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Peter DiFalco

Make UDL Part of Your Agenda - 0 views

    Make Universal Design for Learning Part of Your Agenda...a resource for higher education.
Ann Steckel

How NOT to Teach Online: A Story in Two Parts | Online Learning | HYBRID PEDAGOGY - 1 views

  • The funny thing about teaching with technologies, online or even in a face-to-face context, is that if you focus primarily on the technologies themselves the important things can fade from view too easily.
  • they focus on the technology and the how first and foremost, to the point where the purpose for the learning gets lost.  
  • a key role of any facilitator is to make those norms and expectations explicit, so learners can begin to take ownership of their own participation on shared, sanctioned terms
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Online is different, in the sense that bringing people fully into an experience requires some explicit scaffolding that face-to-face tends not to
  • And yet online is no different at all, in the sense that it is teaching and learning for all the same reasons as any other teaching and learning experience, and we need to approach it with our whole selves, not just as mediators of technology
Marjorie Shepard

Avoiding the Trap of the Info Dump for Online Course Announcements - 0 views

    "...this is a time-management strategy for overwhelmed faculty. "I'm swamped for time so let me just blast this all out at once. Phew. I've done my part; now the rest is up to them." In struggling to help manage our own information overload, we pass the overload along to our students. I don't believe it's our intention to pass the buck, but you know what they say about good intentions.
Jim Aird

An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teach... - 0 views

  • Simply taking material that was developed for classroom delivery and directly porting it into course management programs such as WebCT or Blackboard tends neither to be effective nor recommended (Ellis & Hafner, 2003)
  • The retooling and redesigning of course materials often takes significant time
  • The online world is a medium unto itself and if instruction is to be effective, material for online courses needs to be developed with the unique strengths and dynamics of the web in mind
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • one of those changes is that the instructor role is moving from provider of content to designer of student learning experiences
  • As with teaching in a face-to-face environment, we need to constantly gauge our audience and discern what tools and strategies are going to be effective at the time.
  • Specific aspects of online teaching that are reported to contribute to enhanced learning and student satisfaction also include: quick turnaround time by instructor on email and assignments (Hopper and Harmon; 2000); frequent and engaged contact and individual feedback (Anderson, 2006); having goals and objectives that are clearly stated (Carr-Chellman & Duchastel, 2000; King, 1998; Orde, et al., 2001; Sieber, 2005) and detailed enough to clarify “what the student should be able to do, the conditions under which the student should produce the desired behaviour and how well the student must be able to perform it” (Ellis & Hafner, 2003, p. 643); great communication skills (Hopper and Harmon, 2000; White, 2000); regular use of student names (Aragon, 2003) and the capacity to be real and genuine (Aragon, 2003; Beaudin & Henry, 2007).
  • Regardless of how stellar the content or how wondrous the technology, if they are to be excellent, online courses must also involve excellent online teaching.
  • Social presence and a sense of community are influenced by many things, including collaborative learning activities (Aragon, 2003), enhanced communication (Steinweg, et al., 2006), use of humour (Aragon, 2003), small group activities (Rovai, 2002) and it is an essential part of online learning.
  • The expertise involved in developing excellent online courses is not optional; it is essential. And we either gain those areas of expertise ourselves or we look for help and support. Otherwise, significant aspects of the courses we develop will be weak, and possibly even mediocre.
  • in post-secondary education instructors tend to be subject matter experts and not necessarily experts in learning theory and educational processes (Ellis & Hafner, 2003; Oblinger & Hawkins, 2006). As such, a team approach is often encouraged.
  • Excellence in online education requires multiple areas of expertise. A content expert is necessary but not even close to sufficient.
  • It is not enough to simply inform students of these areas, the instructor must request that students respond once they have found the required information or activity in question.
  • There are a few things that some online instructors/developers provide that can go a long way with students. One is to provide exemplars of the course assignments.
  • Perhaps the most common of these provide direction on being effective self-guided learners. Unless the students in an online course can manage their time and provide some degree of self-motivation, they tend not to do well in a virtual course environment.
  • Brief personal email messages are also appreciated by students
  • Another little extra is the inclusion of brief audio clips
  • The integration of related video material also provides another little extra, especially for those students who tend to be auditory or visual in nature.
  • Knowledge and understanding of such principles can help us find success in the exciting world of online education, and can help us move from the mere uploading of content to creating absolutely riveting online courses.
    Great article about online course design.
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