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anita z boudreau

Mathmateer (formerly Rocket Math) App Review - 0 views

    "Parents need to know that Mathmateer is an educational arithmetic and basic math game. Kids solve problems -- choosing from addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division -- to earn money to build rockets. Each operation includes questions at three difficulty levels, with more difficult problems earning kids more money. When they've earned enough money, kids can design and build their own rockets, which can then be launched into space on missions. Kids help guide the rocket on its trajectory by tilting the device. Missions cover such topics as odd and even numbers, money, shapes, telling time, fractions, and decimals. When the rocket reaches space, kids tap numbers or answers that fit the mission as quickly as possible before the rocket reenters the atmosphere and lands. Kids are awarded gold, silver, or bronze medals if they attain a certain score for the mission. Mathmateer allows multiple profiles, so up to five kids can design rockets and earn medals, as well as choose profile names and avatars. WHAT KIDS CAN LEARN SUBJECTS Math Science SKILLS Thinking & Reasoning Creativity See full learning rating details ENGAGEMENT Space theme saturates the whole game, making the arcade-style play really fun. The placement of math problems in space is awkward, though, and can be hard to see in the heat of beat-the-clock play. LEARNING APPROACH Although math isn't baked into the rocket part, it is a physics-learning experience. The math content is rich, covering all four operations, money, time, even and odd numbers, and shapes on six levels, from beginner to genius. SUPPORT Figuring out how to launch the rockets takes some trial and error since there are no instructions. Stats on the rocket's flight and on math problems answered correctly are reported but not tracked over time. USER REVIEWS See all user reviews (5) PARENTS SAY See 3 parent reviewsage 8+ Review this title! KIDS SAY See 2 kid reviewsage 9+ Review this title! WHAT'S IT ABOUT? IS IT ANY GOOD? QUALIT
anita z boudreau

Education | Ozobot - 0 views

    "Our STEM education program presents an innovative way to teach subjects like programming, math and science in classrooms, after-school clubs or at home. See kids become engaged and inspired when topics come alive with the help of Ozobot."
anita z boudreau

About the ubermix - 0 views

    "The ubermix is an all-free, specially built, Linux-based operating system designed from the ground up with the needs of education in mind. Built by educators with an eye towards student and teacher empowerment, ubermix takes all the complexity out of student devices by making them as reliable and easy-to-use as a cell phone, without sacrificing the power and capabilities of a full operating system. With a turn-key, 5 minute installation, 20 second quick recovery mechanism, and more than 60 free applications pre-installed, ubermix turns whatever hardware you have into a powerful device for learning."
anita z boudreau

Enterprise Learning Management System | Free LMS | Schoology - 0 views

    "Schoology is not your typical learning management system (LMS). We have redefined the LMS to make online education a collective effort and to increase the overall impact of everyone involved in a student's education."
anita z boudreau

Apps in Education - 0 views

    "One of the hardest things with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas."
anita z boudreau

TED-Ed helps students become expert presenters | eSchool News | eSchool News - 0 views

    "TED-Ed, the educational arm of TED Conferences, has launched a new classroom-based program to promote media and presentation literacy among students."
anita z boudreau

The Best 8 Tools to Create Posters for your Classroom ~ Educational Technology and Mobi... - 0 views

    "Posters are great educational tools to use with your students. Their importance stems from the fact that they present information, facts, and data not only in a visually attractive way but also using a multi-modal system that combines signs, images, charts..........and texts"
anita z boudreau

Apps in Education: 10 Mind Mapping Tools 4 the iPad 2011 - 0 views

    "One of the hardest things with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas."
anita z boudreau - 0 views

    Reinventing Education
anita z boudreau

graphite | The best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula rated for learning - 0 views

    Discover the most recent top-rated reviews of edtech tools, trending Lesson Flows, and the hottest Top Picks lists, all in one easy-to-access place. Plus, connect with expert educators to ask all your burning edtech questions.
anita z boudreau

How To Create Infographics (The Ultra-Simple & Easy Way) - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on Dec 12, 2016 Infographics are a visual tool that you can use to tell a story (whatever story that may be) in the most memorable way possible. The most difficult part of creating infographics is making sure that they're well designed, concise, and clear. Watch this video for four tips to help you do just that. You can also visit the Blog for the full post: To get started on an infographic, visit us at! Category Education License Standard YouTube License"
anita z boudreau

Mysteries of the Unseen World Education - National Geographic Society - 0 views

    "Discover Things Too Slow, Too Fast, or Too Small to See EmailPrint"
anita z boudreau

About Us | App Annie - 0 views

    A service for app analytics, and lists popular educational apps.
anita z boudreau

10 vetted resources for education apps | eSchool News | eSchool News - 0 views

    "Getting the best apps for your students means using resources that vet apps specifically for learning"
anita z boudreau

Education, Technology & Blogging Tips - Flipboard - 0 views

    Sue Waters example of Flipboard
anita z boudreau

Demonstration | Activate Instruction - 0 views

    "Activate is built around the idea of playlists. Most people (and especially kids) are familiar with this concept because of its popularity in music. An educational playlist is similar. Assembled by teachers, a playlist is a compilation of free, open resources built around a theme and designed to help students with their current classroom topics. Playlists can include resources like readings, videos, worksheets, games and quizzes, and they are typically specific to grade, topic and core standards. Students can try out multiple ways to learn and work through the playlists independently, at their own pace. Teachers can also make playlists to share information and resources with their colleagues."
anita z boudreau

Technology4Teaching&Learning - 0 views

    This is a collaborative content wiki related to educational technology that I have been developing over the last several years, including more recently with students & colleagues
anita z boudreau

EduBlogs - 0 views

    Another blogging tool. This link is to the EduBlogs -University section. EduBlogs has a very active community and you´ll see many great examples of how blogs are being used by educators
anita z boudreau

EdModo - 0 views

    Social Networking in the classroom. EdModo provides the look and feel of Facebook with the educational perspective…polls, assignments, a gradebook, and now quizzes!
anita z boudreau

Blogger - 0 views

    If you have a G Mail account then you automatically have access to Blogger. "Blogs allows educators and students to collaborate, share instructional resources, create content and connect to mainstream social media channels such as YouTube, podcasts, other blogs, tweets, social bookmarks, etc. all on a single centralized page."
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