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sheryl barnes

SNAPP - 0 views

shared by sheryl barnes on 14 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Social Networks Adapting Pedagogical Practice (SNAPP) tool performs real-time social network analysis and visualization of discussion forum activity within popular commercial and open source Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Haejung Chung

Piazza - Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever. - 1 views

    Mentioned on Wired Campus. It looks like a combination of Google Wave (organized by topics in real-time) and Berkman Center's Live Question Tool. 
    Looks great!!! (and maybe a little overwhelming to the average faculty member?) I wonder who/what would be a good use case to try it out? Any thought that Kris might want to give it a try (since he seems to like to throw a lot of things into his class?)
Melanie St.James

Knowledge Forum - 1 views

    We used this tool when I was at the Ed School. In 2005, it looked like the project was going to die (it was grant funded, and money ran out), but it seems like it was made into a commercial product. It was a very powerful process to build onto each others' ideas. I'm even wondering if with a little more functionality, VUE could support this theoratical framework.
    We used this tool when I was at the Ed School. In 2005, it looked like the project was going to die (it was grant funded, and money ran out), but it seems like it was made into a commercial product. It was a very powerful process to build onto each others' ideas. I'm even wondering if with a little more functionality, VUE could support this theoratical framework.
    Looks very interesting - was the 6 month free trial tempting at all?
Gina Siesing

Udutu - Create and distribute SCORM-compliant "courses"/simulations - 0 views

    Free tool. Looks interesting
sheryl barnes

JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching - 0 views

  • Results show that E-mapping is a potentially powerful active learning tool which goes beyond developing strong reading skills and enhancing class participation. It enhances critical thinking and helps students acquire visualization skills by which they can communicate ideas using imagery.
  • It is also an assessment tool that permits instructors to gain insight into their students’ analytical and synthetic skills
  • Although the majority of students in this study recognized the benefits of E-mapping, many of them found it a time consuming approach and believed it represented too much work
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Assignments
  • E-map Grading Rubric.
    Looks like a great VUE-related article!
sheryl barnes

Visualization Strategies: Text & Documents » Tim Showers - Web Development, D... - 0 views

    interesting list of visualization strategies and tools
David Grogan

Home | Sprout Builder - Create living content. - 0 views

shared by David Grogan on 29 Apr 08 - Cached
sheryl barnes liked it
    This is a really nice web-based tool for creating multimedia mashups. Careful though, the product is still in Beta which could mean that you'll lose your data or they might start charging for its use.
sheryl barnes

Zoho Creator Videos: Affordable On-Demand Business Applications. - 0 views

    Looks like a cool and easy web-based database creation tool.
sheryl barnes

U. of Michigan Professor Designs Software for Student Engagement - Wired Campus - The C... - 1 views

shared by sheryl barnes on 24 May 10 - Cached
    "Lecture tools" looks like an interesting suite of tools - I registered a Tufts Test class - feel free to join it and add content if you want to experiment with this platform. It's from Michigan, Hannah, do you know this guy (Perry Samson) or his work?
sheryl barnes

Elgg - Open Source Social Networking and Social Publishing Platform. - 2 views

shared by sheryl barnes on 19 Nov 09 - Cached
    What do we know about Elgg? Looks like a cool open source social network creation tool, like Ning only open source...
    We know that Friedman is pilotting it this year. It started out as an eportfolio platform and has transitioned into social networking software. I felt it was missing some important components the last time I looked but it had been evolving rapidly. It would make sense to keep in touch with Paul's group to see what their experience of it is like and to compare it to Buddy Press which we're planning to install with Wordpress as a social networking component - if all goes well with that.
sheryl barnes

Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment) - 0 views

shared by sheryl barnes on 16 Jan 13 - No Cached
    Data visualization tool mentioned by AT Fellow
sheryl barnes

What Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact of Technology on Learning - 0 views

  • The synthesis of the extracted effect sizes, with the support of the validation process, revealed a significant positive small to moderate effect size favoring the utilization of technology in the experimental condition over more traditional instruction (i.e., technology free) in the control group.
  • we feel that we are at a place where a shift from technology versus no technology studies to more nuanced studies comparing different conditions, both involving CBI treatments, would help the field progress
  • it appears that the second-order meta-analysis approach represents an economical means of providing an answer to big questions
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • the average student in a classroom where technology is used will perform 12 percentile points higher than the average student in the traditional setting that does not use technology to enhance the learning process
  • Thus, it is arguable that it is aspects of the goals of instruction, pedagogy, teacher effectiveness, subject matter, age level, fidelity of technology implementation, and possibly other factors that may represent more powerful influences on effect sizes than the nature of the technology intervention. It is incumbent on future researchers and primary meta-analyses to help sort out these nuances, so that computers will be used as effectively as possible to support the aims of instruction.
  • there is a growing need for a systematic and reliable methodology for synthesizing related findings
  • one of technology’s main strengths may lie in supporting students’ efforts to achieve rather than acting as a tool for delivering content.
  • each focuses on a specific question addressing particular issues and aspects of technology integration
  • intended to capture the essence
  • 25 effect sizes were extracted from 25 different meta-analyses involving 1,055 primary studies (approximately 109,700 participants)
sheryl barnes

Digital Humanities efforts range from database design to new creations | Harvard Magazi... - 0 views

  • the work of the humanities is to create the vessels that store our culture. In this sense, the digitization of archives and collections holds the promise of a grand conclusion: nothing less than the unification of the human cultural record online, representing, in theory, an unprecedented democratization of access to human knowledge. Equally profound is the way that technology could change the way knowledge is created in the humanities
  • entering an experimental period of inventiveness and imagination that involves the creation of new kinds of vessels—be they databases, books, exhibits, or works of art—to gather, store, interpret, and transmit culture
  • “much better signal to noise ratio” than Google
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Where do libraries fit within the information-management equation
  • power of digital tools in research would expand the focus of dissertations from the 20-year span that has been “the hallmark of historical scholarship over the last three decades” to 150 years
  • The ability to analyze a vast body of texts also implies a dramatic expansion of the field of questions humanities scholars can ask
  • The changes afoot in the humanities are about expanding the compass, the quality, and the reach of scholarship
sheryl barnes

Dr. Bror Saxberg - TEDxSF - Demystifying the Human Mind - YouTube - 0 views

shared by sheryl barnes on 12 Dec 11 - No Cached
    Great TED talk on teaching, learning, and (ultimately) analytics. Characteristics of better learning systems: * Competency-based, not time-based, * One level's success does drive the next, * Flexible schedules match complex lives, * Online & off-line tools in synch, * At home & in-school matching work.
sheryl barnes

In the 21st-Century University, Let's Ban Books - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher ... - 0 views

  • Student materials might contain not just the commentary of the individual professor but of professors all over the world
  • Selecting and curating such enhancements to enlighten students without overwhelming them would be the responsibility of the professors.
  • books—and commentaries on books—would start to be connected in ways they aren't now
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Colleges and professors exist, in great measure, to help "liberate" and connect the knowledge and ideas in books. We should certainly pass on to our students the ability to do this. But in the future those liberated ideas—the ones in the books (the author's words), and the ones about the books (the reader's own notes, all readers' thoughts and commentaries)—should be available with a few keystrokes. So, as counterintuitive as it may sound, eliminating physical books from college campuses would be a positive step for our 21st-century students, and, I believe, for 21st-century scholarship as well. Academics, researchers, and particularly teachers need to move to the tools of the future. Artifacts belong in museums, not in our institutions of higher learning.
sheryl barnes

A Tech-Happy Professor Reboots After Hearing His Teaching Advice Isn't Working - Techno... - 0 views

  • It doesn't matter what method you use if you do not first focus on one intangible factor: the bond between professor and student.
  • his job is less about being an expert imparting facts and figures, and more about being a salesman convincing students that his material is worth their attention
  • Whatever tool professors can find to conjure that—curiosity and a sense of amazing possibilities—is what they should use
sheryl barnes

Neoformix - Discovering and Illustrating Patterns in Data - 0 views

shared by sheryl barnes on 31 Jul 13 - Cached
    Super cool visualization tools here - check it out!
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