Justin Bieber News - 0 views
James Griffith on 23 Sep 12Justin Bieber`s CD Believe sells one million copies
7:00pm|Indraprastha College- Keh Do Usse (Bilingual/45mins) Dir.Surabhi Dogra http://www.eventincity.com/event/373/Keh-Do-Usse-in-Delhi
7:00pm|FILM CLUB SCREENING|Berlin. Locarno. Rome. St. Sebastian. - The Delhi chapter continues. Featuring a selection of movies from International Festivals the world over in Delhi Collab:&nb...
7:00pm|THEATRE|Caferati @Habitat- The Open Mike Series continues. Perform your own work, in any of the languages of the National Capital Region. Poetry, fiction, diatribes, songs, it's all good....