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Michelle Krill

Internet Safety Games, Games For Internet Safety - 1 views

    "Web Wise Kids specializes in using the latest technology to teach online safety. We offer challenging and realistic computerized games that have been specially designed to reach young people like yours with the information they need to use the Internet safely. Each of the detective-style Internet safety games is based on an actual criminal case and is acted out by a live actor. Your students will be glued to their computer screen as they navigate the game - solving a crime, investigating the consequences of the character's poor choices and reflecting on how the Internet can be abused and how they can protect themselves. "
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Professor Garfield Foundation: Internet Safety and You - 1 views

    "The Virginia Department of Education has teamed up with the Professor Garfield Foundation, Office of the Attorney General of Virginia, and the Verizon Foundation to provide the first lessons on Internet Safety along with guidance for students, teachers, and parents. Apps for these lessons have also been developed to promote student-directed learning and enrichment beyond the classroom. "
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Google: Digital Literacy Tour - 1 views

    "At Google, we support the education of families on how to stay safe online. That's why we've teamed up with online safety organization iKeepSafe to develop curriculum that educators can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible online citizen. The curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. On this site you'll find a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation. "
    "Google teamed up with online safety organization iKeepSafe to develop curriculum that educators can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible online citizen. The curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. On this site you'll find a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation."
Ann Baum (Johnston)

BrainPOP Spotlight: Digital Citizenship - 1 views

    Free Brainpop video on digital citizenship. Four other free videos are included in the series: BLOGS, CYBERBULLYING, DIGITAL ETIQUETTE and ONLINE SAFETY.
Aly Kenee

Mr. Young's Bouncy "A":  SmartBoard Resources & Educational Activities - 1 views

    A sizable collection of Flash games and activities organized by subject. Good stuff on Internet safety, too.
    A sizable collection of Flash games and activities organized by subject. Good stuff on Internet safety, too.
karen sipe - 0 views

    Web Wise Kids, WILL Interactive, Verizon and ESA Foundation have developed It' Your Call. This online interactive educational game allows children to practice responsible cell phone use and personal safety. Players take on the role of live-action characters in an interactive movie, make decisions, view the consequences, and learn important lessons about cell phone use. It's Your Call is free.
Ann Baum (Johnston) - 0 views

    SELECT a subject from the top menu and watch the countries on the map change their size. Instead of land mass, the size of each country will represent the data for that subject --both its share of the total and absolute value. LEARN MORE ABOUT US CONTACT US ADVERTISING TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY FAQ U.S. Census Bureau National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) National Weather Service (NWS) National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Guttmacher Institute Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life U.S. Department of Agriculture (DoA) Energy Information Agency (EIA) Office of Surface Mining (OSM) U.S. Green Building Council U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) U.S Geological Survey (USGS) National Mining Association (NMA) Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Realty Trac, Inc. American Gaming Association (AGA) Bureau of Labor Satistics (BLS) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Clerk of the House of Representatives National Archives and Records Administration (U.S. Archives) Social Security Administration (SSA) Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) NAACP Legal Defense Fund Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Beer Institute U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) Rollercoaster Database Cinema Treasures Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) National UFO Reporting Center PEOPLE U.S. Census Bureau -the federal agency that conducts the decennial census and collects data about the nation and its people National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) -a federal agency t
    Choose a subject, i.e. people, planet, politics, etc. and watch the map change based on the data representation.
Michelle Krill

Educational Videos for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English - 1 views

    Committed to catalog the best free online educational videos from across the Internet in one place. They watch and review each and every video to ensure safety and appropriateness for K-12 kids. They also check the accuracy and content and catalog it under relevant categories and topics.
Marge Runkle

Free K12 School Resources - 0 views

    Free k12 school resources on math, history, social studies, science, living things, space, reading, writing, art and music for k12 students and teachers. Math Basic arithmetic, measurement, shapes, counting number, money, and word problems. Science & Technology Computers, technology, physics, chemistry and engineering for Kindergarten Kids, K-1, and K-2 students. Living Things Free educational resources on living things includes animals, the human body, plants and safety. Art & Music Arts and Music includes art history, music, painting, drawing, theatre and dance. Social Studies social studies includes geography, famous people, holidays and world cultures. Earth Science Geology, oceanography, weather, nature and the environment for kindergarten kids, K-1, and K-2 students. Reading & Writing Language arts includes reading, writing, grammar, poetry, alphabet, and online stories. History America history, world history, and ancient history. U.S. History & Culture Education resources on America includes United States history, government, geography and culture. Space The universe, solar system, stars and space exploration.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Net Cetera - 0 views

    Chatting with Kids About Being Online from
Lauri Brady

Sweety High - The Big Five - 1 views

    "# 1. Never share or post your personal information. # 2. Never share your online passwords with anyone except your parents. # 3. Never meet anyone face-to-face whom you only know online. # 4. Talk to your parents about everything you do on the Internet. # 5. Don't bully or accept bullying from anyone."
karen sipe

Woogi World - Educators - 0 views

    Great site for elementary students where they can sign up to play games that teach them cybersafety, cyberethics, cybersecurity, and cyberhealth.
karen sipe

A Thin Line : - 0 views

    Sexting Quiz for middle and high school students. Use to generate discussion about appropriate behavior on a mobile device.
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