Energy in sports poster shows amount of energy used to perform different taks like throwing a baseball or kicking a soccer ball. One section shows weightlifting records in pounds, watts, and horsepower.
Could be used in science, phys ed, or wellness class.
"Looking for something to hang on your wall that will catch the mind as well as the eye? These Hang Ups should be just the ticket. We've collected dozens of quotations, grouped them by topic, and created colorful, printable, 8.5" x 11" Adobe Acrobat files that are ready to use. All you do is print 'em out and hang 'em up. Four sets are complete:
"Lines to Learning" - musings on education and knowledge
"Horizon Lines" - thoughts on greatness and achievement
"Writer's Blocks" - quotations about writing and poetry
"Goal Lines" - inspirations from sports"
Social networking in a box. Build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of WordPress.
Free interactive curriculum supporting ethics and decision making themes for middle school student and athletic programs. For the high school, ethics and anti-doping themes.
DOGONews is a free online newspaper and Web guide for elementary and middle school students, providing short articles about current events with photos, videos, a dictonary for challenging words, and maps for geographical context. Teachers can create a custom online newspaper for their students by choosing articles and Web sites based on content area. Students can post news or discuss articles with other users in a safe, education-focused environment.