the work of the humanities is to create the vessels that store our culture. In this sense, the digitization of archives and collections holds the promise of a grand conclusion: nothing less than the unification of the human cultural record online, representing, in theory, an unprecedented democratization of access to human knowledge. Equally profound is the way that technology could change the way knowledge is created in the humanities
entering an experimental period of inventiveness and imagination that involves the creation of new kinds of vessels—be they databases, books, exhibits, or works of art—to gather, store, interpret, and transmit culture
Where do libraries fit within the information-management equation
power of digital tools in research would expand the focus of dissertations from the 20-year span that has been “the hallmark of historical scholarship over the last three decades” to 150 years
The ability to analyze a vast body of texts also implies a dramatic expansion of the field of questions humanities scholars can ask
The changes afoot in the humanities are about expanding the compass, the quality, and the reach of scholarship