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Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: The Golden Age of Techno-Bores - 0 views

    My second supporting notation for the responsibility of Etiquette.  with all of this great power in the technology of today we are required by good etiquette practices to not let it take over our characters.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: "You Have No Idea What You are Talking About!" From e-disagreement to e-imp... - 0 views

  • “impolite talk”
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Impolite talk is not accepted in the professional world wether it is online or in person. We must always maintain our professionalism
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      for the group
    This article is expressing how impoliteness is becoming an issue. If a professional is responding to clients and or co-workers inapropriately in the online world it can have serious cause and effects trying to conduct business.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: I think; therefore I thank: A philosophy of etiquette - 0 views

  • Analyzes the apparent lack of etiquette associated with modern philosophers. Focus on Philippa Foot's essay, `Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives'; Discussion of her effort to dispel the idea that moral judgments are categorical imperatives, and show that moral imperatives are not logically distinct from hypothetical imperatives; The overlap between etiquette and morality; History of manners and customs; Etiquette and law as different systems for regulating social conduct, with law compensating for failures in etiquette; Reference to the views of P. M. McGoldrick and E. F. Potter.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Very strong words for the support of Responsibility this why I chose it.
    Responsibility of morality
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Copyright in the networked world: orphaned copyrights - 0 views

    This article explains that if a copyright is orphaned or abandoned it is free game. Well this is true. I happen to own a Trademark and if I dont keep it enforce I will not have rights to it anymore. The same applies to certain copyrighted materials. Utility patents only last 17 years an to maintain them you have to cite a change in the art and re-apply to extend the original patent with the modifications.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: I think; therefore I thank: A philosophy of etiquette - 0 views

    This supports the ethics and etiquette as a base of character. Judith Martin and Gunther S.Stent wrote article "I think; thereore I think: A philosophy of etiquette
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: The Golden Age of Techno-Bores - 0 views

    This source has a basic point of Respect between the wealthy. It tells about the wave of the electronic gadgets and that the wealthy tend to compete with each other to have the latest and greatest gadget as a status ranking system. I like this point well because it is a very true.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

who said "go digital" - Google Search - 0 views

  • Parents pine for paper as kids go digital ... One in four boys who read an e-book said he enjoyed reading more often, according to Monday's ...
  • Parents pine for paper as kids go digital
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Writing for the Internet : A Guide to Real Communication in Virtual Space - 0 views

  • what this means to media literacy rates has not yet been determined, and the technology that brought on this change in media access has created a hybrid media literacy/technology discipline of study called digital literacy. Turning on and off a computer, or visiting favorite Web sites and playing video games, does not increase one’s digital literacy.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is explaining that just because one knows how to "surf the web" it doesn't necessarily mean they are media literate or digitally literate for that matter. I am getting from these references 3 different views on what being "Media Literate" really consists of. 
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      The Digital Native has tipped the balance of proper Etiquette in their environment. The digital age has pushed them into a loss of basic skills and interests the the Digital Immigrant has and is required by society wether it is virtual or human contact. Etiquette in the digital world has been sacrificed the most. The skill set of manners, proper English, basic writing, and respect for others has declined because of Twitter®, Facebook®, texting etc... Social skills in the work place are being reported to have declined. Co-workers who work on the same floor not only 20 ft away rarely see or speak to each other unless they are in a direct meeting in the same room. The preference is email, text, Facebook® etc.. for them to socialize. Word has it that employers are concerned about the social skills of the employees being there is not as much person to person contact.
  • The defining of media literacy skills differs among scholars slightly, though there are several key elements (Potter 2001).
  • DIGITAL LITERACY Defining digital literacy has as much to do with understanding and how to use technology as it does with meaning making.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      We are viewing Digital Literacy as whole from the position of what we can do. This is deeper than what we can do, this is commenting on a way to do things. It is not just literacy anymore it a Digital Lifestyle that we are molding. For our survival we are forced to "Go Digital". the following link is great article to support these factors both media literacy and online etiquette. I find this source to be credible because my son is a Digital Native. He responds better to reading on the web than on paper.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Business Etiquette: What Your Students Don't Know. - 0 views

    Another type of etiquette that seems to be online related because of the social skills declining with the personal environment in the workplace. A study in 1993 by Schaffer, Kelley, and Goette found that there was a 40% decline in proper/business etiquette from recent college grads. follow URL to view article. Citing because I cant highlight the document.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Nine Elements - 0 views

  • Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This really explained the Digital Citizenship the best for me.
  • 3.   Digital Communication:   electronic exchange of information. One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st century, communication options have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging).  The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else. Now everyone has the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone from anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communication options.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This section covers the definitions of Moral/Society, Academic integrity, Digital Identity, and Collaborative Media in junction as your virtual characteristics. Explaining how the early years no one was taught such ethical code of honor.
  • 9.   Digital Security (self-protection):   electronic precautions to guarantee safety. In any society, there are individuals who steal, deface, or disrupt other people. The same is true for the digital community. It is not enough to trust other members in the community for our own safety. In our own homes, we put locks on our doors and fire alarms in our houses to provide some level of protection. The same must be true for the digital security. We need to have virus protection, backups of data, and surge control of our equipment. As responsible citizens, we must protect our information from outside forces that might cause disruption or harm.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Defining Critical Thinking - 0 views

  • Critical thinking...the awakening of the intellect to the study of itself. Critical thinking is a rich concept that has been developing throughout the past 2500 years.  The term "critical thinking" has its roots in the mid-late 20th century.  We offer here overlapping definitions, together which form a substantive, transdisciplinary conception of critical thinking.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Main idea of article in this short statement.
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Arab Springs: Literary Rebels - 0 views

    this has key results 
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Mubarak Takes Over - 0 views

    Key article
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: An Initial Perspective on "The Winter of Discontent": The Root Causes of th... - 0 views

    this is a direct refernce to the cause, find what this has to do with DGCiT
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: When Cheap is Costly: Rent Decline, Regime Survival and State Reform in Mub... - 0 views

    Read this too tetake notes  this is a link to the sources. no HTML or PDF
Ronald D Rhodes Jr


    #2 history lesson
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Egypt after Mubarak - 0 views

    First article to use for history lesson on Mubarak, Egypt
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