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Paula Shaw

The Extended Argument for Openness in Education: Introduction to Openness in Education - 0 views

  • three principal influences of openness on education: open educational resources, open access, and open teaching.
  • Many struggle to understand why there are those who would take the time and effort to craft educational materials only to give them away without capturing any monetary value from their work.
  • Education Is Sharing Education is, first and foremost, an enterprise of sharing. In fact, sharing is the sole means by which education is effected. If an instructor is not sharing what he or she knows with students, there is no education happening.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Education is a matter of sharing, and the open educational resources approach is designed specifically to enable extremely efficient and affordable sharing.
  • Clearly, the Internet has empowered us to copy and share with an efficiency never before known or imagined. However, long before the Internet was invented, copyright law began regulating the very activities the Internet makes essentially free (copying and distributing). Consequently, the Internet was born at a severe disadvantage, as preexisting laws discouraged people from realizing the full potential of the network.
  • While existing laws, business models, and educational practices make it difficult for instructors and learners to leverage the full power of the Internet to access high-quality, affordable learning materials, open educational resources can be freely copied and shared (and revised and remixed) without breaking the law. Open educational resources allow the full technical power of the Internet to be brought to bear on education. OER allow exactly what the Internet enables: free sharing of educational resources with the world.
  • Under the current copyright laws, instructors are essentially powerless to legally improve the materials they use in their classes. OER provide instructors with free and legal permissions to engage in continuous quality-improvement processes such as incremental adaptation and revision, empowering instructors to take ownership and control over their courses and textbooks in a manner not previously possible.
  • when the National Science Foundation gives a grant to a university to produce a pre-engineering curriculum, you and I have already paid for it. However, it is almost always the case that these products are commercialized in such a way that access is restricted to those who are willing to pay for them a second time. Why should we be required to pay a second time for the thing we've already paid for?
  • "Open access" refers to research articles that are freely and openly available to the public for reading, reviewing, and building upon.
  • MOOCs are typically based on a "connectivist" philosophy that eschews educator-specified learning goals and supports each person in learning something different. One way of understanding the MOOC design is to say that it applies the "open" ethos to course outcomes. In other words, students are empowered to learn what they need/want to learn, and the journey of learning is often more important than any predefined learning outcomes.
  • Openness is impacting many areas of education—teaching, curriculum, textbooks, research, policy, and others. How will these individual impacts synergize to transform education? Will new and traditional education entities leverage the Internet, the affordances of digital content (almost cost-free storage, replication, and distribution), and open licensing to share their education and research resources? If they do, will more people be able to access an education and, if so, what will that mean for individuals, families, countries, and economies? If scientists and researchers have open access to the world's academic journal articles and data, will diseases be cured more quickly? Will governments require that publicly funded resources be open and free to the public that paid for them? Or will openness go down in the history books as just another fad that couldn't live up to its press? Only time will tell.
Paula Shaw

Creating Accessible Presentations - 1 views

    Making PowerPoint accessible
Paula Shaw

An Open Future for Higher Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 2 views

  • splitting up the functions of content, support, assessment, and accreditation.
    • Paula Shaw
      This is how we have started to understand how UDOL functions as a 'disaggregated model'
  • open approach is likely to encourage the crossing of boundaries between inside and outside the classroom, games and tools for learning, and the amateur and the expert.
    • Paula Shaw
      This is reflective of 'Activity Theory' and social constructivism. However, open approaches haven't yet solved the issue of safety - we have an academic responsibility for the students in our charge which we can't honestly guarantee in open environments.
  • new attitude toward research and scholarship is needed
  • ...56 more annotations...
  • clear across all business sectors is that maintaining a closed approach leads to missing out on ways to connect with people and locks organizations into less innovative approaches.6
  • where explicit permission to freely use and modify code has developed a software industry that rivals commercial approaches, a proposed "open content" license7
    • Paula Shaw
      We know that OER are licensed under Creative Commons but what about MOOCs? There are things in MOOCs that are open like You Tube videos but what about the written content and activities. It is not yet clear how accessible these are for repurposing.
  • Such a model has limitations in how it can scale, given the need for physical buildings and direct contact.
  • core high-quality learning materials linked to cohorts of students working through those materials and receiving feedback from tutors.
  • The development of appropriate pedagogical models depends on understanding how people learn.
  • transmission metaphor
  • resonance with the idea of the lecture
  • learning as identity creation
  • construction of human identity as the key underlying purpose of learning, which has four components: Practice Meaning Community Identity
  • belonging, relating to the social configurations in which we participate in shared enterprise
  • becoming — the process by which we define who we are and how learning changes who we are
  • John Seely Brown
    • Paula Shaw
      Writes and lectures extensively about the shift in education especially online. His wiki is worth a look:
  • learning is less about transmission, or indeed less about knowledge, and rather about how to operate at personal and society levels has resonances in the current striking change in learning environments.
  • user gains the ability to personalize educational resources in the widest sense
    • Paula Shaw
      I am not sure I entirely agree with this. Certainly in closed environments like Blackboard the tutor or more appropriately in UDOL, the author has the ability to select what they think is the most appropriate tool, I would't say that the user (student) has the opportunity to 'personalize educational resources'. In open environments like MOOCs the users do have more choice of communication tools which are still limited by their own abilities, so not in the 'widest sense.' In both open and closed environments  I still think that the ability to personalise 'educational resources in the widest sense' is controlled by the content author.
  • customized learning agenda
    • Paula Shaw
      This isn't about personalizing the content but more about personalizing the way in which they navigate the content
  • a disaggregation of the content, support, assessment, and accreditation functions integrated into most education systems
    • Paula Shaw
      Although we use the term 'dis-aggregated model' in UDOL this is the first time I have seen it in print. Our dis-aggregated model is similar but our 'support' has been separated into tutor support and OLA support, 'assessment' is combined with tutor support except for Study centre+ and accreditation is a university regulations system.
  • As the technology emerges to support this form of learning, it is hard to know how to best apply it or combine it with existing methods and structures.
  • an imperative to experiment with the ways in which it might work.
  • content plays a direct teaching role, explaining tasks and incorporating ways to assess progress.18 This means that the value the OU has placed on its content differs from that of more conventional universities;
  • move toward open educational resources in its OpenLearn initiative risks its existing market while also offering a greater chance of reuse.
  • Enhancing the OU's reputation Extending the university's reach to new users and communities Recruitment of students from those who come to see OpenLearn Supporting widening participation
    • Paula Shaw
      These I see as means of marketing the OU.
  • Providing an experimental base of material for use within the university
    • Paula Shaw
      I don't think we have considered this, We have thought about tasters but it is assumed that the taster content will be in its final state. Testing out small sections of a module, perhaps 1 or 2 units to gather information about interest and/or relevance would be useful.
  • Accelerating uptake and use of new technologies
    • Paula Shaw
      We haven't really thought about testing our just 1 or 2 technologies here either, or even a new simulation tool.
  • Acting as a catalyst for less formal collaborations and partnerships
    • Paula Shaw
      I m assuming here they mean research collaborations? but partnerships - Karl?
  • analysis of user behavior, then questionnaires targeting those who used the site more heavily, supported by follow-up interviews and monitoring of activities taking place with the open content. The results from one of these studies (n = 2,011) highlighted two distinct clusters of learners: "volunteer" students and "social" learners.21
  • The volunteer students sought the content they wanted to learn from, and they expected to work through it. These learners were most interested in more content, tools for self-assessment, and ways to reflect on their individual learning. Because OpenLearn provides a learning environment (see Figure 1) with many of these tools, some learners showed these traits in practice, even completing essays and indicating that they met word length conditions, either in the public forums or in the more private learning journals. The social learners were less motivated to work through the content. Rather, they seem to see learning as a way to meet people with shared interests. This cluster of learners ranked communication tools more highly and were more interested in advanced features on the website.
  • content-driven learners were more numerous in the survey data than social learners, it nevertheless seems that offering open content supports both models for learning, with users interpreting the site as designed to meet their needs.
  • Casual users may find their answers quickly rather than through engaging with the material in detail, though it is notable that around 10 percent choose to view the content in its complete "print version."
  • open approach allows universities to support learners at an additional marginal cost over providing access to students registered at each institution, although those costs are not insignificant. The total investment for initiating the OpenLearn service exceeded $11 million, of which nearly $9 million came from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which is clearly not repeatable across all institutions. Initiative-based funding completed in May 2008; since then the continuation of OpenLearn has depended on mainstreaming the approach22 so that production of open content happens alongside other production of content. Recent figures from MIT also reflect reduced reliance on outside funding as the institutional priority was recognized.23 On the other hand, it is worrying that Utah State University chose to cancel its open courseware program in reducing its costs to meet the financial downturn in 2009.24
  • The view of individuals learning in their own time and at their own pace continues to have a clear role and fits with other aspects of "learning to be," in which mastery of an area needs to combine access to individual knowledge sources with interaction and practice in the field.
  • parallel by empowering the learner to either engage quietly with content or to gather around the content as an attractor that brings together a sufficient mass of learners for social support and exchange to occur, related to but not dependent on the specific content.
  • Technology, and mobile technology in particular, offers interesting ways of supporting the transitions made by learners across settings, for example between classrooms and after-school clubs, or between in-school working and working in the field.
  • focus less on the age-related generational aspect while finding real evidence of "net behaviors" occurring in all student groups, changing the way some people relate to their educational experience
  • Our studies indicate that the merging of these two worlds can bring benefits in connectedness, willingness to learn, and engagement.
  • One difficulty has been the disjunction between the play experience and the need for demonstrable learning feedback.
  • European project called eXcellence in Decision-making through Enhanced Learning in Immersive Applications (xDelia) aims to use wearable sensors (see Figure 3) and serious games to identify and address the effects of emotional regulation in financial decision making in three fields: professional trading, private investment, and personal finance.
  • mixes games technology and feedback but also careful evaluation to address the learning concerns and fit the needs of industry. Again, this challenges conventional routes to education, as it is unclear that accreditation and assessment are the drivers; instead, motivation comes from more authentic experiences and links to others facing the same problems.
    • Paula Shaw
      I would tend to agree, I haven't yet seen an example of gaming that really meets the need of assessment and from this point of view it is hard to justify the ROI.
  • This approach is exemplified in citizen science, where members of the public contribute to scientific projects without needing significant specialist training or expertise
  • Evidence-Based Inquiry Learning across Formal and Informal Settings (PI),
  • Research on "serious games"31
  • peer participant in authentic activities
  • The iSpot Nature Observation Site
    • Paula Shaw
      Have the environment health team just invented a similar app?
  • CMU found that adding metrics to the content itself increased its efficacy for learners by giving them feedback; it also enabled researchers to understand how the online content was being used.34 A mix of methods were applied in OpenLearn to build a picture of activity, combining conventional questionnaires and interviews with monitoring of blogs and analytics.
  • we are carrying out targeted research projects, building capacity through fellowships, and identifying and sharing results.
    • Paula Shaw
      Something we don't yet have the capacity or expertise for? I think when we come to discussing research there will be tension between subject related research on research about online learning
  • Results from research into the open world are of necessity often tentative and based on partial data, which conflicts with some of the norms of academic research — it seems that some Web2.0 principles allowing rapid software development also tolerate the idea of a "permanent beta."35 The slow rate of publication and the demands of review are at odds with busy practitioners' desire to contribute their observations and opinions for rapid reflection.
  • OLnet adopts a model of collective intelligence supported by appropriate tools36 where ideas can be challenged or agreed with rather than proved and assessed.
  • Open research also raises ethical and practical issues. One of OLnet's research subprojects investigates how participatory learning takes place across socially driven sites
  • . The ethical and pragmatic view is that such research activity is appropriate because no harm can be foreseen; realistically, it is not possible to obtain the informed consent we seek in other cases when we gather user data. The next stage in open research is to make the data as well as the conclusions public, and we are taking steps to build this practice into OLnet by providing less formal reports38 as we progress and organizing data in tools for others to access. These methods are still in development, but represent part of the movement toward a new understanding of the role of research and scholarship when information sharing and connections can be made very rapidly.
  • we are exploring the links between these practices to provide a model of digital scholarship.
  • drawing attention to the power openness might have as an agent for change.
  • However, the move to being more open also raises challenges across each of the core functions of a university: business, teaching, and research.
  • Even more significant changes are happening in the world of information, however. Internet systems are causing us to question the value of personal knowledge and to establish new measures of shared and self-published information that has not been judged by conventional academic systems.
  • There is no easy answer as to how to operate in this new world, though it seems unlikely that a face-to-face fixed location model can respond as effectively as other models.
  • in producing educational material, it is important to look beyond the immediate audience to target a potentially wider group of learners.
  • ; the main opportunity may lie not in being a producer of content but rather in being an effective user and supporter of learners using such content
  • , then skills in bringing together good patterns or designs for learning44 and connecting them with assessment and accreditation will be extremely valuable
Paula Shaw

Flash - RNIB - 1 views

    Making flash accessible
Paula Shaw

UDOL accessibility toolkit - 2 views

    A quick link to a range of resources for accessibility
Paula Shaw

Staff Packs - 0 views

    Staff packs to help when designing workshops to inform staff how to develop accessible materials
Paula Shaw

My eBooks ~ Stephen's Web - 1 views

    Stephen Downes ebooks generally about open access
Paula Shaw

Open education: 2.5 Exploring OER - OpenLearn - Open University - 0 views

    List of OER repositories and a comparison study of the accessibility of OER repositories
Paula Shaw

Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide | Downes | The Internation... - 0 views

  • the world does not need thousands of similar descriptions of sine wave functions available online. Rather, what the world needs is one, or maybe a dozen at most, descriptions of sine wave functions available online
  • Even if only one such piece of educational content were created, it could be accessed by each of the thousands of educational institutions teaching the same material. Moreover, educational content is not inexpensive to produce. Even a plain webpage, authored by a mathematics professor, can cost hundreds of dollars. Include graphics and a little animation and the price is double. Add an interactive exercise and the price is quadrupled.
  • Educators attempting to use Merlot’s resources, though, will still experience frustration. While the topic hierarchy is more detailed than SchoolNet’s, and although much more focused resources are listed, educators must still spend quite a bit of time browsing for materials. Moreover, there appears to be no resource metadata and the search mechanism provided on the Merlot site is no better than standard web search engines.
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • There is much to be done to make these resources widely useful. Much better systems of categorization and searching, and more robust mechanisms for updating and submissions are required. Learning resources need to be tied more closely to learning objectives, but in such a way as not to be tied to a specific curriculum.
  • It is nearly impossible to identify consistency in format, scope, methodology, educational level or presentations. Some resources include lesson plans, but many others do not. Some are authored in Java, others in HTML, and others in a hybrid mixture known only to the author. Some involve ten minutes of student time, others would occupy an entire day. And there is no structured means for an instructor to know which is which.
  • To cite a typical example, Bates (2000) estimates that a course consumes 30 days of a subject expert’s time, plus an additional seven days for an Internet specialist, plus additional expenses for copyright review, academic approval, and administration. A budget for course development, adapted from Bates’ Distance Education and Technology (DET) unit (p. 138), is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Sample Course Development Budget Bates’ estimate is conservative. He assumes an experienced course author and HTML specialist. He does not include any instructional design costs. Course design is straightforward and does not involve the development of any interactive media or course-specific Java programming. All of these would add significantly to the CDN $24,000 total cost.
  • Almost all online course developers use the design model Bates describes. It involves a course being developed from scratch, using nothing more than a traditional university course or a good textbook as a guide. The course author typically authors all the content, including examples and demonstrations, quizzes, and tests. Because of the cost of development, there is little use of course specific software or multimedia. The course is then offered to a small number of students over a limited time, resulting in course fees that are comparable, if not greater than, traditional university course fees.
  • We can do so much better than this. We need to design online courses – even university courses – in such a way as to reduce these costs without diminishing the value of a university education. We need to do this by extracting what these courses have in common and by making these common elements available online.
  • From a certain perspective, an online course is nothing more than just another application, and software engineers have long since learned that it is inefficient to design applications from scratch. Educators need to apply design techniques learned long ago by the software industry, and in particular, they need to learn a concept called Rapid Application Design (RAD).
  • The application of RAD for software development allows a designer to select and apply a set of pre-defined sub-routines from a menu or selection within a programming environment. A good example of this sort of environment is Microsoft’s Visual Basic ( ) a programming environment that lets an engineer design a page or flow of logic by dragging program elements from a toolbox.
  • Online course developers, pressed for time and unable to sustain $24,000 development costs, will begin to employ similar methodologies. An online course, viewed as a piece of software, may be seen as a collection of reusable subroutines and applications. An online course, viewed as a collection of learning objectives, may be seen as a collection of reusable learning materials.
  • The idea behind object-oriented design is that prototypical entities, once defined, are then cloned and used by a piece of software as needed. Suppose, for example, as a programmer you needed to store information about 'students.' You would first design a prototypical student and define for it properties common to all students.
  • While most guides and references currently discuss online course authoring, the proper reference point is the authoring of learning objects, where a learning object is an element of a course as described above. As we have seen, a learning object may be one of any number of items: a map, a webpage, an interactive application, an online video – any element that might be contained inside a course. There are two major facets to authoring learning objects. The first is the content of the learning object itself; the second is the metadata describing the learning object. We might think of authoring learning objects as akin to authoring pieces of a puzzle, in which case the content is the image or picture on the surface of the piece, while the metadata is the shape of the piece itself, which allows it to fit snugly with the other pieces.
  • While there will be, no doubt, much debate regarding the instructional design of learning objects, in practice designers have opted for a performance-based or competency-based theory of design.
  • he process follows three steps: Identify the job task Identify the skills and knowledge necessary to complete the task Develop training in modular chunks that are organized to support the task Learning, with this model, is outcome-based rather than content-based. It focuses on what people want (or need) to do, rather than on what there is to know.
  • Most educational institutions would find a definition of learning objects based on specific tasks to be somewhat limiting. However much work has been done regarding the definition of learning outcomes in general, and a wider definition of learning objects would be tied to these outcomes. Specifically, the content of a learning object would be derived from a discussion of a course’s (or a lesson’s) learning objectives, where the achievement of these outcomes can be measured in terms of students’ performance. In sum, the overall content of a learning object would be similar in scope and nature to the content of a typical lesson. Many lesson-planning aids exist;
  • A learning object authoring environment would employ a very similar interface, while clicking on the component area would enable an editing screen for that component. Thus, for example, if the author clicked on 'Learning Objectives,' she would be greeted with a list of learning objects appropriate for that course, from which she would select one or more. Or if she clicked on 'Tools and Resources' a list of suitable online resources would be displayed.
  • For any object, text-based or multimedia, an associated set of metadata needs to be created. The type of object determines the content of the metadata.
  • More complex metadata editors will include mechanisms for parsing and displaying existing metadata documents. They will also include forms for a wide variety of resources; the list of fields in these forms are defined by schemas, as discussed above. Sophisticated metadata editors will not define the fields for different types of forms internally. Rather, they will access schemas from various sources around the Internet. A list of available schemas for online learning is provided on the IMS website
  • Each of these objects is created and stored in a database. The contents of this database are available to course authors. Some databases may be available over the Internet, while other databases will be available only internally. In order to create a more complex entity, like a lesson, a number of these entities are collected together in what is called a package
  • How would this work? At this point, much of what follows is speculation, since the required systems have yet to be constructed. Using an authoring tool, an author will select (from a drop-down list) a packaged-sized entity, for example, 'Lesson.' The authoring tool will retrieve the schema for 'Lessons' either from a local database or – better – from a central schema resource online. The schema defines the fields that must be filled out (filling some automatically, especially if the lesson is part of a large project). Additionally, since the object in question is a package, the program knows that it will be composed of other objects: an interactive display, for example, a movie, or some other resource. These options are presented to the author: the author selects 'insert' and then selects the type of object to be inserted.
  • At this point, in traditional course authoring, the author would start to write content for the new component. And this will still be an option – if the author selects 'new' the appropriate authoring tool will be opened and the author can create a new resource, as described above.
  • If the author is authoring a lesson, the course authoring system already has some significant information. It knows, for example, what the topic of the course is, what the grade level is, what the geographic region is, and more. These would all have been defined when the course was created, and these values are inherited by any object that forms a part of the course.
  • If, then, the author wishes to add a resource, the authoring system has the information it needs to conduct a highly selective search of resources. The system may search a local database, but more likely, it will search an online learning objects repository. Such a repository won’t actually contain these resources – they will be distributed on websites around the world – but it will contain information about those resources. Specifically, it will contain those objects’ metadata.
  • The author can instruct the authoring tool to accept only resources approved by a certain standards body or meeting a certain learning objective, or falling within a certain price range. The author at this point may preview the material, or she may decide to insert it into the course. At this point, the metadata – not the object itself – is inserted into the course package. The author moves on to the next item in the lesson, and in a very short time – hours, not days – completes the lesson, and eventually, the course.
  • Yet what about traditional university education, where professors see their courses as unique creations which re-make the field of enquiry each time they are taught?6
  • This approach is the core of traditional liberal arts education. It is this very aspect of online learning which pits computer-assisted learning, such as is envisioned in a learning object economy, against traditional face-to-face professorial learning. Let me grant that this sort of reexamination of the material is necessary and desirable. But let me question whether this process at the same time serves as an effective teaching methodology.
  • To put the question in as sharp a light as possible: do first-year engineering students need a brand-new Shakespeare course, or will the interpretation developed last year (or two years ago, or in Saskatchewan) do the job? And moreover: is it fair to require that students, whose primary goal is at best a surface understanding of “Hamlet” to pay for the development of a brand-new interpretation, when last year’s, or Saskatchewan’s, would have done just fine? I agree that hand-rolled bread, carefully prepared by a master chef, is superior in quality to a standard loaf purchased at a supermarket. But to a person who is merely hungry – rather than a connoisseur – the obligation to purchase only hand-rolled bread is more than just an imposition, it amounts to a denial of basic sustenance for many. The question is: could we teach first-year English using 'Hamlet' modules? Could we reduce the cost of such learning by an order of magnitude? Are the endless creations of professors necessary for the eventual goal of cultural literacy? Is it reasonable to deny such an education to many (especially in less developed nations) in order to generate each course anew each year in each university classroom?
  • There is very much a tension, between those who create the knowledge, and who jealously guard their monopoly over its propagation and distribution, and those who must consume that knowledge to get a job, to build a life, to partake fully in society. My personal belief is that arts and humanities professors – even those who teach senior courses – will have to redefine their approach or be priced out of existence. Probably history, not argument, will show whether this belief is well founded.
    "This article discusses the topic of learning objects in three parts. First, it identifies a need for learning objects and describes their essential components based on this need. Second, drawing on concepts from recent developments in computer science, it describes learning objects from a theoretical perspective. Finally, it describes learning objects in practice, first as they are created or generated by content authors, and second, as they are displayed or used by students and other client groups."
Paula Shaw

My Take on the WebAIM Survey | Terrill Thompson - 0 views

    Useful information about screen readers
Paula Shaw

JISC TechDis - Multiple Access Page - 0 views

    Assistive technology genres- JISC TechDis has developed a model of assistive technologies which has many advantages. The model is based on seven tools reflecting the learning process. These include reading tools, recording tools, planning tools, writing tools, visualisation tools, alternative interfaces and communication tools (for those with no speech).
Paula Shaw

IFETS - Discussions - 0 views

  • typically presented in a descriptive format
  • few common terms used consistently
  • Online learning – this term describes education that occurs only through the Web, that is, it does not consist of any physical learning materials issued to students or actual face to face contact. Purely online learning is essentially the use of eLearning tools in a distance education mode using the Web as the sole medium for all student learning and contact.
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • meets with students (either in a face to face mode or through a technological means) and a resource-base of content materials and learning activities is made available to students
  • Web-based, Web-distributed or Web-capable for the purposes of education.
  • eLearning tools available through a shared administrative interface
  • Interactive
    • Paula Shaw
      Interactivity has gone way beyond this now, since this paper was written. We understand interactivity in more social ways now that more clearly replicate the face to face experience
  • sound education practice (which encompasses so-called ‘androgogy’)
  • fundamental principles for eLearning
  • there are two types of interactivity, indicative and simulative. Indicative interactivity is typified by the use of button rollovers and site navigation. Clicking a button to start an animation or turn the page is indicative interactivity. Simulative interactivity is interactivity that enables students to learn from their own choices in a way that provides some form of feedback. The ability to select between different Web pages is indicative interactivity; the ability to fly a virtual plane in a realistic virtual environment is simulative interactivity.
  • eLearning as a means of education as opposed to a mode of education
  • cannot be compared with face to face delivery or distance education because it can be used within either of these models.
  • emphasis is on the constructivist use of technologies which provide students with opportunities to construct their own understandings
  • eLearning changes the role of the instructor, particularly in online environments (Coppola et al 2002) and in blended modes
  • more developed form of existing instructional methodologies
  • Weller (2002) provides a helpful framework for categorization of such courses based on the extent to which they are didactic/constructivist and make use of high/low levels of technology. It is clear that the distinction between purely online and partly online is an important one, and that the philosophical framework of a course is also; Weller’s framework is to be preferred when categorizing such courses.  
    • Paula Shaw
      This is a very contentious issue that we are still struggling with today - when is blended learning really online learning? When is blended learning passed-off as online learning and not challenged when it provides a sub-standard service?
  • Technology is pedagogically neutral
    • Paula Shaw
      I wouldn't agree that technology is pedagogically neutral. As it is absorbed into every day life it changes educators expectations about what it can do, their practices and behaviours. 
  • instructional designers should drive eLearning, not technologists
  • “E-learning doesn’t change anything about how human beings learn.”
    • Paula Shaw
      This takes some thinking about - what do you think?
  • eLearning can be used in two major ways; the presentation of education content, and the facilitation of education processes.
    • Paula Shaw
      What about Turnitin? neither content or facilitation; it is a means of enhancing the assessment process.
  • attention must be given to the contribution eLearning can make to learning so that any use of eLearning becomes a seamless component of the overall course design and delivery package.
  • Clear design is a feature of successful online learning (Swan 2001), and a responsive instructor who facilitates learning and encourages students to explore their learning at a conceptual level is a must for effective conceptual change (Ramsden, 1992).
  • There is general agreement across existing education literature that collaborative dialogue and communication with instructors are major contributors toward successful learning;
  • This is a very important step that ensures that file sizes are appropriate, students are able to continue their studies if they are away from a computer, the family phone line is not continuously tied up for dial-up Web access, etc. It may be more appropriate to provide certain materials on paper or CD-ROM rather than over the Web in many cases.
    • Paula Shaw
      It is amazing that we thought that way less than 10 years ago!!
  • . For many students who do not like to read from a screen or cannot take their desktop computers away on holiday with them for the weekend, such a move requires them to print the materials out.
  • Overall it is how the students measure against the learning objectives, not whether or not they can use the technology that will determine their success in the workplace.
  • There must also be a conviction that technological tools improve teaching and learning to ensure long-term commitment to their use, and to ensure appropriate implementation. 
    A Theory for eLearning. Defining different types of TEL from F2F to full online and associated hypothesis
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