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Home/ Groups/ EDUC 439/639 Social Networking - Fall 2012
William Boyer

Is Algebra Necessary? - - 2 views

    It doesn't feel right to me, but we do have a MATH course at UD, that satisfies the University minimum math requirement, and includes no algebra. The course was designed specifically for those students who would likely not be able to graduate if they had to take algebra.
kaitlin craig

Study: What makes Twitter users trustworthy? - 2 views

    I guess I meet one of requirements to be an authenticTwitter...I released my picture on the web. This is a major footprint for me. -:)
Pat Sine

danah boyd | apophenia » "Socially Mediated Publicness": an open-access issue... - 2 views

    "I love being a scholar, but one thing that really depresses me about research is that so much of what scholars produce is rendered inaccessible to so many people who might find it valuable, inspiring, or thought-provoking. This is at the root of what drives my commitment to open-access. When Zizi Papacharissi asked Nancy Baym and I if we'd be willing to guest edit the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (JOBEM), we agreed under one condition: the issue had to be open-access (OA). Much to our surprise and delight, Taylor and Francis agreed to "test" that strange and peculiar OA phenomenon by allowing us to make this issue OA. Nancy and I decided to organize the special issue around "socially mediated publicness," both because we find that topic to be of great interest and because we felt like there was something fun about talking about publicness in truly public form. We weren't sure what the response to our call would be, but were overwhelmed with phenomenal submissions and had to reject many interesting articles. "
Mathieu Plourde

Connected Teaching and Learning - Using online delivery and social media for more engag... - 1 views

    "Integrating a complex set of technological tools in delivering a class results in "digital pain" as the professor talks, brings up video, monitors live chat, and performs a number of other tasks simultaneously, often without support. Responding to technical problems experienced by individual students is not possible in real time during the classes. Dr. Matrix does provide extensive one-on-one technical support before and after classes."
Mathieu Plourde

ZoomIt - 1 views

    ZoomIt is a screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations that include application demonstrations. ZoomIt runs unobtrusively in the tray and activates with customizable hotkeys to zoom in on an area of the screen, move around while zoomed, and draw on the zoomed image. I wrote ZoomIt to fit my specific needs and use it in all my presentations. ZoomIt works on all versions of Windows and you can use pen input for ZoomIt drawing on tablet PCs.
Mathieu Plourde

UD prof engages students with Facebook Groups and Google Sites - 1 views

    Phillip Penix-Tadsen, assistant professor of foreign languages and literatures at the University of Delaware, is reaching his students at new levels inside and outside the classroom. The spring 2012 semester was the first time Penix-Tadsen required the use of Facebook Groups by all his students to increase engagement and participation.
Mathieu Plourde

Using Social Media for Research - 1 views

    Social Media today is impacting every aspect of our lives whether it is our social, working, education or family life. However, what about using social media for collaborating on research projects and communicating scientific knowledge? This talk will explore how social media can be and is used to play a critical role in the full academic research cycle. We will look at how we can use a variety of social media tools to collaborate on identifying, creating, quality assuring and disseminating scientific knowledge
Mathieu Plourde

A Robot in Every Korean Kindergarten by 2013? - 1 views

    "If you want humans to fear and respect their robot overlords you have to start early. Elementary school children in Korea in the cities of Masan and Daegu are among the first to be exposed to robotic teachers. "
Mathieu Plourde

Wired 12.10: The Long Tail - 1 views

    "Forget squeezing millions from a few megahits at the top of the charts. The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream."
Mathieu Plourde

Skitch - screen grabs for nearly everyone - 1 views

    "Skitch lets you save what you capture to your desktop, of course, but the program also connects with Evernote, WordPress, and Flickr. If you have an Evernote account, you can save images online and share them in FaceBook, Twitter, or anywhere else you like. One of the best features, though, is annotation. You can add text, arrows, et cetera - and even edit them later on."
Mathieu Plourde

Design Thinking for Educators - 1 views

    "The Design Thinking Toolkit for Educators contains the process and methods of design, adapted specifically for the context of education."
Mathieu Plourde

Helping Your Child Handle a Cyberbully - 1 views

    "Cyberbullying occurs when a child, teen, or preteen, uses some form of digital technology to threaten, stalk, harass, humiliate, or target another person in the same age group. In most cases, the bully and victim usually know each other from school or they live in the same neighborhood. "
    iSafe has some great lessons about cyberbullying and is free for all DE public schools.
Mathieu Plourde

How To Make a GIF in Five Easy Steps - 1 views

    "If there's a reason you haven't killed yourself by now, it's probably because you recently saw an animated GIF. But where do they come from? Where do they go? Can you make your own?"
Mathieu Plourde

An Interview: Badges and Learning - 1 views

    Jonathan Finkelstein, director of the BadgeStack Project, was recently featured in a video produced by the NYC Department of Education to help introduce educators to the impact of digital badges in K-12 classroom settings.
Mathieu Plourde

Campus Voices - Lori Pollock, Computer Sciences - 1 views

    For many years, Professor Pollock has actively worked for improving the participation of women and other underrepresented groups in computer science. She has been an active leader at the annual Grace Hopper celebrations of Women in Computing, encouraged her students to have service learning opportunities, and has been active in the development of high school Computer Science curriculum. Her students report that she exhorts them to find ways to use their technical knowledge to make the world a better place.
Mathieu Plourde

Top 10 Social Media Management Applications - 1 views

    "To make social media management and monitoring easier for users, some very innovative desktop applications and mobile apps were developed to help organize multiple platforms and information sharing across selected networks."
Mathieu Plourde

Real-Time News Curation, Newsmastering And Newsradars - The Complete Guide Part 1: Why ... - 1 views

    ""What we need to get much better at is scaling that system so you don't have to pay attention to everything, but you don't miss the stuff you care about...""
Mathieu Plourde

If you didn't blog it, it didn't happen. - 1 views

    As I'm reflecting on the #eci831 experience and actually thinking about something like a grade for my participation, I realize that I may not have been as good a student as I thought. Not that I didn't do a lot of wandering around the interwebs, connecting myself, exploring spaces of education, learning about digital learning theories, examining how others were using these theories, and determining what, of all of this, would be useful to me and to the analogue educators I am closest with. I certainly did that, but I didn't capture all that here. Why is that a problem? Because if you didn't blog it, it didn't happen.
    This must be the educator in you talking. Metacognitively speaking => the ability to discuss what you have learned is one of the great opportunities of the web 2.0. And a great way to reinforce your learning, so this idea of "if you didn't blog it, it didn't happen" is an interesting idea for educators. I have a link to post about this.
Mathieu Plourde

E-Content: Opportunity and Risk - 1 views

    Although institutional leaders are still discussing e-content plans, in reality the debate is over: students are asking for digital now, this semester.
Mathieu Plourde

Charity group project for Intro to Management - an experiment - 1 views

    "The project involves choosing a charity in the UAE, contacting them and working with them to discover their needs - then planning, organizing and leading an event, awareness campaign, fundraiser, etc and then explaining the results and all the feedback loops involved (the control phase). The final report will be a one page summary outlining the highlights of POLC and a five minute video of the POLC process they took."
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