Ohsopopular is a service to see how popular a URL is on the web. We check a bunch of different services and give you a number like Google Pangerank, Alexa Rank, Number of bookmarks on Delicious and so on. It's basically a perfect tool for webmasters to check how your site is ranked across the web. It's also a great way to see how you rank against your competition.
simple but powerful way for students to keep track of their homework, and to never miss a due date again.
Soshiku lets students organize their assignments by course, add assignments, and receive text message and or email reminders before each assignment is due.
tep by step timeline to guide the user through completion of research projects. Links to support the student at each step of the process.
eduTecher is a free social web resource dedicated to helping educators, students, and parents find the latest web tools for use in an academic setting
42 Tasks is a cross-platform task managing tool, a perfect way for students to manage their workload and keep on top of due dates. The site/app is simple to use and is very user friendly.
Neat idea - Grafitter is a way collecting information about your self over time while sending updates with Twitter, using IM, saving bookmarks on Delicious, and writing a post on Blogger. Grafitter visualizes the information you record in graphs.
Scoopler is a real-time search engine. We aggregate and organize content being shared on the internet as it happens, like eye-witness reports of breaking news, photos and videos from big events, and links to the hottest memes of the day. We do this by constantly indexing live updates from services including Twitter, Flickr, Digg, Delicious and more. When you search for a topic on Scoopler, we give you the most relevant results, updated in real-time.
Need a quick and easy way to share links and comments with your online followers? Start using the Social.com bookmarklet.
It takes just seconds to setup and you can send to Twitter, Delicious, and Ping.fm without leaving the page you are on.
Blern is a content-based recommendation news and blog recommendation engine. It recommends articles based on the content of articles you've indicated you liked, not what other people think.
Blern Learns your interests and likes automatically from your activity and profiles on:
Friendfeed Digg Delicious Reddit Stumbleupon Xanga Blogger Last.fm MySpace Pandora LiveJournal WordPress Diigo Photobucket Amazon Tumblr Twitter Mixx MyBlogLog Bebo Facebook
3Dlicio.us is a toy tool for viewing bookmarks stored at Del.icio.us and view their hosting server geopositioned on a Poly9 FreeEarth flash 3D earth globe.
Qwerly is a whois for Twitter. For every Twitter user that is looked up on our site, we generate a simple profile with links to that person's other profiles on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, Last.fm, Delicious and many, many more. This way, you can discover where your friends and other interesting people hang out online.
Save your favourite links online
Wonderpage is an online visual & social bookmarking tool. Create your account and save all your bookmarks in one place. From any place. Anytime.