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Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Writing for the Internet : A Guide to Real Communication in Virtual Space - 0 views

  • what this means to media literacy rates has not yet been determined, and the technology that brought on this change in media access has created a hybrid media literacy/technology discipline of study called digital literacy. Turning on and off a computer, or visiting favorite Web sites and playing video games, does not increase one’s digital literacy.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is explaining that just because one knows how to "surf the web" it doesn't necessarily mean they are media literate or digitally literate for that matter. I am getting from these references 3 different views on what being "Media Literate" really consists of. 
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      The Digital Native has tipped the balance of proper Etiquette in their environment. The digital age has pushed them into a loss of basic skills and interests the the Digital Immigrant has and is required by society wether it is virtual or human contact. Etiquette in the digital world has been sacrificed the most. The skill set of manners, proper English, basic writing, and respect for others has declined because of Twitter®, Facebook®, texting etc... Social skills in the work place are being reported to have declined. Co-workers who work on the same floor not only 20 ft away rarely see or speak to each other unless they are in a direct meeting in the same room. The preference is email, text, Facebook® etc.. for them to socialize. Word has it that employers are concerned about the social skills of the employees being there is not as much person to person contact.
  • The defining of media literacy skills differs among scholars slightly, though there are several key elements (Potter 2001).
  • DIGITAL LITERACY Defining digital literacy has as much to do with understanding and how to use technology as it does with meaning making.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      We are viewing Digital Literacy as whole from the position of what we can do. This is deeper than what we can do, this is commenting on a way to do things. It is not just literacy anymore it a Digital Lifestyle that we are molding. For our survival we are forced to "Go Digital". the following link is great article to support these factors both media literacy and online etiquette. I find this source to be credible because my son is a Digital Native. He responds better to reading on the web than on paper.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

How Was Egypt's Internet Access Shut Off?: Scientific American - 0 views

  • The shutdown does not appear to be a spontaneous event, given that the Telecom Egypt, Raya, Link Egypt, Etisalat Misr and Internet Egypt ISPs each shut down its part of Egypt's Internet in sequence an average of about three minutes apart, according to Manchester, N.H.-based network security firm Renesys Corp. This sequencing indicates that each of the ISPs may have received a phone call telling them to drop Internet access to their subscribers, as opposed to an automated system that kicked in to take down all of the providers at once, Jim Cowie, Renesys chief technology officer and co-founder, blogged on Friday.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is priority method of they did it, it appears that the government called out the shots and it was iniated and maintained using Facebook and Twitter. The ISP's of all of Egypt were shut down completely.
  • If this analysis is correct, it indicates a level of governmental Internet control unseen to this point, not even in China, Iran and Tunisia, which have been accused of manipulating Internet access to quell government opposition. Scientific American spoke with Cowie, whose company monitors global Internet infrastructure, to better understand how it works under both normal and, in this instance, abnormal conditions.
  • On January 27, we observed hundreds of providers all over the world suddenly telling us that most of the network addresses in Egypt no longer existed. It's not that their paths were changing a little bit to get better value out of their connection or engineering around a little cable break or something. It was really a matter of just disappearing. And it was just Egypt—you didn't see networks in the Gulf, India or China go down, as you might if a submerged cable in that region had been damaged.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • How Was Egypt's Internet Access Shut Off?
    Key points here
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Blog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • A blog (a portmanteau of the term web log)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often were themed on a single subject. More recently "multi-author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, interest groups and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into societal newstreams. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Blogging or community posting and reports.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Digital Literacy Definition and Resources - 0 views

  • What is Digital Literacy? The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information. 1 The ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers. 2  A person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment... Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments. 3
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      A precise dfinition of Digital Literacy.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Nine Elements - 0 views

  • Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This really explained the Digital Citizenship the best for me.
  • 3.   Digital Communication:   electronic exchange of information. One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st century, communication options have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging).  The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else. Now everyone has the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone from anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communication options.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This section covers the definitions of Moral/Society, Academic integrity, Digital Identity, and Collaborative Media in junction as your virtual characteristics. Explaining how the early years no one was taught such ethical code of honor.
  • 9.   Digital Security (self-protection):   electronic precautions to guarantee safety. In any society, there are individuals who steal, deface, or disrupt other people. The same is true for the digital community. It is not enough to trust other members in the community for our own safety. In our own homes, we put locks on our doors and fire alarms in our houses to provide some level of protection. The same must be true for the digital security. We need to have virus protection, backups of data, and surge control of our equipment. As responsible citizens, we must protect our information from outside forces that might cause disruption or harm.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Better defining digital literacy - Knight Foundation - 0 views

  • Knight Blog The blog of the John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
  •  How do people learn to integrate ethics in both their online and offline lives?
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is very important that as users we use good ethics and responsibility in obtaining information and not passing it off as our own. The Diigo tool is a great way of us showing our work while using others works. We are not claiming to write what others completed. Only tagging that we have read and understand what has been submitted and giving them the credit for their findings but taking credit for our understanding of the content that we have consumed.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: I think; therefore I thank: A philosophy of etiquette - 0 views

  • Analyzes the apparent lack of etiquette associated with modern philosophers. Focus on Philippa Foot's essay, `Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives'; Discussion of her effort to dispel the idea that moral judgments are categorical imperatives, and show that moral imperatives are not logically distinct from hypothetical imperatives; The overlap between etiquette and morality; History of manners and customs; Etiquette and law as different systems for regulating social conduct, with law compensating for failures in etiquette; Reference to the views of P. M. McGoldrick and E. F. Potter.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Very strong words for the support of Responsibility this why I chose it.
    Responsibility of morality
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Copyrights and Wrongs - 0 views

    This link is an article written by Donna J. Abernathy. Supporting the nedd for copyrights and how they are protected. And what lines you cross when you use other peoples art/works.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Result List: Media and controversy - 0 views

  • Modifying perceptions of hostility and credibility of news coverage of an environmental controversy through media literacy.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      need this to counter and resource for the different and opposite views
  • Framing Effects of News Coverage of the Embryonic Stem Cell Controversy: Issue Involvement as an Effects Moderator.
  • ects: MASS media; AUDIENCES; MASS media -- Research; TELEVISION programs; REALITY television programs
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      this is the final resource for the media lit part
    ollow the other two notes below as well
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Copyrights and Wrongs - 0 views

  • You should contact copyright owners directly for permission to use their materials and keep detailed communication records.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is the most basic statement and it says it all. We need to be respectful of othe works and arts.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: "You Have No Idea What You are Talking About!" From e-disagreement to e-imp... - 0 views

  • “impolite talk”
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Impolite talk is not accepted in the professional world wether it is online or in person. We must always maintain our professionalism
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      for the group
    This article is expressing how impoliteness is becoming an issue. If a professional is responding to clients and or co-workers inapropriately in the online world it can have serious cause and effects trying to conduct business.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Copyright in the networked world: orphaned copyrights - 0 views

    This article explains that if a copyright is orphaned or abandoned it is free game. Well this is true. I happen to own a Trademark and if I dont keep it enforce I will not have rights to it anymore. The same applies to certain copyrighted materials. Utility patents only last 17 years an to maintain them you have to cite a change in the art and re-apply to extend the original patent with the modifications.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Converging perspectives in audience studies and digital literacies: Youthfu... - 0 views

  • Engaging with a set of ideas proposed in an article published in this journal in 2004, this article transposes concepts from one mediated condition to another, as it applies selected theories from audience reception studies to research on media and digital literacies. In approaching multi-method qualitative data from a project that researched youthful digital literacies on social networking sites, the article presents a discussion on anticipations of genre and modes of interpretative engagement. It is concluded that the text–reader framework of audience reception studies pushes the digital literacies discussion away from treating literacies as practical skills, encouraging a critical examination of people’s interpretative engagement with media texts. By doing this, the article also explores how concepts lying at the core of the reception studies repertoire need to be retained and revised in the age of the internet. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This supports the declination of basic Etiquette skills as well as social skills.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: The Golden Age of Techno-Bores - 0 views

    This source has a basic point of Respect between the wealthy. It tells about the wave of the electronic gadgets and that the wealthy tend to compete with each other to have the latest and greatest gadget as a status ranking system. I like this point well because it is a very true.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

who said "go digital" - Google Search - 0 views

  • Parents pine for paper as kids go digital ... One in four boys who read an e-book said he enjoyed reading more often, according to Monday's ...
  • Parents pine for paper as kids go digital
Ronald D Rhodes Jr


    this is exactly what I did with my brothers Matt and Brad. I chose my brothers expertise to help me design my logo using very much these steps and procedure explained in this article.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Create a Logo - 0 views

    This is what I remember as a good start for logo/brand creating. State that my logo was designed because of the product. A Pond Coverings or PC is a canopy that is easy to assemble and dis-assemble and store when not in use. The idea of the name being over the water rings is to illustrate that the canopy is suspended over the water for protection from debris. The explanation "We Have You Covered" is underneath to show that the product has surrounded the body of water. 
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Result List: Media Literacy - 0 views

  • The State of Media Literacy: A Response to Potter.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      this is the second main idea for supportive information on the mass use of media
  • Using rubrics to assess information literacy: An examination of methodology and interrater reliability.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
       this will give more support and focus to main idea
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Converging perspectives in audience studies and digital literacies: Youthful interpretations of an online genre.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      get this book
    3 good sources here
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: I think; therefore I thank: A philosophy of etiquette - 0 views

    This supports the ethics and etiquette as a base of character. Judith Martin and Gunther S.Stent wrote article "I think; thereore I think: A philosophy of etiquette
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Library Additional Resources - 0 views

  • Senses of Cinema
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      might use this as etiquette support
  • Opportunity for amateur writers and illustrators of science fiction or fantasy
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      use this with the etiquette as part b
    this is examples of proper etiquette which is a fine line between new ideas and old work performed. this often being a tight window of originality  
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