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Gail Ramsey

Wired 14.12: YouTube vs. Boob Tube - 0 views

  • As for Sacerdoti's so-called postroll ads, even the most self-satisfied marketer wants to know who in the world would stick around to watch – or, more to the point, who can prove that anyone did.
    • dracmere
      This brings up a good point. I do not know of many people that would stick around for a commercial after the video. I usually am ready to click on the next video after the one I am watching is done.
  • Wait until their commercials make it onto YouTube and hope they go viral.
    • dracmere
      This option seems to work. I have seen many Superbowl ads make it onto Youtube, which probably allows more people to see them then the Superbowl did.
    • goulds28 gould
      Because many people watch the Superbowl only to see the commericals uploading them onto youtube would increase even more the use of the internet instead of television cable.
    • kimmerzx0 C
      If the commerical is effective enough to capture its audience, then it should no doubt appear on youtube so that people can see it again and again.
    • anonymous
      I think this is a good option.
    • coffma46
      When I am watching a video...I don't care for the advertisement even if it relates to the video I am looking at. I usually just want to watch what I have to and then close it out.
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • As for Sacerdoti's so-called postroll ads, even the most self-satisfied marketer > wants to know who in the world would stick around to watch – or, more to the > point, who can prove that anyone did. >
  • "They've got the audience,
    • sunflower123
      An the audience today is mostly a younger crowd that is geared more towards technology and watching veidos on computers, what a difference in only five years.
  • YouTube actually encourages this – so long as the free posts are accompanied by paid versions.
    • sunflower123
      I like the idea that U-tube is welcoming to let others use their site to post commericals
  • A lot of those upload monkeys have a nasty habit of posting clips from TV shows or enhancing their clips by adding music tracks – which, of course, are somebody else's property.
    • willis02
      I just finished reading the article assigned next week about plaigerism. It is true that many individuals think that just because it is on the internet and free access does not mean it is free to use. There are a lot of consequences that come along with stealing other peoples work.
    • vanamb16
      wouldn't the artists be getting more publicity if people put their music/videos online? it's free exposure....
    • coffma46
      Even though these things (music and photos) arent of the person's creation it is something the person admires and they just want to promote it on his/her page.
  • YouTube refused to sell ads appended to either end of a video
    • willis02
      I think a lot people come on youtube to watch highlights of their favorite show and not be distrubed by commercials. Everywhere we go we seem to see ads and this is the one place you wouldnt get any annoying breaks or pop ups. I think it would be stupid to start.
    • kaeanne
      I agree, I think that youtube participation would downfall greatly if commercials were added to the videos.
  • #2 "They've got the audience
    • Elizabeth Somer
      Though younger crowds are generally geared towards new media, I think older crowds are catching on and are becoming crazed by it as well.
    • kimmerzx0 C
      As it said in our article about Facebook, the average age of the fastest growing users is over 35 years old.
    • vanamb16
      they have such a broad dad is hooked and it seems as though everyday my mom is showing me a funny video that her sister sent brother watches tv shows and my cousin posts videos. it is universal
  • So what about "Evolution of Dance," for instance? To put together this medley, did Laipply license 30 songs?
    • Elizabeth Somer
      The guy that created "Evolution of Dance" came to Rowan and spoke to us about this. He did have to receive copy right license I believe. The law is the law. The internet is not a "free for all"
    • needle10
      What if someone else videotapped his performance and posted it on youtube, could he get in trouble for that if he didn't get permission to use those songs?
  • "I think its the beginning of the end of youtube as we know it," wrote a poster named SamHill24. Another, Link420, declared simply, "ITS OVER!!!! youtube is screwed."
    • zimmer67
      This was interesting because as we have seen in the history of new technologies there are always many who are just not comfortable with change. As the past has shown, opposition does not always indicate whether something will succeed
    • anonymous
      Even if YouTube is "screwed" there will be a replacement instantly.
  • In short, what if there were a missing link between the old model and the glittering new one? What would happen then?
    • butler09
      I want to ask if this is even possible, but then again, look at where we are. Technology is never-ending, and there's no doubt that there will someday be a breakthrough. The question is only when.
  • AS SOMEBODY ONCE SAID, 100 million people can't be wrong. They can, however, be useless. It turns out that success is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent monetization.
    • butler09
      Media reflects the desires and whims of the audience. YouTube already has this, but when there's a sharing attitude prevalent that doesn't restrict the everyday, ordinary Joe Shmoe from posting, it's hard to come up with profitable ideas. No one wants to see commercials; that's why internet clips are so popular! People post what they want to see how they want to see it--and they don't stick in a 30-second add for cookies with it!
    • Jessica Bloom
      This statement kind of made me laugh. It is totally true. I guess if so many people are using Youtube, it obviously can not be wrong. Also, I think how they are called useless is funny. As long as people are enjoying the videos, then who cares if they are useless? In their own minds they are successfull and that's all that matters!
  • #11 A lot of those upload monkeys have a nasty habit of posting clips from TV shows or enhancing their clips by adding music tracks – which, of course, are somebody else's property.
    • butler09
      This is a major problem. There is a code of ethics that needs to be followed, but a lot of people don't care about that. Maybe some don't realize what they're doing, but still, it's illegal. We inherently accept that lying is wrong, that stealing is wrong, that plagerism is wrong. What's the difference between that and breaking copyright laws? Is that some sort of "golden opportunity" that people can ignore? No! But maybe they just figure they won't get caught. Few others appear to.
    • haines64
      I'm suprised YouTube users (and people in general) aren't against this. For that matter, maybe I should phrase it as more people not publically being against this. It seems very sneaky to me to encourage this behavior, especially considering the ethical implications.
  • YouTube refused to sell ads appended to either end of a video
    • richar19
      I would think it would be smart of them to sell ads. A lot of people view things on youtube every day and they could make a lot of money
  • As for Sacerdoti's so-called postroll ads, even the most self-satisfied marketer wants to know who in the world would stick around to watch
    • daydreamr97
      It's true, most people probably won't watch ads after the vdeo. I can't speak for anyone else, but I usually wont even watch the credits. Maybe if video makers did what filmmakers do now, have a bonus scene after the credits. You would see a video, the credits, a short ad, and final a bonus scene. A lot of people still wouldn't watch, but it's a possibility.
  • Which may suit the users just fine. One of the biggest obstacles to advertising success is the damage that success could inflict on the YouTube experience, till now an oasis of relative noncommercialism in a world of brand inundation
    • daydreamr97
      It's a good point. A lot of YouTube videos make use of copyrighted material, and although they credit the original creators, users seem paranoid about what the companies will do to them. By opening the site up to advertisers, it becomes even more likely that the big companies will start censoring what users can post.
  • But speculation abounds that copyright holders have just been waiting for someone with deep pockets, such as Google, to acquire YouTube, whereupon the lawsuits will fly.
    • daydreamr97
      This is exactly the fear of users. They use songs and video clips, and even though they aren't making money for their videos and most of the users do credit the original artists, they know that big companies can come along and tear their work down. Which isn't fair, when you think about it. All art is influenced by other art. In previous generations, it was okay for kids who became artists to begin by tracing and kids who became writers to begin copying other writers' styles, and kids who became directors to use action figures and a script drawn from other scripts. It's how people grow and discover who they are and what they want to say.
  • one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues
  • Photobucket,
  • "we are at the very, very beginning of online video."
    • haines64
      Yet Zuckerberg was at the beginning of the social networking when he started Facebook and now look at what has come from it. If anything, it is likely that YouTube had a more direct startup (its target audience was not initially as limited as Zuckerberg's). Despite being at the beginning of online video, YouTube is becoming a social norm.
  • fatally intrusive
    • haines64
      One of the things I find most annoying with TV shows online is the pseudo-commercials they include while loading and throughout the programs. If YouTube started using pre-video commercials, I personally would probably use the site less.
    • Gail Ramsey
      If they have to run an ad, I think it should be done at the end or at least have the option to skip it. I think having it at the beginning sometimes hurts things in the end because people are impatient and they may just skip to another video or site else that does not have the ad first.
    • mccrar25
      This is rather true. Sure, Google is a billion dollar company now, but what will happen five years from now? We live in a world where everything is constanly changing. Technologies are being upgraded and replaced. New companies are putting old ones out of business in a matter of months. No one can predicat anything in the digital revolution.
    • mccrar25
      This is rather true. Sure, Google is a billion dollar company now, but what will happen five years from now? We live in a world where everything is constanly changing. Technologies are being upgraded and replaced. New companies are putting old ones out of business in a matter of months. No one can predicat anything in the digital revolution.
  • But even 100 million daily streams and $1.65 billion into the evolution of this species, how it will actually thrive is a mystery. "If anybody tries to answer that question
    • mccrar25
      This is rather true. Sure, Google is a billion dollar company now, but what will happen five years from now? We live in a world where everything is constanly changing. Technologies are being upgraded and replaced. New companies are putting old ones out of business in a matter of months. No one can predicat anything in the digital revolution.
  • It, too, was a peer-to-peer revolutionary – one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues .
    • mccrar25
      I have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
  • . It, too, was a peer-to-peer revolutionary – one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues .
    • mccrar25
      have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
    • mccrar25
      have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
    • mccrar25
      have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
  • It, too, was a peer-to-peer revolutionary – one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues .
    • mccrar25
      I have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
  • It, too, was a peer-to-peer revolutionary – one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues .
    • mccrar25
      I have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
  • It, too, was a peer-to-peer revolutionary – one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues .
    • mccrar25
      I have never thought about this before. This YouTube revolution is very similar to the Napster craze. People who use YouTube post television shows, music videos, songs, and commercials for anyone to access. This really isn't much different from the concept of Napster's music sharing. In fact, YouTube can probably bring up more infringement issues, because it crosses over a wider range of genres.
  • The second big issue is the nightmare of protecting intellectual property. As eager as Madison Avenue is to push stacks of chips online, in the back of its mind is Napster. It, too, was a peer-to-peer revolutionary – one killed aborning by copyright infringement issues . Nobody wants to invest only to see the fledgling industry paralyzed with litigation, regulation, or legislation. And it is not an idle fear.
    • anonymous
      I think that protecting intellectuall property is important, very imporatnt.I feel in a way that youtube is like limewire because you get to go on there and look up msuic for free; in the porcess, msuicians and artist alike aren't paid and the rights to their music are completely dimissed.
  • Actually, that's an easy one: Procter & Gamble would be ecstatic
    • anita sipala
      Procter&Gamble is probably the biggest distributor of products, from household products to prescription drugs. This fact makes it a highly advertised company. I guess this would make them very ecstatic.
    • Bianca Pieloch
      Putting a commercial in the beginning of the video may discourage the viewer from watching it. Is there some way the commercial can come in the middle? Or is that technically impossible? Maybe force the viewer to watch it?
    • Melissa Foster
      The idea of intellectual property and copyrighting is something that we discussed in our other two modules, so I found it intriguing that it continues to be such a sticky area. Also, the concept behind lawsuits being driven by the amount of money the company running the site has shows how it may all just be about wealth.
Gail Ramsey

Wired 14.12: The Secret World of Lonelygirl - 0 views

  • Don't sell merchandise and don't use any copyrighted music without a license. If people buy Lonelygirl15 stuff thinking she is real, they could claim false advertising and sue.
    • sunflower123
      I guess that was smart that he thought that much into, but it still doesnt sit right with me. When I watched the viedos I couldn't help but think how fake it all was.
    • zimmer67
      I don't feel creating a fan base based on lies is the best way for a young film maker to start his career.
    • alieraisu1
      Really quick here: isn't it false advertising? They made a series of FAKE videos about a girl. It's all scripted... but no one says that out loud... isn't that false advertising?
  • It was a sly move: Post a video that comments on an already-popular vlogger and piggyback on the existing audience.
    • sunflower123
      Deffinitley a smart tactic, I commend him on his genious ways, he most be a intelligent person, writing skits and planning this all.
  • But he did persuade her to meet again the next day. It was at a crowded coffee shop – she figured she'd be safe. Beckett showed up alone and explained the plan this way: The project was a sketchbook for a film. If it was a success online, they could go to the studios and use the material as a screen test for both her and the story. That seemed to soften her. This was just a stepping stone to a feature film. She decided to give it a try.
    • sunflower123
      At least that shows that lonelygirl has respect for herself. I don't no anything about these veidos except for what is on here, so I didn't no if she did anything inappopriate and that statement shows she isn't a so called "veido whore".
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • Her character is also deliberately crafted to target the Web's most active demographics. Nerds geek out on the idea that this beautiful girl lists physicist Richard Feynman and poet e. e. cummings as heroes. Horny guys respond to the tame but tantalizing glimpses of her cleavage. Teenage girls sympathize with her boy troubles and her sometimes-stormy relationship with her strict parents. Early on, viewers started emailing to offer advice and sympathy. Others wanted to talk dirty and discuss mathematical equations.
    • sunflower123
      Yes it is nice that all different types of people can relate to her...but they were not relating to a real person, so that could of really upset them when they found out it was fake. That could cause someone to do something out of hand.
    • goulds28 gould
      The point is that people were relating to the story. It was what held their interest. Whether or not she is fictional is unimportant. The fact that people were interested in this is what made it so substational to the future of "tv on the internet"
    • vanamb16
      i noticed that they did this....they have every boy's dream...a beautiful nerdy girl who isn't afraid to be herself....not sure how much girls would like her though...
    • kaeanne
      She's extremely cute. I watched the three videos on the side of the first page, and I can see why people would think she's adorable. However, the things she does and says seems a little immature for me, maybe that's the point but I don't see why people would tune into her like they apparently do. I just don't know...
  • As Bree, she struck up friendships with people in Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Australia, Mexico, and all over the US.
    • goulds28 gould
      Thats the difference with having this series on the internet, it is worldwide not only reaching select television networks.
  • Now Beckett and Flinders had made her sign a nondisclosure agreement and, clearly pleased with themselves, told her that they wanted her to play the lead in what they billed as the future of entertainment.
    • Jennifer Dougherty
      The people on Survivor and the Bachelor and any other show that ends prior to the last air date must sign agreements of nondisclousure so that the ending is not revealed. How is this any different. This actually makes me think about the movie The Truman Show with Jim Carrey.
    • hughes27
      These characteristics are doing exactly what is intended to do. Just from the small three video's that i have watched so far, im interested to watch more.
  • The title of the video was "My Parents Suck …," and she explained that her religion prevented her from doing things that other kids did. Still, she felt that her parents had gone too far when they said she couldn't go on a hike with Daniel. It was the first time Bree was emotional on camera.
    • Melissa Foster
      This change really brought drama to the plot, but I can see how the mystery drew people in. I remember thinking the Law & Order episode that was based on this story was intriguing since it implied a future for this type of entertainment.
  • In fact, Beckett and Flinders hadn't even found an actress to play the part.
    • coffma46
      SO, Lonelygirl15 wasn't sure if this was a scam or not? Did she even look into it first?
  • It was exactly what her acting coaches at Universal Studios' film program had warned her against: unkempt producer-types hawking shady deals.
  • THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT JESSICA ROSE that the webcam loves. Her distractingly large eyebrows and small round face are bent and stretched by the fish-eye lens into a morsel of beauty that fits perfectly in a pop-up window. That's not to say she isn't pretty off camera – she is – but every step she takes closer to the cam multiplies and enhances her looks. It's a face made for the browser screen.
    • Aaron D
      I can see that. =D
    • coffma46
      So Jessica Rose had to be pretty to be on camera...that is not right. If the person has something to say...let them no matter what.
  • As Bree, she struck up friendships with people in Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Australia, Mexico, and all over the US. > She never offered much information about her character. Rather, she'd research an emailer's
    • coffma46
      Doing this screen play was also a way for her to meet new people and to keep in contact with people she already knew.
  • The previous week, one guy had offered her a part in a movie if she would use her student ID to buy him discounted film at Kodak
    • Elizabeth Somer
      These people are receiving instant fame. Like any celebrity there are positive and negative consequences. While Youtube may have in fact helped this actress's career, it could have also easily shattered it
  • A day or two after that, a new user named Lonelygirl15 posted an animated scene of a dinosaur stomping on a house, intercut with Emily's original videos.
    • vanamb16
      good segueway.....pretty inventive and it would get vloggers interested
  • Emily's fans loved it and offered a deluge of comments, giving Lonelygirl15 instant cred. Viewers praised this funny, creative new vlogger, encouraged her to keep the videos coming, and signed up to receive her future clips.
    • mccrar25
      I can't believe that people would actually get so involved in this. When you think about it, it's kind of ridiculous. It's as if people don't value their lives enough that they have to rely on someone else's story for entertainment. Then, after all of that, they find out that it's fictional. I just think that this was very deceptive.
  • . #15 The previous videos had gotten between 50,000 and 100,000 views after a week, but this one logged 50,000 in its first
    • richar19
      This is very interesting and shows a huge jump in popularity.
  • The previous videos had gotten between 50,000 and 100,000 views after a week, but this one logged 50,000 in its first two hours.
    • needle10
      The amount of people that view the "diary videos" from LonelyGirl15 is not surprising to me because there are many shows on television these days that I thought no one would ever watch and yet millions do.
  • Goodfried's advice was simple. "If anyone asks point-blank if you're real, don't answer the question," he said. "Don't lie to people. The answer is no answer. In my mind, it's the equivalent of not lying. But if people talk to Bree like she's Bree, that's fair game."
    • richar19
      This is something that happens all the time were someone is asked a question and they just don't answer it or they change the subject. I had never thought of it from a legal stance though.
    • Gail Ramsey
      I am still not sure how legal not answering the question is. In the series, she is saying she is a certain individual. How is that different than if someone asks via email? Most likely, the dollar issue is the one you could get in trouble for because that would bring in false advertising.
  • #8 The previous week, one guy had offered her a part in a movie if she would use her student ID to buy him discounted film at Kodak
    • richar19
      This to me is something that would seem very weird. I do not think film is that expensive so i would not see why he would do this. I would probably have a bad feeling about it.
  • It sounded a lot like porn.
    • alieraisu1
      I would have bacxked out right then and there. It sounded shady to me too, and I wouldn't have gone along with it. I wonder why she did.
    • Aaron D
      You know it really could have been. But Beckett and Flinders probably backed out on their original idea when they were afraid of lossing her. =P haha
  • they could claim false advertising and sue.
  • commune-raised screenwriter a green light to unleash Lonelygirl15 on the world.
    • Jen Fitzgerald
      This guy was raised on a commune with twelve other kids. He's just trying to find any way to stand out, even if it is creepy. He really thought through the process and made sure to cover himself.
  • (one called her an "attention whore" and another a "video slut"),
    • Jen Fitzgerald
      I've noticed how quick people are to post vile and insulting things. They don't care who will see their remarks because they can hide behind their screen name. Cursing seems like less and less of a taboo online. I don't think this is a good way to share with our peers.
  • But this first clip laid the groundwork for everything that was to come.
    • Aaron D
      You can really tell in the advansment in the editting techs. from the first clip to the later ones. the style of the program evolves
  • A day or two after that, a new user named Lonelygirl15 posted an animated scene of a dinosaur stomping on a house, intercut with Emily's original videos.
  • 9 The previous videos had gotten between 50,000 and 100,000 views after a week, but this one logged 50,000 in its first two hours.
    • butler09
      People want to hear the dramatic, soap opery issues. Like with the YouTube video of "boom goes the dynamite," people enjoy looking at videos of people in distress, whether emotionally or socially. Plus, the title itself relates with the emotions a lot of teens feel. "My Parents Suck . . ." It's a title a lot of kids probably want to put on their life story at some time or another. It's no wonder it was so popular.
  • "If anyone asks point-blank if you're real, don't answer the question," he said. "Don't lie to people. The answer is no answer. In my mind, it's the equivalent of not lying. But if people talk to Bree like she's Bree, that's fair game."
    • needle10
      This is kind of like politics. Don't answer the question, avoid it, and no one will get in trouble.
  • JESSICA ROSE WAS SUSPICIOUS and frankly a little pissed off. She had come to this organic-tea shop to discuss what she thought was a feature film called Children of Anchor Cove.
    • needle10
      Can you blame her? This is all very sketchy. And it's kind of ironic that they lured her to get involved in this "project" under false pretenses and the whole project itself is a lie.
    • Gail Ramsey
      I wonder how many other young actresses they tried this on before they found her? I can not image trusting these guys like she did. Exspecially when they eventually told her they would film in a private house in a bedroom.
  • a hand puppet named Purple Monkey
    • anonymous
      I never played with hand puppets when I was 16.
  • Rather, she'd research an emailer's MySpace page and ask questions about their life. They responded enthusiastically and helped spread the word about the amazing new YouTube vlogger named Bree
    • Joan Vance
      OMG, how crazy is that?!?! I'm surprised no one else has commented on this particular part. I can't believe Amanda looked up people's myspace pages. My page is private but it still makes me skeptical. Maybe I should delete my myspace and facebook. Who wants people to know everything about them?
    • Gail Ramsey
      I agree. That is scary. I don't really see getting upset that the video was a fake but to get into friendships, email conversations and investigate people . No that crosses a line somewhere that is not acceptable. Those conversations were past just a unique new entertainment.
  • Don't sell merchandise and don't use any copyrighted music without a license. If people buy Lonelygirl15 stuff thinking she is real
    • anita sipala
      How does this justify the fact that the story line is flasified? Is this not false advertising? They are misleading the viewers.
    • Jennifer Dougherty
      I follow the Big Brother blogs. They are full of people who follow the live feeds. The houseguests are not permitted to sing any song because of this copyright issue. Watching the feeds, the stuff that is only seen over the internet, you can here producers come on and ask houseguests to "please stop singing" anytime they break into song. It's pretty amusing sometimes.
  • Teenage girls sympathize with her boy troubles and her sometimes-stormy relationship with her strict parents.
    • anita sipala
      This is where this can get really ugly. Young girls who make a connection with her, only to learn that it is all lies. This could cause some serious emotional repurcussions.
  • The previous videos had gotten between 50,000 and 100,000 views after a week, but this one logged 50,000 in its first two hours.
    • anita sipala
      I am not surprised. In our troubled world, people like to feel that they are not alone in the way they feel. They tend to gravitate towards people who have problems. It makes their own more bearable.
  • Rather, she'd research an emailer's MySpace page and ask questions about their life. They responded enthusiastically and helped spread the word about the amazing new YouTube vlogger named Bree .
    • anita sipala
      Okay, so where does this invasion of privacy end? It is like you are standing in the nude for the entire web to view.
    • Melissa Foster
      it's interesting how the same viewers who degraded Emily embraced Lonelygirl15. I wonder if it has to do with her created persona. As they discuss later, it did appeal to a certain demographic on the web.
    • Bianca Pieloch
      This is how they draw people in. When they see someone is upset and trying to deal with a problem, the viewer is drawn in. Humans like to see others besides themselves with problems.
  • For Amanda, it was a welcome departure from her day job, where she answered phones and handled the demands of high-powered stars.
    • Jennifer Dougherty
      Isn't this what most of us long for-a chance to be someone else, even if only for a bit? Think about it, I know when I was younger, I played dress up and pretended to be someone else. Even as an adult writer, I create characters that are not like me. They are from me, but are not me. Sometimes I am a child in my stories, sometimes an elderly man, sometimes I am even an anilmal or a bug, or a fairy, or a princess. The point is, it is an escape from reality, a vent, a form of release.
Gail Ramsey

Best big companies to work - Fortune - 0 views

    top 100 fortune 500 companies employers
Gail Ramsey

ABC News: Social Networks Coming to Yahoo? - 0 views

    Yahoo plans to makeover its Web site to incorporate more applications and add elements of social networks.
Ashley Taylor

Facebook | Home - 0 views

    internet profile
    Save Bookmark
Jennifer Dougherty

NEA: National Education Association - 0 views

    National Education Association website. Teacher's union. The latest in education news and laws
anita sipala

Wired 14.12: YouTube vs. Boob Tube - 0 views

  • Numa Numa,"
    • dchristal
      This one (and the evolution of dance) I know from hearing my 16 year old brother talk about. It's kind of funny, these videos get almost a cult like following. Nowadays, to keep up with popculture you have to be in the loop with these videos
  • hilarious
  • the line between TV and Internet TV is about to disappear
    • dchristal
      Even companies like ABC and CW are cashing in on this, and putting their television shows on the internet for viewers to watch at their own convenience. ABC even has every season of their show LOST in HD.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Soapbox in direct competition with YouTube
    • dchristal
      I've never heard of Soapbox. Among my group of friends, YouTube is pretty much entrenched in their lives, for now. Which isn't to say if something better comes along they wouldn't immediately switch. I'm just saying that it can't be too much competition if I have never even heard the phrase uttered.
  • So what about "Evolution of Dance," for instance? To put together this medley, did Laipply license 30 songs? "Don't know," replies YouTube senior marketing director Julie Supan. "You'd have to ask Judson." In the next breath, though, she suggests that the brief music excerpts fall within the bounds of fair use.
    • dchristal
      This point caught my attention. I used to coach competition cheerleading, and for a mix of sound effects, voice overs, sound clips, and songs it would cost over $300 to be mixed by a DJ. As far I am aware, a portion of that had to go to paying for the license to the songs. That's a significant sum of money for 8th graders to jump around to for four months, and yet some things can just be put up without regulation online.
    • dchristal
      I didn't think it was that funny, and I felt really bad for the kid, because he was clearly nervous. Even worse now, because of this YouTube video, thousads of people a week can watch him stammer and stumble his way through this sports cast, and he probably had no say in the video being put up, which is one of the problems with YouTube. Some of the video's are self posted, and others are put up by friends (for example) who thinks its funny to embarass their friend. I've seen it happen.
  • Until about five minutes ago
    • Heather Wenzel
      "LOL"- This reading is filled with the new slang of the 21 century. Who would have thought that a figure of spech, such as this one, would end up in a published article.
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