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The Answer Sheet - What 'Superman' got wrong, point by point - 6 views

  • Promise Academy is in many ways an excellent school, but it is dishonest for the filmmakers to say nothing about the funds it took to create it and the extensive social supports including free medical care and counseling provided by the zone
  • Two-thirds of Geoffrey Canada’s Harlem Children’s Zone funding comes from private sources
  • In New Jersey, where court decisions mandated similar programs, such as high quality pre-kindergarten classes and extended school days and social services in the poorest urban districts, achievement and graduation rates increased while gaps started to close. But public funding for those programs is now being cut and progress is being eroded.
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  • Most test score differences stubbornly continue to reflect parental income and neighborhood/zip codes, not what schools do. As opportunity, health and family wealth increase, so do test scores.
  • they reduce teachers to test-prep clerks, ignore important subject areas and critical thinking skills
  • But schools and teachers take the blame for huge social inequities in housing, health care, and income.
  • Unions have historically played leading roles in improving public education, and most nations with strong public educational systems have strong teacher unions.
  • The movie touts the benefits of fast track and direct entry to teaching programs such as Teach for America, but the country with the highest achieving students, Finland, also has highly educated teachers.
  • Charters were first proposed by the teachers’ unions to allow committed parents and teachers to create schools that were free of administrative bureaucracy and open to experimentation and innovation, and some excellent charters have set examples. But thousands of hustlers and snake oil salesmen have also jumped in.
  • And the Education Report, "The Evaluation of Charter School Impacts, concludes, “On average, charter middle schools that hold lotteries are neither more nor less successful than traditional public schools in improving student achievement, behavior, and school progress.”
  • The Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University, concludes that only 17% of charter schools have better test scores than traditional public schools, 46% had gains that were no different than their public counterparts, and 37% were significantly worse. While a better measure of school success is needed
  • While a better measure of school success is needed
  • While a better measure of school success is needed
  • It is not a sustainable public policy to allow more and more public school funding to be diverted to privately subsidized charters while public schools become the schools of last resort for children with the greatest educational needs.
  • In spite of the many millions of dollars poured into expounding the theory of paying teachers for higher student test scores (sometimes mislabeled as ‘merit pay’), a new study by Vanderbilt University’s National Center on Performance Incentives found that the use of merit pay for teachers in the Nashville school district produced no difference even according to their measure, test outcomes for students.
  • approximately a third of America’s new teachers leave teaching sometime during their first three years of teaching; almost half leave during the first five years.
  • many of the top students have been lured to careers in finance and consulting.” It’s the market, and the disproportionately high salaries paid to finance specialists, that is misdirecting human resources, not schools.
  • They ignore the social construction of knowledge, the difference between deep learning and rote memorization.
  • This is a common theme of the so-called reformers: We are at war with India and China and we have to out-math them and crush them so that we can remain rich and they can stay in the sweatshops. But really, who declared this war? When did I as a teacher sign up as an officer in this war? And when did that 4th grade girl become a soldier in it? Instead of this new educational Cold War, perhaps we should be helping kids imagine a world of global cooperation, sustainable economies, and equity.
  • So the outcome of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top has been more funding for schools that are doing well and more discipline and narrow test-preparation for the poorest schools.
  • Waiting for Superman has ignored deep historical and systemic problems in education such as segregation, property-tax based funding formulas, centralized textbook production, lack of local autonomy and shared governance, de-professionalization, inadequate special education supports, differential discipline patterns, and the list goes on and on.
    This post corrects the misinformation in Waiting for Superman.
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    This is a good read. I don't know if its only me but "documentary" somehow implicitly means "true story". There really ought to be some sort of rating system, like G-NC17, for the accuracy of a documentary so the public doesn't buy the misinformation.
    This is article is particularly helpful for me since my essay is on charter schools. I found this read interesting because it hihglights the areas in education which charter schools seem to be disregarding.
    I love the criticism if offers on the poster/ text alone. Many professors in the credential program are irate over the film and it's nice to see point-by-point what is wrong with the "documentary." I just love this article in general. It helps to be able to combat certain statistics in conversation too :)

Dealing with so-so teachers - Quality Teaching | GreatSchools - 6 views

    • Stephanie Flores
      I thought this was interesting. This quote goes along with the articles on teacher tenure. I'm curious if the "weakness' that is seen in teachers is supposed to be compensated with parent involvement?
    • Michael Horder
      So parents should do the teachers job! Should they get some of the pay as well. Don't get me wrong I think parents should be more involved in their children's education but they should not have to compensate for a weak teacher. Just get rid of the weak teacher or retrain them.
    • Anthony Logan
      I'm actually curious as to whether they (meaning parents) realize that these things are totally going under the radar and how helpful they could be.  I mean, at some point, the blame has to be shared equally.
    • Stephanie Flores
      M- I'm on the same page as you. I mean I've heard of parents that are too involved with schools and their child (some have even requested to be in the class with their child!), but parents having to teach their kids at home when the teacher should be doing it is obsurd! I'm old school, so I'm all about getting rid of teachers who don't bring their all. A- Same here. I was wondering if parents were aware of what was going on in the school. Also, I don't remember seeing a state, city, district, etc. that said where this "supplementing" was occuring. I agree that if things stay on this path blame will be on both parties and it will be the student that suffers.
    • Shannon George
      It could be because all of my research on Tenure, but the problem here is is THE SO-SO TEACHER! It is very frustrating to know that teachers are so protected that it is now easier to tell parents to pick up the slack then have the teacher fired.
    • Stephanie Flores
      Ha ha!
    • Elvira Ledezma
      Strategic Support! As a parent I have encountered problems with my daughter's teachers but most of them don't what this kind of support
    • Evonne Villagomez
      I've witnessed the total opposite of what this is saying also. A lot of teachers become offended and angered when you try to suggest offering that kind of support . I think most teachers feel like it is the child who is not performing well and not them, but in actuality it is the teacher who is doing a poor job.

Teachers agree: Bad teachers with tenure too tough to fire - - 6 views

    • Anthony Logan
      Are the lack of evaluations to blame for ineffective teachers getting tenured status?  If so, what can we do to fix it? 
    • Benjamin Caulder
      I don't have evidence to back this up as it was from the mouth of one of my credential program profs. but what he said was that for the first couple of years teachers have to play a political game to make sure they get tenure then once they have it, its a different game they play with the school and the union. Not all "bad" teachers are really "bad" teachers, but for those that really are my prof. argued that the system works if the admin is actually willing to follow through to the end, which can be as long as 2 years. Most admins aren't willing. Sorry I can't provide evidence to back that up.
    • ameia sarkisian
      Yeah, that's really sad that administrators aren't willing to go through the process, however long and arduous it may be, to make the learning environment a better place.
    • Michael Horder
      I have heard that as well, Ben. Admins rarely put in the effort to reprimand teachers. The teacher's union protects all teachers, good or bad. Admins are afraid to go up against the union because they have so much power. I think teacher's union might be the problem with the whole tenure thing. Another interesting note. If you look at the leadership of teacher's unions i.e. the reps. They are some of the "bad" teachers. I know this is true in Madera, and I have been told the same thing occurs in other districts. I find that fascinating. Bad teachers protecting bad teachers. Hhhmmm. Bad system maybe?
  • Tenure provides teachers with job security and generally is awarded a few years after educators enter the profession
    • Shannon George
      Sadly, tenure is being mis-used. The original intention of tenure was for teachers to have due-process if they were being fired; it was an effort to help. Now it has turned into a "job for life," and many districts have to treat it like that or they will have to pay big money to the Unions.
    • Ryan Williams
      yeah I have read this statement time and time again. I guess it would make a huge difference to students and the administrations if the tenure teachers were ineffective, but I just don't see a negative trend among teachers that have earned their tenure. I have had quite a few tenure teachers at Fresno State and they are not all old burned out senile geezers that need to be fired.
    Tenured teachers are hard to get rid of, even other teachers acknowledge this.
    There is a section towards the middle of this article where they talk about principals not wanting to "deal with" the ensuing process after they discover a less-than-effective tenure teacher... I find that to be kind of a scary thought... The PRINCIPALS, the administration in charge of ensuring the best for our students, don't want to deal with the problems that they were hired to face if necessary?! I think that evaluating the teachers and giving them feedback is important for the teachers (especially the "bad" ones) but what happens when the people in charge of evaluating them feel like it''s "pointless?"

Are Students Coddled? Schools Get Rid of 'F's - ABC News - 5 views

    • Jennifer Flores
      Wow! This article blew my mind. I cannot believe that schools would actually go that low. How can they even think about getting rid of F's to help the kids. This is exactly the opposite of what kids really need. I truly believe students receive the grades that they deserve. With hard work comes good grades and with poor work comes poor grades.
  • At one Boston area middle school, a policy known as "Zeros Aren't Permitted" gives students who do not complete their homework on time an opportunity during school hours to finish so that they do not fail the assignment.
    • Evonne Villagomez
      This is absolutely irritating! Why should these kids, who didn't care to do the assignment in the first place be offered a second chance? I think this is just cause for enabling lazy students. Kids will just assume that 'eh who cares I'll still get the chance to make up the work so I don't have to do it tonight'. It's ridiculous and unfair for those students who are being model students.
    This article is nothing but angering to me. More and more public schools are ditching the letter grade of "F" for a more friendly rejection grade, relying on an "I" for incomplete or an "H" for held.
    This is just stupid. If a child earns and F then that is what they should get. I've heard about this before and I can't believe it. Let's just get rid of A's as well. We can go "credit/no credit" so everyone can feel good about themselves. I see the movie "Idocracy" looming in our future if we make these kind of decisions. That is scary.
    The biggest problem with this, is it sets students up for failure later on in life. Part of education is also life application and readiness. If a student who performs badly never "fails" then said student will have a skewes perception of how life works, that will have devestating effects later on lin life.

Censorship and Banned Books in Schools - 5 views

    Banning books in the high school classroom... What constitutes a banned book? Who gets to decide what books are banned?
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    Too many people think that the world should revolve around their children that schools should only teach the things that align with their values. While wanting to protect your kids is fine, I believe that people often take things to far. I can understand banned books in private religious schools but not in the public school system. Unfortunately we live in a time when you have to be overly careful with what you say and do because you might offend someone and its getting ridiculous.Any book can be deemed offensive by a reader so does that mean we should ban all books just to avoid conflict?
    I totally agree! I also see the reasons behind banning books in religious schools, but I still can't bring myself to agree with it. banning is a really strong word... I think maybe "screening" or sending permission slips home, or warning students and parents of the content of certain books. On a side note, I went through nine years of private catholic education and never once was I told that I couldn't read something. In fact Steinbeck, Saroyan and other books that I've noticed on several banned-books lists were part of our curriculum.
    I read your article and it amazes me how many known books are now considered inappropriate to be taught in the classroom. I guess my question is when a book is too inappropriate to be taught. I am of course assuming the lower the grade of the students the more controversial it is to break away from the set course of what they should be reading. It is strange how some books are now considered inappropriate when in the past they would be held as literature and how some banned books are now appropriate. Also, are children now unable to read books that might not be appropriate simply because the parents believe it to be? Should students be restricted in what they read? I guess eventually the banned books list will continue to grow until most people are happy or they will make different version of "The Hungry Caterpillar". Oh also did you see the new banned book that just recently came out, "The Pedophile s Guide To Love and Pleasure A Child Lover". What are you views on this new addition to the banned books pile? Honestly I don't see how this book could be taught in school unless in Criminology class.
    I'm very hesitant to ever say that a book should be banned. It goes against our most basic constitutional beliefs of freedom of expression, and it prompts the questions "who get to decide the criteria for a banned book?" and "how far are we willing to go with nixing books off the list just to please some people?" HOWEVER if ever there were a book that I would recommend be nixed, it would definitely be a book for teaching pedophiles how to best prey on children. That's just ridiculous. I don't think a book like that would ever be able to make it into any sort of a classroom curriculum.

Teachers Gone Wild! Teachers Unions Secretly Video Taped - 4 views

    TEACHERS GONE WILD!! VERY interesting/shocking video. Check it out. Thoughts??? Feelings???
    Teachers be actin'.... Wild. Seriously though, I have seen other documentaries/ newsreels of New York teacher unions... lets just say the speaker eerily reminded me of the public speaking tactics of a man whose name rhymes with Madolf Thitler. I wonder how the teachers have felt after their thoughts were exposed in this piece.

District Selection Policies - Recommended Literature (K-12) (CA Dept of Education) - 4 views

  • If a book is challenged, does the person who raises the issue have an opportunity to talk with the teacher or teacher librarian informally before any further steps are taken?
1More - 4 views

    This article discusses the role of NCLB in charter schools.

Back in Black - Education Crisis - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/05/10 - Video C... - 4 views

    • Jacob Eckrich
      While this is a comedy show, its political and social relevence is great. While I don't agree with a ll the views presented on this show, it does force people to think.
    While this is funny, it is also depressing. It goes to show you how poorly education is being reformed, and how little many of us know how to go about fixing it.
    Jacob this was really funny, but like you said very sad at the same time. Our education system is crap and everyone knows it. There are so many people saying they have the answers, but no one is stepping up to the plate to fix it. I'm not saying I have the answers, but there has to be something we can do to make it better.

ED483411.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 4 views

    I'm not sure if this link will work...but here is a great article that dives deep into the relationship between passing standardized tests such as the CAHSEE and school conditions and quality.
    Okay, I think the link works. Yay!
    That is really interesting. The methodology they used it kind of confusing; I didnt realize they used logarithms for this kind of data. Either way, I think I can use the data to investigate if their is a racial bias with the test.

Thomas: Stop focusing on SAT - Editorial Columns - - 4 views

    • Benjamin Caulder
      A look at the SAT and why we shouldn't use it, hint: He argues against its credibility.
    • Stephanie Flores
      Interesting... I don't see how colleges will agree with this statement. From my understanding colleges want students with higher scores and GPAs since that makes their overall numbers appealing to the state and other students wanting to attend. I believe that the goal is contradicting, but I also think that colleges becoming SAT optional won't be passed.
    • Benjamin Caulder
      I agree, I don't think colleges will give up on SATs, especially after reading Shor today. It doesn't mean that they shouldn't though. The SAT isn't a reliable exam for all college bound students as is so heavily biased towards the middle to upper middle class students.
    • Stephanie Flores
      I don't agree with this at all. GPAs are subjective. Just like in one of the articles that we read in class, students learn how to "do school" and get grades that don't reflect their true understanding of the curriculum. I don't believe that the SAT should be banned because more students are encouraged to take it. Isn't that what we want to do for students, encourage them to their full potential even if they may not be NASA material? Also, poverty has and always will be an issue in the education system. This is not ground breaking news. Maybe if we encourage those with low SES to achieve higher standards they will in turn succeed in school.
    • Mallorie Fagundes
      Keep in mind that he is only suggesting that SC not have the SAT what I am wondering is if a student from SC wants to go to an out-of-state school, wouldnt that students have to adhere to that particular school's standards?? It doesnt really make sense, unless each college starts to have their "own" SAT, kind of like an entrance exam? I agree that students can learn how to "do school" and get by, but honestly as a student who had over a 4.0 in high school as I am sure most others in our class did as well, it is pretty difficult to fake your way through four years with straight A's without picking up something.
    • Benjamin Caulder
      That is what I got from that as well. Overall, I thought the idea was interesting. I also think that it would have a lot of merit if classrooms were actually like what we have been reading about (as the ideal, where teachers don't have to read a script) since GPA would be a fairer indicator of academic achievement that a SES biased exam like the SAT.
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  • The pool of students taking the SAT 20 years ago, before we began to encourage more students to take the test, was a unique population that was more elite than the normal distribution of students.
    • Mallorie Fagundes
      I wonder why he considers students taking the test 20 years ago "elite"? If more students are encouraged to take the SATs today, wouldnt that make today's group more diverse??
    • Mallorie Fagundes
      What is "normal distribution"?

Making Schools Work with Hedrick Smith . School-By-School Reform . Scripted Lessons | PBS - 4 views

  • proven methods
    • Ashley Muniz
      I wish the article was more specific about what the "proven methods" are
  • As an experienced teacher she found the process of adopting her district’s program “humiliating and demeaning.”
    • Michelle Arce
      I totally understand why experienced teachers may feel this way. HOWEVER, this is a way for our school system to make sure that teachers are at least addressing the correct material in class.
    This article is about scripted lessons and teachers reactions to them
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    I can see how failing inner city schools, with students in the absolute worst conditions, might benefit from a scripted program. I don't agree that it's right, but I can see how one might justify the implementation of such a method when all else seems to have failed. I cringed at the end of the article when the teacher said that the scripted program "allowed for alittle bit of personality" on the teacher's part to show through... A LITTLE BIT?! Isn't the personality of the teacher that acts as an example for the students? isn't it the personality of the teacher that students "judge" right off the bat, sometimes effecting how much they choose to learn and participate in that particular class? I can't believe people actually believe our whole nation, which is SUPPOSED to be a diverse melting pot of people and experience, should adopt this rigid and inflexible curriculum method.
    I agree that direct instruction may help some students but I feel like a scripted lesson denies the individuality of the students and the teacher. These types of lessons tell you how to conduct the lesson word for word as well as how to answer students' questions. I feel like this takes all creativity out of teaching and turns the teacher into a robot. These systems are also meant to "teacher-proof" the classroom so that even bad teacher can "teach" as long as they know how to read.
    Wow and the scripted curriculum even tells the teacher how to answer questions?! If school, especially high school, is supposed to reflect a small scale-real world for students then what kind of message are we sending when we ("we" being teachers) are told how to do everything by a higher power; that we're all more successful if we do everything exactly the same all the time? So much for the development of critical literacy.

Abandoning Age-Tracking - Unwrapping the Gifted - Education Week Teacher - 3 views

  • A very small but growing number of school districts around the country are converting to the educational practice of grouping students by readiness (or ability or skill or mastery, depending on how you want to describe it) rather than by age.

Making Instructional Adaptations for English Learners in the Mainstream Classroom: Is I... - 3 views

    Article revolving around EL learners... Is enough being done to help these students?

ALA | Banned and/or Challenged Books from the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novel... - 3 views

    This isn't really an article, but I thought the website might come in handy for people other than myself. Skim some of the reasons why these books are banned form their respective schools...

Best Practices - 2 views

    A great article on why/how Diigo can be a useful classroom research tool.
    Great article about how to use Diigo as a teaching tool

The Pros and Cons of Charter School Systems - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associat... - 2 views

    This article gives a description of how charter schools fucntion. The article goes on to discuss the positive qualities that charter schools offer in comparison to traditional public schools.

Standardized Testing: A Race to Nowhere | - 2 views

    • Benjamin Caulder
      This right here, is scary. When the group think has permeated so deep into our cultural perception that standardized testing as they are today are beneficial that even a teacher has bought in... shudder.
    • Ashley Muniz
      This teachers view of testing is contradictory to most educators that I have encountered. In fact many educators vehemently disagree with mandated testing and its consequences. It is a scary thought when educators believe their is benefit for students in high stakes testing.
    • Elvira Ledezma
      I agree Ashley; I have not heard many teachers say that standerdized testing is good. Standardized testing is lowering down the curriculum I believe.
    Standardized testing cripples cirriculum. It greatly limits the scope and breadth of knowledge. In fact, true knowledge isn't even really gained from this form of education. Not to mention, the idea of a standard in nearly all other areas of society is looked down upon. For instance, say that everyone should be held to the "Christian" standard. This would cause a frenzy, as"Chrsitian" ethics are not held in esteem by all. Yet when dealing with education, the opposite is assumed.

Hill.qxd - Powered by Google Docs - 2 views

    okay so this link didn't work...I bookmarked it again you can now follow this link on the second post (

NCTE Secondary Section: Using Wordle in an English Classroom - 2 views

    Interesting ideas about how to use a new web 2.0 tool
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