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Tami Brass

The NC 1:1 Learning Collaborative » Welcome to the NC 1:1 Learning Collaborative - 0 views

  • This site is for educators interested in 1-1 computing programs, to share lessons learned, identify best practices, and discuss new ideas and helpful tips about implementing educationally effective 1-1 computing programs.
    This site is for educators interested in 1-1 computing programs, to share lessons learned, identify best practices, and discuss new ideas and helpful tips about implementing educationally effective 1-1 computing programs.
Tami Brass

DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms - 0 views

  • Our plan has five intertwined strands-curriculum revision, student training, faculty training, program assessment and program sustainability and this past week, there were challenges to each strand.
    • Tami Brass
      I like the strands... curriculum, student training, faculty training, assessment, sustainability
  • The first strand encompasses redesigning significant pieces of curriculum in preparation for a 1-to-1 tablet program
  • NET-s and the Framework for 21st Century Skills and using them to create talking points that make sense for our institution
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Our goal is to take the good in the existing curriculum, throw out the unnecessary and outdated, add topics of relevancy for today’s students, and embed teaching the skills that today’s students need.
    • Tami Brass
      I'm curious about the lecture environment. I like the training in context, but some skills training is more efficient at the start.
  • Using standards, research, learning theories and best practices, we are creating curricular goals and training plans for each department.
  • This means that they need to know things about the operating system, the tablet hardware, and the software tools they have at their disposal.
  • We are also trying to offer a summer speaker series that we hope faculty will find somewhat inspiring.
    • Tami Brass
      I wish we could do this.
  • To assess the program, we are exploring ways to get baseline data. LOTI and some teaching survey’s made with Composica will be key components. We aren’t going to a 1-to-1 program to increase technology skills or use but because we think it’s a central ingredient in a 21st century learning environment and a necessary tool for the type of curriculum today’s students need.
  • In summary, the lessons I learned or had reiterated for me as I worked on the 1-to-1 plan are these: A personal learning network should be a requirement for all teachers. I’m increasingly drawn to the idea that it should be a requirement for our students as well. The training plan must be revised to ensure that faculty learn to create and maintain a network. Learning is non-linear. The more networked I become, the less linear things get. Ideas and plans exist in a state of constant revision. The rate at which ideas and information are generated is astounding. It requires a network to help filter and distill the information. Curriculum and Learning no longer have an endpoint, in part because of mass collaboration made possible by technology. The need to change is urgent. Our students' learning and futures depend on it.
Tami Brass

Dwight-Englewood Community - Technology - 0 views

    Exemplary tablet 1-1
Tami Brass

Bishop Hartley High School - Columbus, Ohio - 0 views

    Exemplary tablet 1-1

How not to roll out one to one... - 1 to 1 Schools - 3 views

    Those one to one schools that have failed have many practices that seem to align closely with Michael's list of worst practices.  You can read the list of the ten worst practices below, along with some of my own commentary under each item.
Michael Walker

Techno Critique of 1:1 - 6 views

    Mark Weston

Any Time Anywhere Learning - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 03 Oct 09 - Cached
    Any Time Anywhere Learning resources: conferences, workshops, institutes, 1-1 research, 21st Century Learning resources, coaching and mentoring

A Taxonomy of Reflection: Critical Thinking For Students, Teachers, and Principals (Par... - 2 views

    "I've developed this "Taxonomy of Reflection." - modeled on Bloom's approach. It's posted in four installments: 1. A Taxonomy of Reflection 2. The Reflective Student 3. The Reflective Teacher 4. The Reflective Principal"
Tami Brass

Intel-Powered Convertible Classmate PC: The Touch Netbook to Emulate - 0 views

    it will have a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom N270 processor, a 60 GB hard drive, and Windows XP. The clearest improvements have been made to the 8.9-inch screen's touch interface. We complained last time that: Because the Windows XP Home OS is not meant for tablet use, we had to install a few of our own freeware programs to take full advantage of the touchscreen. Turns out Intel had some pretty interesting plans up their sleeve and now the notebook is preloaded with lots of software that takes advantage of the touchscreen including a program called Vision Objects Pen Input, which turns handwriting into editable text and contains a virtual keyboard. And that is just the start of it. Intel plans to team up with software vendors to preload the laptops with a stack of touch-focused applications.They are also teaming up with content providers, such as McGraw Hill, to package the laptops with learning tools. Beyond the software additions, the accelerometer has really been fine-tuned. Turning the netbook vertically adjusted the screen orientation in under 2 seconds. So sure the Convertible Classmate is meant for children and isn't a netbook that adults will want to carry around, but its implementation of touch technology on a netbook is what we hope to see from the mainstream netbook vendors that plan to bring touch to the smaller screen. A simplified home screen menu (so you don't have to dig through XPs menus), preloading touch-optimized software and a speedy accelerometer are some of the Classmate's solid features that we want to see in adult touch-enabled netbooks.
Tami Brass

Lemon Grove School District | About - 0 views

    Lemon Grove uses an "e-Pad" rather than traditional laptop
Tami Brass

One-to-One That Works: Considering Tablet PCs - 0 views

  • While traditional laptops are great for textual content, they don’t allow free-hand input of content.
  • For example, practicing cursive handwriting, drawing graphs, annotating maps, sketching molecules, highlighting texts, and diagramming sentences can fluidly occur when using a pen.
  • However, the real educational power of a Tablet PC is leveraged by software systems that exploit the power of the pen.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Paying a little more up front can increase the overall usefulness of the hardware investment.
  • While the process of moving from laptops to Tablet PCs varies from school to school, most implementations start by providing Tablet PCs to teachers. After the teachers have had a few months to get used to the new devices, Tablet PCs are provided to students as well.
    Tablet PC's are growing in popularity for teaching and learning. But why would a school start a one-to-one program with tablets or scrap a laptop program for this more costly hardware?
Tami Brass

Microsoft in Education Webcasts : Teacher Tech Tuesdays - Get connected and collaborate... - 0 views

    Teacher Tech Tuesdays - Get connected and collaborate in your Classroom with Office OneNote Live Jan 20 1:00PM-2:30PM Pacific Time
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