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Sheritta Young

CD and mobile music sales fall in 2010, but vinyl continues its resurgence - - 3 views

  • Vinyl is back.
    • Patrick Robinson
      I am loving this rebirth of vinyl. The fact that I can find gems like Pink Floyds - The Wall all the way to stuff like Slayer and Dimmu Borgir on vinyl is amazing!
  • CD sales dropped 21% in 2010 to $3.36 billion, down from $4.27 billion in 2009, said RIAA, whose members include the industry's largest record labels. Vinyl LP sales, meanwhile, surged 26%, albeit to a modest $4 million, up from $3.2 million in 2009
    • Patrick Robinson
      This to me is rancid. I respect those musicians who strictly put their music online, I am one who does it, but for financial reasons. But, CD's are a major way that the artist make their money.
  • mobile music sales, which is made up of mostly ringtones, dropped 28% to $527 million last year. Sales of individual song downloads grew just 2.1% in 201
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • overall digital music revenue grew 10%, in large part because Apple Inc. last year raised the price of top selling tunes to $1.29 from 99 cents
    The resurgence of vinyl
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James Watt

Do your Party Super Hit through the Stoned Vinyl of Acid Witch - 1 views

    Do your party super hit through the stoned vinyl of acid witch. Acid Witch іѕ a most heavy metal band of America that wаѕ formed in Detroit, Michigan in 2007. is the online shop for music.
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