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Tami Brass

SLP: Frequently Asked Questions - 0 views

    Why should I purchase my tablet through Rocky Hill when I might find a less expensive machine through another source (a bricks and mortar or Internet retail store, for example)?\n\nWe strongly recommend that families purchase the tablet through the school's laptop purchase program. Classroom instruction using technology is more effective when all students work with the same tools; consistency and compatibility reduce the possibility of confusion and wasted class time. While it may seem that a comparable tablet could be purchased at a lower price on the outside, families should remember that laptops purchased through RHS come with features and services that are not always included in the laptop packages offered at retail stores. Purchasing these items separately almost always results in a higher total cost. The RHS tablets are bundled with software needed to operate in the RHS environment, at a savings not available through retail outlets. The customized configuration that is loaded on each tablet makes the transition from the shipping box to the classroom almost seamless. Additionally, we provide significant value-added services in the area of maintenance and support with the goal of minimizing down time should a problem arise; a laptop from our loaner pool is always available to students who purchase their laptop through RHS.\n\n
Tami Brass

Top 15 Ways to Extend Your Laptop's Battery Life - 0 views

  • 1. Defrag regularly
  • 2. Dim your screen
  • 3. Cut down on programs running in the background.
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  • 4. Cut down external devices
  • 5. Add more RAM - This will allow you to process more with the memory your laptop has, rather than relying on virtual memory. 
  • 6. Run off a hard drive rather than CD/DVD - As power consuming as hard drives are, CD and DVD drives are worse. 
  • 7.  Keep the battery contacts clean: 
  • 8. Take care of your battery - Exercise the Battery.
  • Also, do not let a Li-On battery completely discharge. (Discharing is only for older batteries with memory effects)
  • 9. Hibernate not standby - Although placing a laptop in standby mode saves some power and you can instantly resume where you left off, it doesn’t save anywhere as much power as the hibernate function does. 
  • 10. Keep operating temperature down
  • 11. Set up and optimize your power options - Go to ‘Power Options’ in your windows control panel and set it up so that power usage is optimized (Select the ‘max battery’ for maximum effect).
  • 12. Don’t multitask - Do one thing at a time when you’re on battery. 
  • 13. Go easy on the PC demands - The more you demand from your PC.  Passive activities like email and word processing consume much less power than gaming or playing a DVD.  If you’ve got a single battery charge - pick your priorities wisely.
  • 14. Get yourself a more efficient laptop
  • 15. Prevent the Memory Effect - If you’re using a very old laptop, you’ll want to prevent the ‘memory effect’ - Keep the battery healthy by fully charging and then fully discharging it at least once every two to three weeks. Exceptions to the rule are Li-Ion batteries (which most laptops have) which do not suffer from the memory effect.
  • Bonus Tip #1: Turn off the autosave function. 
  • While it saves battery life in the beginning, you will want to make sure your work is saved when your battery dies.
  • Bonus Tip #2: Lower the graphics use.
    How do you keep your battery going for as long as possible? Here are 15 easy ways to do so.
Tami Brass

Intel-Powered Convertible Classmate PC: The Touch Netbook to Emulate - 0 views

    it will have a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom N270 processor, a 60 GB hard drive, and Windows XP. The clearest improvements have been made to the 8.9-inch screen's touch interface. We complained last time that: Because the Windows XP Home OS is not meant for tablet use, we had to install a few of our own freeware programs to take full advantage of the touchscreen. Turns out Intel had some pretty interesting plans up their sleeve and now the notebook is preloaded with lots of software that takes advantage of the touchscreen including a program called Vision Objects Pen Input, which turns handwriting into editable text and contains a virtual keyboard. And that is just the start of it. Intel plans to team up with software vendors to preload the laptops with a stack of touch-focused applications.They are also teaming up with content providers, such as McGraw Hill, to package the laptops with learning tools. Beyond the software additions, the accelerometer has really been fine-tuned. Turning the netbook vertically adjusted the screen orientation in under 2 seconds. So sure the Convertible Classmate is meant for children and isn't a netbook that adults will want to carry around, but its implementation of touch technology on a netbook is what we hope to see from the mainstream netbook vendors that plan to bring touch to the smaller screen. A simplified home screen menu (so you don't have to dig through XPs menus), preloading touch-optimized software and a speedy accelerometer are some of the Classmate's solid features that we want to see in adult touch-enabled netbooks.
Tami Brass

One-to-One That Works: Considering Tablet PCs - 0 views

  • While traditional laptops are great for textual content, they don’t allow free-hand input of content.
  • For example, practicing cursive handwriting, drawing graphs, annotating maps, sketching molecules, highlighting texts, and diagramming sentences can fluidly occur when using a pen.
  • However, the real educational power of a Tablet PC is leveraged by software systems that exploit the power of the pen.
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  • Paying a little more up front can increase the overall usefulness of the hardware investment.
  • While the process of moving from laptops to Tablet PCs varies from school to school, most implementations start by providing Tablet PCs to teachers. After the teachers have had a few months to get used to the new devices, Tablet PCs are provided to students as well.
    Tablet PC's are growing in popularity for teaching and learning. But why would a school start a one-to-one program with tablets or scrap a laptop program for this more costly hardware?
Tami Brass

Teaching with Tablets - Laptop Learning Community - 0 views

    This Ning hasn't been very active since last summer, but it can be useful as a place to network with other teachers using laptops in the classroom.
    This group is for educators who use tablets as a learning tool. Please join if you're interested in tablet computing, are a teacher with a tablet, or teach at a school where students use tablets. This Ning is specifically dedicated to teachers who teach in schools using laptops.
Tami Brass

Lemon Grove School District | About - 0 views

    Lemon Grove uses an "e-Pad" rather than traditional laptop
Tami Brass

Tablet PC Users - Independent School Educators Network - 0 views

    In case you haven't already seen this one...
    The Tablet Computers Wiki Page has a list of resources and identifies advantages of tablets over laptops. Please feel free to add to that page, and check out the slide-show of tablet examples.
Tami Brass

Jessica Sepke - 0 views

    Lausanne Laptop Institute 2007 - My Tablet Changed My Life\nSaint Mary's School Faculty have had tablets for two years and students have had them for one year. This provides an overview of the program including funding, hardware, and software and a look at what teachers are doing in the classroom with tablets.\nPowerPoint Handouts
Tami Brass

Brophy College Preparatory - Technology - 0 views

    The Technology program at Brophy Prep is on the leading edge. Students and faculty have access to an enterprise-class online learning environment, computers and printers spread across campus, and a Tablet PC laptop program for the Class of 2010.
Tami Brass

The Laptop Institute 2008 - 0 views

    I attended this conference last year; great place to network with other teachers who use laptops and/or tablets with kids.
    In 2007, for the 5th year in a row, the same thing will happen, but it just keeps getting bigger and better! K-12 teachers, technology staff, and administrators from all over the world will once more join us in Memphis to share ideas for one-to-one initi

One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers | - 2 views

    "A compilation of four new studies of one-to-one computing projects in K-12 schools identifies several factors that are key to the projects' success, including adequate planning, stakeholder buy-in, and strong school or district leadership. Not surprisingly, the researchers say the most important factor of all is the teaching practices of instructors-suggesting school laptop programs are only as effective as the teachers who apply them."

The Definitive Guide to Making the Most of Your Netbook - NetBooks - Lifehacker - 5 views

    Netbooks are a great compromise between pecking away a smartphone keyboard or hauling a tank-size laptop around-but they aren't without shortcomings. Make the most of your netbook with these netbook-friendly tips, tricks, and applications.
anonymous - 4 views

shared by anonymous on 31 Jan 10 - Cached
    Here is a list of 15 web apps that would prove useful to almost any college student or student with a laptop
Tami Brass

Learners with Laptops » Classroom Tablet Techniques - 0 views

    Techniques for using tablets
    I've started a list of techniques for using tablets
Tami Brass

Advantages of Tablets Over Laptops - School Computing - 0 views

  • Smaller, less obtrusive form factor:
  • More natural interaction with the screen
  • The multimodal nature of the tablet may contribute to a greater level of use of resources as there is no division between note-taking, accessing internet resources, using productivity tools, and using educational software.
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  • Supporting multiple learning styles:
  • Conversion of hand-writing to text:
  • Powerful projecting:
  • Collaborating:
  • students can gather around and work together on one tablet and (in conjunction with a projector) display their group’s work to the classroom
  • Users can communicate and share from within their notebooks, and import content from other applications into their notebooks.
  • Ink annotations:
  • Note-Taking Capabilities:
  • Windows Journal
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Ease of erasing and making changes:
  • Expanded note-taking:
  • Organization:
  • Microsoft OneNote Capabilities:
  • Search notes:
  • Flagging notes:
  • Record audio:
  • Side-note screen clippings:
  • Email notebook pages:
  • Seeing the sequence of note-taking or diagramming
  • Write on any document:
  • PDF files
  • electronic textbooks
  • Highlighting on web pages
  • e-books, educational software, pictures, and scanned images.
  • Reusing templates:
  • Emailing documents:
  • Posting to the web:
  • Screen-capture software
  • DyKnow screen sharing
  • Manipulating electronic presentations and textbooks
  • Subject Area Examples/Uses
  • Unique applications
Tami Brass

Apple Tablet PC is real, says Asus - Crave at - 0 views

    Crave hangs with people in high places -- that's how we get exclusives and free food. A few weeks ago we were having a civilised dinner with our friends at Asus and angling for cool stories when we were told in a very hushed manner: "Asus is helping Apple
Tami Brass

Jessica Sepke - 0 views

    Jessica presented at Lausanne. She's tech director at St. Mary's in Raleigh, an independent girls' school with a tablet program.
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