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Cengage offers new OER-based product for general education courses - 1 views

  • Cengage predicts that the use of OER -- free, adaptable educational course materials -- could triple over the next five years
  • eady to “embrace the movement” -- adding their own services and technology to create “value-added digital solutions that help institutions use OER to its best advantage.”
  • aking OER materials freely available online from sites such as OpenStax, Cengage has added its own assessments, content and technology to the materials, which will be delivered through an “intuitive, outcomes-based” platform that can be integrated into students’ learning management systems
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  • psychology, American government and sociology, and more courses in science, economics and the humanities will be available this fall.
  • some materials that were previously under a Cengage copyright, will be registered under an open CC-BY license so that institutions can adapt and customize the content
  • But for those who want to use the OpenNow platform, fees start at $25 per student per course. “The $25 is for the delivery of content that’s aligned to assessment and learning objectives, the additional assessments and videos we either curated or created, and the outcomes-based platform with personalization and analytics
  • many problems faced by traditional publishers -- how to reduce prices, how to enable customers to customize content, how to ensure students have their materials on the first day of class -- were problems that OER can solve. “So why not use OER to solve them?
  • s OER has gained momentum, more and more companies want to attach themselves to the idea of being open. But for each product that’s launched, we need to keep asking questions. Is it really open, or is it just being branded as open? Open is not just a set of attributes, it’s a set of values and practices that make education better.”

U.S. Department of Education Expands Innovation in Higher Education through the Experim... - 0 views

  • The Department took those suggestions, and will be providing institutions with greater regulatory flexibility to design and test new approaches to student financial aid designed to meet the need of these students through several new experiments that will: Enable students to earn federal student aid based on how much they learn, rather than the amount of time they spend in class by providing federal aid to students enrolled in self-paced competency-based education programs. Provide flexibility for an institution to provide a mix of direct assessment coursework and credit hour coursework in the same program. Allow the use of federal student aid to pay for prior learning assessments, which can allow students—including returning adults or veterans—to decrease their time to get a degree.
  • Institutions that apply for and are granted these limited waivers would be able to have more flexibility over a portion of their federal student aid in order to implement experiments suggested by colleges, universities and the higher education community. Applications for the new experiments will be due in late September
  • Department is also announcing today that it will collaborate with the Department of Labor to develop a $25 million grant competition for an Online Skills Academy to support the development of a platform to enable high-quality, free or low-cost pathways to degrees, certificates, or other employer-recognized credentials
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  • release a notice inviting applications this week for a $1.5 million grant to study online education which will contribute to the growing body of evidence about what works in online education, especially for low-income and first-generation students.
Patrick Tabatcher

The British Library Has Released A Million Free Images | Mental Floss UK - 0 views

    Free historic images are now on Flickr from the British Library. Includes over 1 million, license-free, illustrations.
Patrick Tabatcher

The Educator's Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons | The Edublogger - 0 views

    Information on copyright and fair use. Good list of sites that offer free (open source or copyright free) media.
Patrick Tabatcher

P E E K S P A C E - 2 views

    Curated, free to use, space photography.
wlampner - 0 views

    Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence, describes use of Twitter to enoucrage free-flowing just-in-time interactions that can enhance social presence in online courses.

The Price Is Still Right: 15 Sites for Free Digital Textbooks -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    "The following list offers 15 sources of quality digital content to use in your courses without worrying about the price tag. "
Patrick Tabatcher

Find Images for Blogs & Social Media with Embed | Getty Images - 1 views

    Getty is making many of their images free to embed on a site or blog as long as it is for non-commercial use. Could be good for the DDS blog or for faculty courses. 
Patrick Tabatcher

How to find the original Flickr Photo URL and User from a Static Flickr Image URL/Perma... - 1 views

    A great trick on how to find the original photo of a Flickr image that you've downloaded previously.

Kyle Bowen: Robot Writers, Open Education, and the Future of Edtech | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • Bowen is part of a team that has developed algorithms for computers to learn how to write textbooks by extracting factual information.
  • The single most exciting aspect for him, he explains, is accessibility. The advent of free or low-cost textbooks for underserved populations — especially within STEM fields, which advance so quickly that traditional books are typically out of date the moment they’re printed — is a very exciting prospect and, as Bowen puts it, ‘a powerful idea.’
  • just who owns the copyright if the final deliverable qualifies as a derivative work?
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  • if a machine writes a textbook or other resource, who is the author?
  • he platform uses intelligent algorithms that search through OER repositories and return relevant resources that can be combined, remixed, and reused in the support of specific learning goals.
  • We could even have entire learning spaces that adapt to suit the specific needs of faculty or students
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