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Dana Longley

Best Communicator in the World - 3 views

    from (Change This - Issue 67.06.) changing your communication style a Change manifesto
Beth Tribe

JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template - 2 views

    JeopardyLabs allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint. The games you make can be played online from anywhere in the world. Building your own jeopardy template is a piece of cake. Just use our simple editor to get your game up and running.
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

Collaboration 2.0 | ALA TechSource - 1 views

    Robin Hastings Techsource Report

Blog U.: Obsolete Learning Technologies - Technology and Learning - Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    The Silicon Alley Insider recently named 21 technologies that became obsolete this past decade... here are ones that apply to learning. Perhaps a future T is for Training topic???
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done - 1 views

    Mentioned during Sarah Houghton-Jan interview.

TED | TEDx Events - 0 views

    TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to share ideas worth spreading. shares those ideas with the world, for free, in videos that have been called "the best thing on the web, ever."
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

ReadWriteWeb - Web Apps, Web Technology Trends, Social Networking and Social Media - 0 views

shared by M.C. BaldgeekInMD on 05 Jan 10 - Cached
    Web Resource mentioned by Sarah Houghton-Jan
Betha Gutsche

Lumzy (beta) - 0 views

    Website mock-up and prototyping tool (free) that allows image editing and real-time collaboration
Betha Gutsche

7 open source e-Learning CMS platforms - 0 views

    Brief overviews of 7 learning management systems (LMS and LCMS) with key features and links to demo's and downloads.
Beth Tribe

Dropbox - 0 views

    Free for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Mobile - up to 2 gigs storage free to share documents, images, etc. with people across the web
Beth Tribe

Doc Stoc - 0 views

    Docstoc is the premier online community and marketplace to find and share professional documents. Docstoc provides the platform to upload and share documents with the world, and serves as a vast repository of free and for purchase legal, business, financial, technical, and educational documents that can be easily searched, previewed and downloaded.
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

Leadership Challenge - 0 views

    Recommended Reading
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

Outliers: The Story of Success - 0 views

    Malcolm Gladwell's book

TED | TEDx Events | Resources for TEDx hosts - 0 views

    TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to share ideas worth spreading. shares those ideas with the world, for free, in videos that have been called "the best thing on the web, ever."

TED | TEDx Events | Host a TEDx event - 0 views

    TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to share ideas worth spreading. shares those ideas with the world, for free, in videos that have been called "the best thing on the web, ever."
Ron Ateshian

Society for Organizational Learning - 0 views

    Good stuff.
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

Home - - 0 views

    Sarah Hougton-Jan's Library
M.C. BaldgeekInMD

Emily Chang - Designer - At the intersection of design, tech, creativity and culture - 0 views

    Good technology resource blog mentioned by Sarah Houghton-Jan during her T is for Training Interview
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