elearnspace. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 0 views
Technology is altering (rewiring) our brains. The tools we use define and shape our thinking.
Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with know-where (the understanding of where to find knowledge needed).
ome questions to explore in relation to learning theories and the impact of technology and new sciences (chaos and networks) on learning: How are learning theories impacted when knowledge is no longer acquired in the linear manner? What adjustments need to made with learning theories when technology performs many of the cognitive operations previously performed by learners (information storage and retrieval). How can we continue to stay current in a rapidly evolving information ecology? How do learning theories address moments where performance is needed in the absence of complete understanding? What is the impact of networks and complexity theories on learning? What is the impact of chaos as a complex pattern recognition process on learning? With increased recognition of interconnections in differing fields of knowledge, how are systems and ecology theories perceived in light of learning tasks?
IFETS - Discussions - 0 views
typically presented in a descriptive format
few common terms used consistently
Online learning – this term describes education that occurs only through the Web, that is, it does not consist of any physical learning materials issued to students or actual face to face contact. Purely online learning is essentially the use of eLearning tools in a distance education mode using the Web as the sole medium for all student learning and contact.
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Downloads - LDSE - 0 views
TEL stories « tel.ac.uk - 0 views
How To Play - Urgent Evoke - 2 views
Badges - oldsmooc - 0 views
MIT stats and information - 1 views
Flexible Pedagogies: technology-enhanced learning - 1 views
"This report has been developed as part of our research project Flexible Pedagogies: preparing for the future. Technology-enhanced learning is one of five main focus strands embedded within the theme of flexible learning. It offers a summary and analysis of the current state of play, as well as recommendations for developing robust and appropriate flexible pedagogies with a view to influencing policy, future thinking and change within the rapidly-shifting landscape of learning and teaching in HE."
The Case for a Campus Makerspace - 0 views
And so I ask, what would it look like to have "making across the curriculum"? The opportunities for hands-on learning are so few in modern-day education. Few and getting fewer. Our education system has forgotten -- or ignored, perhaps is a better word -- John Dewey and his argument that we "learn by doing." At the K-12 level, woodshop, metal shop, sewing, cooking, art, heck even science labs -- they're going away to save money and to make more time in the school year for "college prep" and for standardized testing.
Learn by doing. Learn by making. Not learn by clicking. Makerspaces give students -- all students -- an opportunity for hands-on experimentation, prototyping. problem-solving, and design-thinking.
By letting students make -- whether they're digital artifacts or physical artifacts -- we can support them in gaining these critical skills. By making a pinball machine for a physics class, for example. Making paper or binding a book for a literature class. Building an app for a political science class. 3D modeling for an archeology class. 3D printing for a nursing class. Blacksmithing for history class. The possibilities for projects are endless. And the costs for creating makerspaces needn't be that high.
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Who the hell is Brian Lamb? | Barry Dahl dot com - 0 views
"n this 10 minute video you'll learn about how Brian got started working in education, and how his first job at UBC was essentially to help them build a closed-system Learning Object Repository with all the SCORM and IMS guidelines and requirements, and all that jazz. Not surprisingly, Brian tells the tale of how open-ness and simple technologies can be used much more effectively for those who truly want to share."
Three Objections to Learning Objects - Norm Friesen - 0 views
This paper outlines a number of problems associated with this movement, all of which arise in some way from the juxtaposition of narrow technical and specialized concepts with the general and varied dimensions and contexts of learning
In clear contrast to the dominance of the object-oriented paradigm in programming and software design, there is no consensus among educational experts as to how learning occurs or how it can best be understood. There is no "all-pervasive" approach or "paradigm" for learning or education as is claimed for programming and software design. "Pedagogy as well as instructional design," as Allert, Dhraief, and Nejdl say, "are ill-structured domains" (2002).
In this pattern, these innovations are introduced into educational contexts and practices clearly bearing the stamp of their technical origin. Instead of being presented in terms familiar and meaningful to educators, they bear connotations that appear unclear or even negative in these practical contexts
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