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Tami Brass

Twitter Groups - Teaching With Tablets ~ teachwtablets - 0 views

    Twitter Group I just created for teachers using tablets
Tami Brass

Learners with Laptops » Classroom Tablet Techniques - 0 views

    Techniques for using tablets
    I've started a list of techniques for using tablets
Tami Brass

Enhanced classroom presentations with a Tablet PC - 0 views

  • provide an interactive, multimedia digital blackboard
  • Students in the class describe, comment and "draw" on (annotate) images related to course topics, and complete such activities as filling in missing words in paragraphs and exercises. Professor Karagoz also has students use her Tablet PC during group writing activities, in which they use Windows Journal to complete short exercises.
  • Instead of using an overhead projector with transparencies, he used the computer to annotate slides and charts, marking the screen up in different colors to highlight key points or data as needed.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • She was able to immediately address student requests for more explanation and context because she was able to sketch and label during class.  She could then distribute these notes after class to her students.   
Tami Brass

Instructional Communications Systems - 0 views

    Integration presentations for tablets in the classroom
Tami Brass

Tablet PC Tip #3 - Save Time with Digital Homework Markups - 0 views

  • Tablet PC Tip #3 – Save Time with Digital Homework Markups
Tami Brass

Using Tablet PC: A Guide for Educators - 0 views

    Download this 62-page guide to get up and running faster, and take the power of a desktop PC-and more-anywhere you teach and work.
Tami Brass

Create study guides using Microsoft Office OneNote - 0 views

    Teach your students how to create personalized study guides using Microsoft Office OneNote note-taking program. With OneNote, your students can create extensive notebooks of information that typically include text, images, diagrams, and audio notes. The layout looks like a typical physical notebook and is easy to understand.
Tami Brass

journalism.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 0 views

    Great narrated example of how a tablet could be used in teaching the writing process.
Tami Brass

UW Classroom Presenter - 0 views

  • The ability to link the instructor and student devices, and to send information back and forth provides a mechanism for introducing active learning into the classroom and creates additional feedback channels.
    A tablet-specific tool for classroom collaboration and screen-sharing
    Potential use in place of DyKnow for schools on a budget?
Tami Brass

First-time Tablet PC User? Try My Favorite "5 First Steps" - Teaching, Learning & Techn... - 2 views

    First-time Tablet PC User? Try My Favorite "5 First Steps"
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