Egyptian blogsphere was relieved to hear the release of Philippe, the story was circulated through Facebook and jaiku messages. A night before he get out of detention, tens of activists and bloggers staged a protest seeking freedom for him, also created a
A student blogger critical of Egypt's policy towards the Gaza Strip is believed to have been held incommunicado in the custody of State Security Investigations (SSI) services and at risk of torture since his arrest on 6 February.
Egypt is among 12 countries which systematically repress
internet users, says rights groups Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
"The vitality of the Egyptian blogosphere on the international scene is
far from being an advantage for the bloggers involved
General Hamdy Abdel Karim hallucinating: "Your impression is wrong, wrong, wrong, because you're listening to some bloggers. But to get the real general impression, you have to go back to the street and ask the people who deal with the police on a daily b
Award-winning blogger and anti-torture activist Wael Abbas created a new stir over the Eid holiday when he posted an image and audio recording depicting what he alleges could be a police officer forcing a woman to strip naked.