Music Industry Resources for Indie Bands, Garage Bands,
Local Bands, and Songwriters. Find Band Promotion
Tactics, Band Resources, Music Industry Articles, Music
Jobs, Band Press Kit Tips, Recording Studios, and CD DVD
Duplication Listings to help your music career.
We provide music industry articles for the do it yourself
(DIY) band or music promoter. Music industry resources
include: How to Get Gigs, How to Sell Your Band CD, Digital
Distribution Ideas, Music Careers, Online Music Distribution
(OMG), Music Business Books, and Band Promotion Tactics.
Includes: Music Industry Resources, Music Industry Articles,
Band Promotion, Band Press Kits, DIY Resources For Bands,
and How to Sell Music Online. Locate valuable information on
a variety of music jobs, touring jobs, and entertainment
employment. Our interactive music and entertainment
jobs board makes it easy to locate music employment
opportunities. As a musician or music fan you now have
the tools to research and find music related jobs with our
site. We have also added even more band promotion
information including social media promotion tactics.
Bands, Artists, and Managers can use our site for cost
effective music promotion and muscian resources.