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Adding HTML/Javascript to Wordpress Sidebar is Now Possible - 0 views

    Now using HTML-JavaScript Adder plugin you can add HTML and JavaScript to your wordpress sidebsr. The other important thing is you can do this without editing sidebar.php.This allows user to add embed ad codes from major advertisements sites including Google dsense, Adbrite,Bidvertiser and even you can add flash videos.
Janos Haits

Bootstrap, from Twitter - 1 views

    Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more. Nerd alert: Bootstrap is built with Less and was designed to work out of the gate with modern browsers in mind.
Janos Haits

Twitter Bootstrap - 2 views

    Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions.
Phil Slade

Twitter Archiver - - because they're your tweets! - 5 views

    "TiddlyTweets is the work of Fred and Jonathan from Osmosoft. It serves as an example of a client-side mashup, creating a useful application in a web-friendly way, using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you're interested, you might like to know how this application is put together. It's really a TiddlyWiki loaded up with plugins. Read on for how to hack this "
Richard Boss

PHP Website Development - Brief Important Details about PHP - 0 views

    PHP is one of the most accepted codding and scripting technologies, especially for web forms, web designing and dynamic programming and it can have ability and it can be attached into HTML language. PHP technology runs on a web server, the coding of it works as the input and output is the making of website pages.
Darren Draper

OPEN Teacher Talk: What is Your Network Diversity Index? - 0 views

  • If, like myself, the math makes you wail and gnash your teeth, try the following. Evaluate your network, divide it into groups, give each group a number and determine how many people you have representing each group. Then follow this link to a Shannon Index calculator, enter your the number of people you have in each group, compute and read the value for H1.
    • Darren Draper
      I plan on trying this for my Twitter network...
Kim Woodbridge

HelpWith: A TweetApp - 0 views

    Follow @helpwith and send tweet to @helpwith when need assistance with a question. Ex. @helpwith #ie6 hasLayout problem with ordered list:
Fred Delventhal

Pipes: Twitter Friends - 0 views

    Show your Twitter friends on a map that can be easily added to your blog's sidebar. There's more information at via @cnansen
Michael Marlatt

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Twitter for Nonprofits: Waste of Time... - 0 views

  • I really respect Chris Brogan's opinion and he seems to be a 24/7 Twitter user and has blogged a few posts about how it can be useful. Twitter as Gate Jumper Twitter as Community Builder Five Ways To Use Twitter for Good
A. T. Wyatt

The Twitter Train Has Left the Station - Bits Blog - - 6 views

    Rebuttal to an article critical of twitter published in the New Yorker. Some interesting comments at the end of the post. Could be a good prompt for a class discussion.

Microsoft news and personal reflections after Innovative Education Forum in Education 2012 - 0 views

    If you want to discover the power of Curation, Follow!/web20education
Alice Barr

Cybraryman Internet Catalogue - 2 views

    Twitter for Beginners
Vicki Davis

Independent voices of 2011: The most influential non-celebrity users of Twitter - Featu... - 1 views

    His UK generated list of most influential non celebrity tweeters includes NPR's Andy Carvin. It is interesting how many personalities cross time zones and national lines to influence us all. Andy is a great tweeter. Sadly, this list doesn't seem to link. Kind of misses the point but worth a read anyway.
Angelo Pacifico

lavori da casa / MLM PI Pisa - 0 views

    Lavorare da Casa su internet significa operare al fianco di un'Affidabile Azienda moderna e dinamica,. Il può vantare uno storico impeccabile, costruito negli anni su basi di onestà , trasparenza ed assoluta efficienza. offre un'opportunità da casa on-line seria e redditizia. Chi è davvero motivato ha la possibilità d'iniziare, oggi stesso


    Proud to be Leader in Cop2 organized in SMILE :) project  managed by European Schoolnet . I tried to describe here my top 10 Social Media Curation tools to develop a PLN . Please add your feed-back and add comments with your  favorite startups to build a PLN here
Janos Haits

Twitter directory - News from Google - 2 views

    today we have dozens of Twitter accounts covering various Google products and featuring news and updates for many different countries and regions.
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