, 65 per cent live in only seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia. In sub-Saharan Africa, one in three people – or almost 240m – are chronically hungry, the highest proportion of undernourished people in the total population.
    The food crisis has pushed the number of hungry people in the world to almost 1bn, in what the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation described on Tuesday as a "serious setback" to global efforts to reduce mass starvation.
Katie Day

Oxfam Education: Resources index | Your World, My World - 0 views

  • Children love learning from other children!  This resource helps pupils to explore their own lives – and the world around them – by looking at the lives of four children from around the world.  The stories of children from Ethiopia, Brazil, Russia, and India, allow discussion of themes such as ‘myself’, ‘helping out’, and ‘caring and sharing’.  The materials link with the Citizenship and PSHE/PSD/PSE frameworks for students aged 4–7.
    For younger kids - explores the lives of four kids around the world...
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