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Nikki Lyons

3 App Smash Video Projects to Challenge Your Students | Edudemic - 0 views

    These are some different ways for teachers to challenge students to create videos using stop-motion and time lapse technology.
Lois Lindell

New School Technology - The Ugly Truth of Technology Integration - 0 views

    Reflections on the joys and challenges of using technology in the classroom.  
Janice Miller

Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior - 0 views

    Resource for challenging children in your classroom.
Damian See

Five Research-Driven Education Trends At Work in Classrooms | MindShift - 0 views

  • QUESTIONING HOMEWORK The growing movement against homework in the U.S. challenges the notion that the amount of homework a student is asked to do at home is an indication of rigor, and homework opponents argue that the increasing amount of “busy work” is unnecessarily taking up students’ out-of-school-time. They argue that downtime, free play, and family time are just as important to a child’s social and emotional development as what happens in school. Some research has shown that too much homework has “little to no impact” on student test scores. Other research on how brains work challenges the common method of asking students to practice one discreet skill at home. Overall, there’s a push to reevaluate the kinds of work students are being asked to do at home and to ask whether it adds value to their learning. If the work is repetitive or tangential, it may add no real value, and teachers across the country are starting to institute no-homework policies. Even principals are starting to revolt and schools are instituting “no homework” nights or substituting “goals” for homework.
    A good article for ideas to use in the classroom.
Kim McCoy-Parker

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Could PBL be the Solution to Education Reform? - 0 views

  • the solution to the education reform that teachers are looking for, could quite possibly be ... Project-Based Learning.
  •  If students are engaged in PBL, they can begin creating an ePortfolio in order to demonstrate their learning and understanding of standards, rather than testing for them.
  • When teachers integrate Project-Based Teaching, they are providing the opportunity for differentiated learning, rather than differentiated instruction.  "Differentiated learning shifts the responsibility for the learning to the learner (where it belongs)"
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • With PBL, students are empowered to work at their own pace and ability level which provides them with the opportunity to challenge themselves.
  • Students can create a project using any of the Eight Multiple Intelligences.  Below are some suggestions for projects. "Students could meet standards at their own pace, in their own way and learning could be differentiated and aligned to each child’s talents, passions, interests, and abilities"
  • Having students create and share these projects will allow for the deepest understanding of the content.
  • Students will no longer have to "memorize" or try to "remember" the information ... because they will have learned it.  
  • teacher is letting go of control by allowing the students to take ownership of their learning.
Hannah Van Sickle

The Digital Learning Challenge: Obstacles to Educational Uses of Content in the Digital... - 0 views

    How to apply copyright basics in education.
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