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anita z boudreau

Demonstration | Activate Instruction - 0 views

    "Activate is built around the idea of playlists. Most people (and especially kids) are familiar with this concept because of its popularity in music. An educational playlist is similar. Assembled by teachers, a playlist is a compilation of free, open resources built around a theme and designed to help students with their current classroom topics. Playlists can include resources like readings, videos, worksheets, games and quizzes, and they are typically specific to grade, topic and core standards. Students can try out multiple ways to learn and work through the playlists independently, at their own pace. Teachers can also make playlists to share information and resources with their colleagues."
anita z boudreau

10 vetted resources for education apps | eSchool News | eSchool News - 0 views

    "Getting the best apps for your students means using resources that vet apps specifically for learning"
anita z boudreau

Getting Started - 0 views

    At EdTechTeacher, we believe in supporting all educators. This section of our web site is dedicated to providing the best possible resources to help teachers leverage technology to improve teaching and learning
anita z boudreau

How To Create Infographics (The Ultra-Simple & Easy Way) - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on Dec 12, 2016 Infographics are a visual tool that you can use to tell a story (whatever story that may be) in the most memorable way possible. The most difficult part of creating infographics is making sure that they're well designed, concise, and clear. Watch this video for four tips to help you do just that. You can also visit the Blog for the full post: To get started on an infographic, visit us at! Category Education License Standard YouTube License"
anita z boudreau

HMH Fuse Algebra and Geometry Mobile Curriculums - 0 views

    "The award-winning and revolutionary HMH is a highly interactive and engaging curriculum. HMH Fuse: Algebra 1 Common Core Edition, HMH Fuse: Geometry Common Core Edition, and HMH Fuse: Algebra 2 Common Core Edition enables every student with a personalized learning experience. Students and teachers use video tutorials, StepReveal-the award winning way we guide students through step-by-step examples-homework help, quizzes, tips, hints, and many other integrated features to teach, review, and assess all concepts. Other features include the ability for students to show their scratch pad work for individual questions on the assessments, student response system (clickers), and Graph It! examples permits students to explore the example conceptually. Students will benefit from an all-in-one app with built-in tools including Algebra Tiles, Linear Explorer, Quadratic Explorer, a graphing calculator, text and audio note-taking, scratchpad, and a student response system for instant learner feedback. As institutional users, teachers can access all assessment results in an online Teacher Resource Center and prescribe remediation or intervention as needed."
anita z boudreau

Lessons Worth Sharing | TED-Ed - 0 views

    A great resource as well as a novel interface
anita z boudreau

Blogger - 0 views

    If you have a G Mail account then you automatically have access to Blogger. "Blogs allows educators and students to collaborate, share instructional resources, create content and connect to mainstream social media channels such as YouTube, podcasts, other blogs, tweets, social bookmarks, etc. all on a single centralized page."
anita z boudreau

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    Blog with resources for teachers
anita z boudreau - 0 views

    Using Google Apps as a Free LMS - a Google+ commuinty
anita z boudreau

graphite | The best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula rated for learning - 0 views

    Discover the most recent top-rated reviews of edtech tools, trending Lesson Flows, and the hottest Top Picks lists, all in one easy-to-access place. Plus, connect with expert educators to ask all your burning edtech questions.
anita z boudreau

EdTechTeacher - 0 views

    At EdTechTeacher, we understand teachers because all of us have been in the classroom. Given our backgrounds, we recognize the challenge of preparing students for an increasingly complex and cognitively demanding world, so we leverage our experiences to provide professional development to teachers who are dedicated to creating innovative learning opportunities for their students. Learn how to teach with technology and enhance student learning.
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