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Study questions effectiveness of online education for at-risk students - 1 views

  • According to a new study from the Brookings Institution, students who are the least well prepared for traditional college also fare the worst in online courses. F
  • Thus, while online courses may have the potential to differentiate course work to meet the needs of students with weaker incoming skills, current online courses, in fact, do an even worse job of meeting the needs of these students than do traditional in-person courses,”
  • limited in scope
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • based on data from DeVry University, a large, nonselective for-profit online college
  • DeVry online classes attempt to replicate traditional in-person classes, except that student-student and student-professor interactions are virtual and asynchronous
  • The study found that the negative associations with online courses are concentrated in lower-performing students
    Study of DeVry students only and the courses sound like they are very poorly designed.
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