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Sandra Crowe

Lead Generation for Payroll Software - 0 views

    Find out how to increase Payroll Software Buyers with our B2B Lead Generation Campaign. Dial 424.256.0345 or Visit: to learn more.
Sandra Crowe

IT Lead Generation - Technology Sales Leads - Callbox - 0 views

    We provide solid IT lead generation solutions for providers of IT products and services. Get qualified IT leads and appointments. Call +1 888.810.7464
Casey Wedge

Verizon Business - A Leading Provider of Advanced Communications Solutions - 0 views

    Verizon Business is a leading provider of advanced global network, deep IP expertise and one of the broadest sets of next-generation offerings to its broadband, wireless and voice capabilities. Verizon Business is enabling enterprises to take advantage of the transforming communications landscape. It is accelerating the deployment of advanced services, including: Private IP, Seamless Mobility, Applications Hosting, Customer Service Management and Security.

Sprint, Qwest lead telecoms higher - MarketWatch - 0 views

  • Over the past year, the phone index has ranged from a high of 1,513 points to a low of 1,150 points.
Alepo Technologies Inc

Empower Your Customers with Alepo's Omnichannel Self-Care Solution - 0 views

    Alepo's #Omnichannel #selfcare solution lets you introduce #AI #chatbots for social platforms, voice assistants, web and mobile support, and more. #OmnichannelStrategy boosts #customerexperience and #customerengagement, accelerates inbound sales and marketing leads, and lowers OPEX. Learn more: #cxtransformation #Omnichannelselfcare
Alepo Technologies Inc

Alepo helps mtel launch mobile offload and public WiFi plans - 0 views

    Bosnia and Herzegovina's leading telecommunications provider, m:tel, deployed Alepo's Carrier WiFi solution to improve network capacity of its 3G and LTE networks by offloading traffic to WiFi. It also wanted to bolster its monetization capabilities with paid and sponsored WiFi services.
Alepo Technologies Inc

Alepo's 5G- and NFV-Compliant Digital Business Support System (BSS) - 0 views

    Alepo's industry-leading 5G-ready Digital Business Support System (BSS) enables #telecom operators to digitize CX as they rapidly deliver, manage, and monetize #telecommunication services. It includes omnichannel self-care, convergent charging, billing, digital payments, partner management, and more. #DigitalBSS #businesssupportsystem #bss #ossbss #telecomsector
Alepo Technologies Inc

Drive digital-first CX with zero-touch networks - 0 views

    As more subscribers choose digital touchpoints to interact with their service providers, it's increasingly evident that zero-touch networks are the future of telecom. The zero-touch network lets you: - Digitize CX - Accelerate lead generation and sales - Automate support with AI chatbots - Reduce CAPEX with cloud deployment - no physical infrastructure - Optimize resources - no physical stores, live agents - Leverage data to drive ROI Where do you begin? Watch our webinar:
Alepo Technologies Inc

How Alepo's Data Online Charging System OCS helps operators - 0 views

    In this insightful video, we explore how ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, can revolutionize the efficiency of telecom operators worldwide.Alepo, a leading provide...
Casey Wedge

Get XO Managed Service with Telco Collocation and Security Services - 1 views

    At Connecthere get XO Managed Services that offer the equipment, technologies, and services to streamline network management. The services included are such as XO Telco Collocation, Interactive, MPLS VPN, IP Flex with VPN, XO One Managed iPBX and XO Managed Security Services. All XO Managed Security Services are provided on the industry-leading Cisco platform. So for best XO Managed services visit our website.

Tokyo Telco Bets Big on VoIP - 0 views

  • Japan Communications is set to offer mobile phones that make calls using voice-over-Internet protocol technology, which could lead to lower rates

网络广告定价方式 - 0 views

  • 一个网络媒体(网站)会包含有数十个甚至成千上万个页面,网络广告所投放的位置和价格 就牵涉到特定的页面以及浏览人数的多寡。这好比平面媒体(如报纸)的“版位”、“发行量”,或者电波媒体(如电视)的“时段”、“收视率”的概念。 1. CPC(Cost Per Click;Cost Per Thousand Click-Through) 每点击成本 以每点击一次计费。这样的方法加上点击率限制可以〖WX)〗加强作弊的难度,而且是宣传网站站点的最优方式。但是,此类方法就有不少经营广告的网站觉得不公平,比如,虽然浏览者没有点击,但是他已经看到了广告,对于这些看到广告却没有点击的流量来说,网站成 了白忙活。有很多网站不愿意做这样的广告,据说,是因为传统媒体从来都没有这样干过。  2.CPM(Cost Per Mille,或者Cost Per Thousand;Cost Per Impressions) 每千人成本  网上广告收费最科学的办法是按照有多少人看到你的广告来收费。按访问人次收费已经成为网络广告的惯例。CPM(千人成本)指的是广告投放过程中,听到或者看到某广告的每一人平 均分担到多少广告成本。传统媒介多采用这种计价方式。在网上广告,CPM取决于“印象”尺度,通常理解为一个人的眼睛在一段固定的时间内注视一个广告的次数。比如说一个广告 横幅的单价是1元/CPM的话,意味着每一千个人次看到这个Ban-ner的话就收1元,如此类推 ,10,000人次访问的主页就是10元。 至于每CPM的收费究竟是多少,要根据以主页的热门程度(即浏览人数)划分价格等级,采 取固定费率。国际惯例是每CPM收费从5美元至200美元不等。  3.CPA(Cost Per Action) 每行动成本 CPA计价方式是指按广告投放实际效果,即按回应的有效问卷或定单来计费,而不限广告投 放量。CPA的计价方式对于网站而言有一定的风险,但若广告投放成功,其收益也比CPM的计 价方式要大得多。  广告主为规避广告费用风险,只有当网络用户点击旗帜广告,链接广告主网页后,才按点击 次数付给广告站点费用。  4.CPR(Cost Per Response) 每回应成本 以浏览者的每一个回应计费。这种广告计费充分体现了网络广告“及时反应、直接互动、准 确记录”的特点,但是,这个显然是属于辅助销售的广告模式,对于那些实际只要亮出名字 就已经有一半满足的品牌广告要求,大概所有的网站都会给予拒绝,因为得到广告费的机会 比CPC还要渺茫。  5.CPP(Cost Per Purchase) 每购买成本 广告主为规避广告费用风险,只有在网络用户点击旗帜广告并进行在线交易后,才按销售笔 数付给广告站点费用。 无论是CPA还是CPP,广告主都要求发生目标消费者的“点击”,甚至进一步形成购买,才予 付费:CPM则只要求发生“目击”(或称“展露”、“印象”),就产生广告付费。  6.包月方式  很多国内的网站是按照“一个月多少钱”这种固定收费模式来收费的,这对客户和网站都不 公平,无法保障广告客户的利益。虽然国际上一般通用的网络广告收费模式是CPM(千人印象 成本)和CPC(千人点击成本),但在我国,一个时期以来的网络广告收费模式始终含糊不清, 网络广告商们各自为政,有的使用CPM和CPC计费,有的干脆采用包月的形式,不管效果好坏 ,不管访问量有多少,一律一个价。尽管现在很多大的站点多已采用CPM和CPC计费,但很多 中小站点依然使用包月制。  7.PFP(Pay-For-Performance) 按业绩付费 著名市场研究机构福莱斯特(Forrerster)研究公司最近公布的一项研究报告称,在今后4年 之内,万维网将从目前的广告收费模式——即根据每千次闪现(impression)收费——CPM(这 亦是大多数非在线媒体均所采用的模式)变为按业绩收费(pay-for-performance)的模式。  虽然根据该公司研究人员的预测,未来5年网上广告将呈爆炸性增长,从1999年的28亿美元 猛增至2004年的220亿美元,但是经营模式的转变意味着盈利将成为网络广告发布商关心的 首要问题。  福莱斯特公司高级分析师尼尔说:“互联网广告的一大特点是,它是以业绩为基础的。对发 布商来说,如果浏览者不采取任何实质性的购买行动,就不可能获利。”丘比特公司分析师 格拉克说,基于业绩的定价计费基准有点击次数、销售业绩、导航情况等等,不管是哪种, 可以肯定的是这种计价模式将得到广泛的采用。  虽然基于业绩的广告模式受到广泛欢迎,但并不意味着CPM模式已经过时。相反,如果厂家 坚持这样做,那么受到损失的只会是它自已。一位资深分析家就指出,假如商家在谈判中不 能灵活处理,而坚持采取业绩模式,它将失去很多合作的机会,因为目前许多网站并不接受 这种模式。  8.其他计价方式 某些广告主在进行特殊营销专案时,会提出以下方法个别议价:  (1)CPL(Cost Per Leads):以搜集潜在客户名单多少来收费;  (2)CPS(Cost Per Sales):以实际销售产品数量来换算广告刊登金额。  总之,网络广告本身固然有自己的特点,但是玩弄一些花哨名词解决不了实际问题,一个网站要具备有广告价值,都是有着一定的发展历史,那么,在目标市场决策以后挑选不同的内容网站,进而考察其历史流量进行估算,这样,就可以概算广告在一定期限内的价格,在这个基础上,或者根据不同性质广告,可以把CPC、CPR、CPA这些东西当作为加权,如此而已 。 相比而言,CPM和包月方式对网站有利,而CPC、CPA、CPR、CPP或PFP则对广告主有利。目前 比较流行的计价方式是CPM和CPC,最为流行的则为CPM。
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