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Feminist Formations - Unmirroring Pedagogies: Teaching with Intersectional and Transnat... - 0 views

    As the U.S. academy increasingly markets "the global" and "diversity" for undergraduate student consumption, feminists face new challenges with respect to the decolonizing goals of teaching. Analyzing race, gender, and culture intersections that inform ep

Pakistan struggles to reverse falling university language skills | Education | Guardian... - 0 views

    A project launched in 2004 to halt declining English language skills among students at Pakistan's public universities has entered a second three-year phase amid concern that low language proficiency continues to hamper higher-education reforms and is putt

Thinking Chinese Translation by Pellatt Valerie and Liu Tin-Kun - Routledge Language Le... - 0 views

    Thinking Chinese Translation explores the ways in which memory, general knowledge, and creativity (summed up as "schema") contribute to the linguistic ability necessary to create a good translation. The course develops the reader's ability to think deeply

A practical guide to a radical transition: framing the sustainable learning community -... - 0 views

    This paper serves as reference to some of this new thinking. To provide a context, it will refer to the earlier work and indicate the limitations and breakthroughs of the earlier work which, with the benefit of retrospect, have become apparent. The pape

Interdisciplinarity: A Catalyst for Faculty Engagement win Internationalization Journal... - 0 views

    Despite the benefits of international scholarship to higher education institutions, faculty engagement in internationalization remains a major challenge for many universities. This study sheds light on this problem by investigating the strategies used by

CHINA: Alarming School Dropout Rate Blamed on Teaching Methods - IPS - 0 views

    According to a report published in May, the dropout rate in some rural areas was as high as 40 percent (although official Ministry of Education estimates are 5 percent in urban areas and 11 percent in rural areas). The report was based on a study conduc

Decolonial pedagogy and the ethics of the global - Discourse: Studies in the Cultural P... - 0 views

    An ethical and democratic globality, and the kind of education that would contribute to it, are only possible in the context of a recognition of the relations of power that have shaped history, and in particular the political, cultural, economic, and epis

University World News - KENYA: Cashing in on foreign language learning - 0 views

    Kenya's universities are rolling out foreign language programmes as nations and investors, especially from Asia, increasingly turn to the East African country for resources to boost their industrial growth. In the past month Kenya's biggest universities -

Les deux bouts de la langue, par Michel Onfray - - 0 views

    Au commencement était Babel, chacun connaît l'histoire : les hommes parlent une seule et même langue, dite "adamique", celle du premier d'entre eux. Puis ils se proposent de construire une immense tour destinée à pénétrer les cieux. Pareille architecture

Review of Mosaic Orpheus by Peter Dale Scott | Canadian Literature - 0 views

    In an increasingly global world, the movement of information, goods, and people has become accelerated, more frequent, and relatively democratic. In such a world, it makes sense to ask: how does movement shape our experience? And how does experience of mo

Spatializing critical education: progress and cautions - Critical Studies in Education - 0 views

    Recently critical scholars have shown a renewed interest in spatial relations in educational contexts. In this essay we use selections from Gulson and Symes's edited volume Spatial theories of education as a point of departure to examine what spatial anal

Radical Philosophy - Children of postcommunism - 0 views

    A curious set of metaphors marks the jargon of postcommunist transition: education for democracy, classrooms of democracy, democratic exams, democracy that is growing and maturing, but which might still be in diapers or making its first steps or, of cours

A Review of the "Digital Turn" in the New Literacy Studies - REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESE... - 0 views

    Digital communication has transformed literacy practices and assumed great importance in the functioning of workplace, recreational, and community contexts. This article reviews a decade of empirical work of the New Literacy Studies, identifying the shift

(De)ciphering Collaborative Research for Social Justice: Reviving Relationality Through... - 0 views

    When used with caution and humility, the cipher, a metaphor central to hip-hop worlds, captures the power of human relationality and the arts in collaborative qualitative research about and for social justice at the beginning of the 21st century. In this

Did the Egalitarian Reforms of the Swedish Educational System Equalise Levels of Democr... - 0 views

    In the mid-1990s an extensive reform of the Swedish educational system was initiated in order to create a 'school for everyone' intended to function like a 'social equaliser'. The new unified gymnasium initiated longer educational programmes with an exten

Cooperative learning: a diversified pedagogy for diverse classrooms - Intercultural Edu... - 0 views

    As a generic and diversified pedagogy, cooperative learning (CL) reaches out to the field of intercultural education with an offer to establish a reciprocal relationship. After a short description of the diversity of CL and a brief exploration of the infl

How to become a sophisticated user: a two-dimensional approach to e-literacy - New Medi... - 0 views

    The internet media require the development of new user skills not required by the traditional media. Current European initiatives focus on providing access to a PC with internet and ensuring basic usage skills to address the digital divide, while media co

JAPAN: Foreign Caregivers' Language Exam Triggers Debate - IPS - 0 views

    The language examination is designed to ensure integration into Japanese society and meet professional standards, but few foreigners manage to pass it. Now, those who work with the elderly in one of the world's fastest ageing societies say it is time to t

Hope of cooperative learning: intentional talk in Albanian secondary school classrooms ... - 0 views

    This paper assumes that teaching for modern intercultural knowledge societies should rely on multilateral communication, students' ideas and social interaction. Based on observation data from 303 upper secondary school classrooms in randomly selected scho

Complex Instruction: managing professional development and school culture - Intercultur... - 0 views

    Complex Instruction (CI) is a comprehensive programme relating to curriculum development and instructional methodology, using multiple ability tasks and status interventions as key concepts. In 2006, at the end of a teacher training course, a group of pri
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