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James Griffith

Justin Bieber News - 0 views

    Justin Bieber`s CD Believe sells one million copies
Linzi F.

Music Industry Resources for Indie Bands, Garage Bands, and Local Bands - 0 views

  • Music Industry Resources for Indie Bands, Garage Bands, Local Bands, and Songwriters.  Find Band Promotion Tactics, Band Resources, Music Industry Articles, Music Jobs, Band Press Kit Tips, Recording Studios, and CD DVD Duplication Listings to help your music career.   We provide music industry articles for the do it yourself (DIY) band or music promoter.  Music industry resources include: How to Get Gigs, How to Sell Your Band CD, Digital Distribution Ideas, Music Careers, Online Music Distribution (OMG), Music Business Books, and Band Promotion Tactics.  Includes: Music Industry Resources, Music Industry Articles, Band Promotion, Band Press Kits, DIY Resources For Bands, and How to Sell Music Online. Locate valuable information on a variety of music jobs, touring jobs, and entertainment employment.  Our interactive music and entertainment jobs board makes it easy to locate music employment opportunities.  As a musician or music fan you now have the tools to research and find music related jobs with our site. We have also added even more band promotion information including social media promotion tactics.  Bands, Artists, and Managers can use our site for cost effective music promotion and muscian resources.
Media Drug

Justin Timberlake Tops Charts In Album Sales - 0 views

    We are at the mid-point of the year and we are tracking the top 20 most selling albums of 2013. Nielson SoundScan has been doing this top 20 countdown for 22 years now and they recently released the top 20 chart for the besting selling albums in the first half of the year.
fame factorr

Sell my Songs Online - 0 views

    Reach A Global Audience Create your own online catalogue of work and use our free promotional services TV, Radio, Charts, Podcasts, Blogs and much more! We give you a multimedia platform to stand out from the crowd, be in control of your music future, and launch your sound to a global audience!
James Griffith


    Find the latest Brandy Norwood's music videos at Watch full length, high quality videos along with exclusive live concert and interview videos of Brandy Norwood's only at Urban-Nation.
thomas leary

How To Make A Press Kit - 0 views

    At Access4Artists, you have the ability to create an online press kit that is available instantly to promoters and talent seekers anywhere in the world. One phone call or email and in seconds your digital press kit is selling for you!
Sheritta Young

CD and mobile music sales fall in 2010, but vinyl continues its resurgence - - 3 views

  • Vinyl is back.
    • Patrick Robinson
      I am loving this rebirth of vinyl. The fact that I can find gems like Pink Floyds - The Wall all the way to stuff like Slayer and Dimmu Borgir on vinyl is amazing!
  • CD sales dropped 21% in 2010 to $3.36 billion, down from $4.27 billion in 2009, said RIAA, whose members include the industry's largest record labels. Vinyl LP sales, meanwhile, surged 26%, albeit to a modest $4 million, up from $3.2 million in 2009
    • Patrick Robinson
      This to me is rancid. I respect those musicians who strictly put their music online, I am one who does it, but for financial reasons. But, CD's are a major way that the artist make their money.
  • mobile music sales, which is made up of mostly ringtones, dropped 28% to $527 million last year. Sales of individual song downloads grew just 2.1% in 201
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • overall digital music revenue grew 10%, in large part because Apple Inc. last year raised the price of top selling tunes to $1.29 from 99 cents
    The resurgence of vinyl
    The Home of Caribbean Hip/hop MT is Los Angeles best Caribbean Hip Hop Artist. The swag he bring to the Hip Hop World is Rich and full of Energy ,MT is known in Los Angeles ca, and Belize city. MT is available for all events such as concert, clubs, parties, opening act, Artist features etc.
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Keh Do Usse - 0 views

7:00pm|Indraprastha College- Keh Do Usse (Bilingual/45mins) Dir.Surabhi Dogra

events in city delhi IHC freesell india habitat centre Keh Do Usse post free promote Sell Tickets upcoming

started by encityweb on 30 Jan 15 no follow-up yet


7:00pm|FILM CLUB SCREENING|Berlin. Locarno. Rome. St. Sebastian. - The Delhi chapter continues. Featuring a selection of movies from International Festivals the world over in Delhi Collab:&nb...

events in city delhi IHC FILM CLUB SCREENING freesell india habitat centre post free promote Sell Tickets upcoming

started by encityweb on 07 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Caferati @Habitat - 0 views

7:00pm|THEATRE|Caferati @Habitat- The Open Mike Series continues. Perform your own work, in any of the languages of the National Capital Region. Poetry, fiction, diatribes, songs, it's all good....

Caferati @Habitat events in city delhi IHC freesell india habitat centre post free promote Sell Tickets upcoming

started by encityweb on 07 Apr 15 no follow-up yet
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