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John Fenn

The Big Web Site Build: Are We Approaching the End of an Era? « The Scholarly... - 1 views

    "With the emergence of Facebook, Twitter, RSS, and blogs; the development of the iPhone, iTunes, the Kindle, and the pending iPad; and the continued utility of email, which has only been enhanced by smartphones - well, there's a question haunting the status quo of Web development for publishers: Do you really need all that Web site?"
    thanks to Doug for passing this along; as he notes, there are implications for notions surroudning 'tech skills' w/i AAD, as well as some key questions about the near- and distant- future with regards to online presenation/dissemination of info & knowledge (in arts/culture sector specifically, but also in general)
Eric Schiff

Arts Organizations and Artists 2.0: Social Media for Arts People | BlogHer - 0 views

    Interesting observations on using blogs, Flickr, Facebook, and Youtube.
Eric Schiff

Taking Diigo Beyond the Bookmark - 1 views

    Good ideas for using Diigo beyond the basics, making connections.
Eric Schiff

Pixelpipe - Free your content, post, upload and share anywhere - 0 views

    Push your media out! Check out the their blog "About" for a comprehensive overview.
John Fenn

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment -- A Syl... - 1 views

  • We now live at a moment where every story, image, brand, relationship plays itself out across the maximum number of media platforms, shaped top down by decisions made in corporate boardrooms and bottom up by decisions made in teenager's bedrooms.
  • The result has been the push towards franchise-building in general and transmedia entertainment in particular
  • A transmedia story represents the integration of entertainment experiences across a range of different media platforms. A story like Heroes or Lost might spread from television into comics, the web, computer or alternate reality games, toys and other commodities, and so forth, picking up new consumers as it goes and allowing the most dedicated fans to drill deeper.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Both the commercial and grassroots expansion of narrative universes contribute to a new mode of storytelling, one which is based on an encyclopedic expanse of information which gets put together differently by each individual consumer as well as processed collectively by social networks and online knowledge communities.
    This is a post from Jenkins' blog that contains course info/syllabus for a new course he is running at USC (Fall 09). His blog contains many references to and discussions about the concept of 'transmedia'
    What us the course level for this class?
John Fenn

Cross Media Entertainment - 2 views

    another link found through Jenkins' "seven principles" post on his blog (Dec. 09).
Eric Schiff

PLE / Personal Learning Environment: What's yours like? | eLearning Blog // Don't Waste... - 0 views

    What does yours look like? Post a diagram when you get a chance ;)
Eric Schiff

Mobile apps and the arts: where we are and where we're going | Technology in the Arts |... - 1 views

    Interesting read on forecasting the fit for mobile apps in the arts.
John Fenn

cryptoxin: Transmedia trainwreck? - 1 views

    A manifestation of transmedia 'consumption' and critique from a fan's perspective
Doug Blandy

Museum Media, New Media for Museums - 0 views

  • is the online place for curators and museum staff looking for the most up-to-date information on new media for museums.
Robert Voelker-Morris

10 Competencies for Every Graduate - 6 views

Inside Higher Ed piece about how every graduate should be able to create a blog and post audio and video to it. Hmm, not sure why the hot link is not working for me on the main page, it works as a...

Ed Parker

Gamification: Turning Work Into Play | h+ Magazine - 0 views

  • Professor Byron Reeves, who champions the adaptation of gaming technologies for the workplace.
  • David Helgason of Unity, a company that produces game development tools for the Web, mobile phones, and the Wii announced “The Year of Gamification” on the Unity blog
  • gamification is the application of game technology and game design outside “gamespace” and the acceptance of games in non-gaming sectors.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Quartier Saint-Blaise, a model of Paris that allows people to navigate through proposed urban planning projects
  • The use of game design techniques is an important part of what you call ‘gamification.’
  • pure interaction
  • They did some very large experiments teaching kids with Sim City and The Sims — just playing the games. But these games are extremely rich in knowledge and structural understanding. You can communicate an understanding of a society and how a society works.
  • In education, you have these terms. One is what you can remember in a multiple choice test right after you learn, and then how much you remember a week after, a month later, and the third is how well you can apply this knowledge in a completely different area. It turned out that retention was pretty good, but the application of this knowledge was very stron
    "Gamification is the application of game technology and game design outside "gamespace" and the acceptance of games in non-gaming sectors"
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