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حسام الحملاوي

Daily News Egypt - Uproar over Hezbollah leader's televised speech - 0 views

  • Although many of the detainees have been in the custody of state security for several months, the order for a detainment extension came from Prosecutor General Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud Thursday as he prepares to bring charges against them.  Lawyer for five of the detainees, Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Maqsoud, told Daily News Egypt Friday that according to a released detainee, authorities had tortured the detainees while in the custody of state security.   The detainee, Adel Ghareez, had been left paralyzed as a result and was moved to a hospital after his condition had deteriorated. His brother remains in custody.  "He was probably released because they thought he might die," Abdel-Maqsoud said, "until now I have not been permitted to see any of the detainees."  Ghareez claims the detainees were left naked in an air-conditioned room for 24 hours, and that cold water was poured into their detention rooms.
حسام الحملاوي

"المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام" ينشر قائمة بأسماء المعتقلين الفلسطينيين في السجون ... - 0 views

    A list of Palestinian detainees in Egyptian prisons. Some of them were subject to torture.
حسام الحملاوي

جريدة البديل - إخلاء سبيل 6 من معتقلي "الطائفة المنصورة" و3 من "ترقبوا".. ونق... - 0 views

    6 detainees from the police fabricated group, Victorious Sect, were released
حسام الحملاوي

A letter from a former Islamist detainee - 0 views

    Mubarak's Dirty war against the Islamists in the 1990s
حسام الحملاوي

Daily News Egypt - Hezbollah detainees' lawyer files case against interior ministry for... - 0 views

  • In the motion Abdel-Maqsoud argued that the detainees were held in state security headquarters for four months since their arrest last November before the case was made public. The lawyer said that this was an unlawful and unconstitutional location to hold suspects.
حسام الحملاوي

اليوم السابع | والدة بطل التعذيب بعين شمس تتقدم ببلاغ للنيابة - 0 views

    Updates on the Ain Shams Videogate: The detainee calls his mother from the police station, telling her that he "fabricated" the torture video... Yeah, right.. He tied his hands behind his back by himself after of course punching himself and filling his bo
حسام الحملاوي

YouTube - نهاية فيلم البرىء - 0 views

    The uncensored finale of Ahmad Zaki's movie "Al-Bare'e" (The Innocent), where he plays the role of a police conscript forced to torture detainees, until he gets disillusioned and rebels against the sadist prison sheriff.
حسام الحملاوي

السجن 5 سنوات لضباط شرطة عقابا على تعذيب مواطن والاعتداء على شرفه | التعذيب ف... - 0 views

    Police officer sentenced to five years in prison for sexually abusing a detainee

الصلاة في مباحث أمن الدولة - بوابة الشروق - 0 views

    Interesting article form As-Shrouq on State Security Police officers' religiosity, value system, that legitimizes the use of torture against detainees.
حسام الحملاوي

There is Room for Everyone... Egypt's Prisons Before & After January 25 Revol... - 0 views

  • The number of prisoners in Egypt’s main prisons in 1986 was estimated at “34793” in addition to thousands of detainees in police stations and other places of detention
  • In 1990, the number of prisoners in Egypt reached “31890” prisoners
  • According to a report by an organization close to the government, the number of prisoners in 2012 was about “70,000”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Major General Mostafa Baz, the Director of the Prisons Authority, declared that the number of prisoners in Egypt in 2016 is estimated at “80,000”
  • The number of prisoners in Egypt by mid-August 2016 was around 106,000 prisoners, “including 60,000 political prisoners.”
  • ANHRI found out that the number of legal places of detention is more than (504), which fall into the following categories: –  The old prisons built before January 25 Revolution (43) prisons. – The new prisons built after the revolution, whether the ones that receive prisoners, or the ones that are still under construction (19) prisons. – The central prisons scattered all over the cities and governorates of Egypt, not including Cairo, (122) central prison. – The various police stations and police departments in all the provinces and cities of Egypt (320) station and department.
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