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United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training - 2 views

    On 19 December, the General Assembly adopted, without a vote, the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training by resolution 66/137. This step marks the final adoption of this new instrument by the United Nations. Resolution 66/137, containing the adopted text of the Declaration, is identical to the draft resolution A/C.3/66/L.65 below and will be made available as soon as it is issued.
Meghan Flaherty

Gender Dynamics of Conflict, Peace-building and Reconstruction | UNESCO - 0 views

  • n March 2000, the UN Security Council, in its Proclamation on International Women's Day, recognized that gender equality is an integral component of peace
  • On 31 October 2000 it passed Security Council Resolution 1325 [PDF, 35 Kb], calling on governments – and the Security Council itself – to include women in negotiations and settlements with respect to conflict-resolution and peace-building. The resolution reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, and the need to implement fully international humanitarian and human rights law that protect the rights of women and girls during and after conflicts.
  • Increasing the representation of women at all decision-making levels
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  • Integrating a gender perspective into peacekeeping missions
  • Supporting women's grassroots organizations in their peace initiatives
  • Involving women as participants in peace negotiations and agreements;
  • Ensuring protection of and respect for human rights of women and girls;
  • Protecting women and girls from gender-based violence;
  • Integrating a gender perspective into disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former combatants.
  • In many conflict areas, a culture of "hegemonic masculinity" prevails among the major political actors,

El-Hibri Charitable Foundation - 0 views

    The Foundation's Peace Education Initiative focuses on conflict resolution by bringing people together to find common ground and develop mutual respect. To that end, the Foundation: Seeks to advance the study and understanding of world peace by supporting cross-cultural approaches to peace-building and nonviolent conflict resolution.Fosters peace education to facilitate the transformation to a society where cultural diversity is embraced and governance reflects social justice and democratic practices.
Gwen Stamm

Africa Peace and Conflict Journal - 0 views

    The Africa Peace and Conflict Journal offers some interesting articles on the use of indigenous methods of conflict resolution.

CRE Connection: Resources for Teachers - Teacher's Calendar - 0 views

    Conflict Resolution Education Teacher's Calendar - great teaching resource
Voytek Bialkowski

Discover Human Rights Institute - The Road to Peace: A Teaching Guide on Local and Glob... - 0 views

  • THE ROAD TO  PEACE:  A Teaching Guide on Local and Global Transitional Justice
  • With creative, thought-provoking, and innovative lesson plans, this comprehensive teaching guide introduces students to the concept of transitional justice through:
  • Lessons on the root causes and costs of war and conflict Overview of human rights and different transitional justice mechanisms
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  • In-depth country case studies
  • Individual case studies on human rights abuses
  • Conflict resolution and peer mediation exercises
  • Transitional justice glossary
    Excellent, thorough open curriculum material focusing on human rights within the larger context of peace & conflict education and local and global transitional justice studies. Takes a direct approach to war, conflict resolution & other topics via activities, peer mediation excercises, various group-focused activities. Includes comprehensive glossary & further reading materials. PP.
Teachers Without Borders

Extremist books withdrawn from Saudi schools - 0 views

    The Saudi Ministry of Education issued a resolution to withdraw from the libraries of public schools several books seen as inciting violence and prohibited book donations without prior approval. Books accused of having a negative impact on school students like the writings of leaders of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood like Sheikh Hassan al-Banna, the group's founder, and Sayyed Qotb, one of the group's most leading thinkers, the London-based al-Hayat newspaper reported Tuesday.  There are people who support the circulation of those books. Some even print them and distribute them for free without taking into consideration the grave consequences on the students  Former MP Dr. Mohamed al-Zulafi The ministry announced its plan to conduct regular visits to school libraries to ensure that those and similar books are no longer available for students.

Cultivating Peace - 1 views

    The tragic events of September 2001 and the escalation of conflicts around the world have focused attention on the urgent issues of world peace and human security. The seeds of the Cultivating Peace project were sown out of these events and the belief that long-term solutions require substantial shifts in how people of all cultures view global citizenship, conflict resolution, respect for human rights and care for the earth. Cultivating Peace is also founded on the belief that the strongest force available to shape cultural change is education.
Meghan Flaherty

Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1 views

    article 26.2 for peace education
Teachers Without Borders

In historic move, UN creates single entity to promote women's empowerment - 1 views

  • In a bid to accelerate the empowerment of women, the General Assembly today voted unanimously to create a dynamic new entity merging four United Nations offices focusing on gender equality, a move hailed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other senior officials. “The newest member of the UN family has been born today,” Mr. Ban told the Assembly after it passed the resolution setting up the new UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, to be known as UN Women.
  • “By bringing together four parts of the UN system dedicated to women’s issues, Member States have created a much stronger voice for women and for gender equality at the global level,” said the Secretary-General. “It will now be much more difficult for the world to ignore the challenges facing women and girls – or to fail to take the necessary action,” he added.
  • One of the main goals of UN Women will be to support the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and other inter-governmental bodies in devising policies. The new body will also aim to help Member States implement standards, provide technical and financial support to countries which request it, and forge partnerships with civil society.
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  • “UN Women will give women and girls the strong, unified voice they deserve on the world stage,” Ms. Migiro said, calling today a “positive and exciting moment” for the entire UN family. Set to be based in New York, UN Women will be headed by an Under-Secretary-General, to be appointed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Voytek Bialkowski

PDHRE: About PDHRE - 0 views

  • Founded in 1988, the People's Decade of Human Rights Education (PDHRE-International) is a non-profit, international service organization that works directly and indirectly with its network of affiliates — primarily women's and social justice organizations — to develop and advance pedagogies for human rights education relevant to people's daily lives in the context of their struggles for social and economic justice and democracy. PDHRE's members include experienced educators, human rights experts, United Nations officials, and world renowned advocates and activists who collaborate to conceive, initiate, facilitate, and service projects on education in human rights for social and economic transformation. The organization is dedicated to publishing and disseminating demand-driven human rights training manuals and teaching materials, and otherwise servicing grassroots and community groups engaged in a creative, contextualized process of human rights learning, reflection, and action. PDHRE views human rights as a value system capable of strengthening democratic communities and nations through its emphasis on accountability, reciprocity, and people's equal and informed participation in the decisions that affect their lives. PDHRE was pivotal in lobbying the United Nations to found a Decade for Human Rights Education and in drafting and lobbying for various resolutions by the World Conference on Human Rights, the UN General Assembly, the UN Human Rights Commission, the UN Treaty Bodies, and the Fourth World Conference on Women.
    The People's Movement for Human Rights Learning website. Non-profit entity with various ongoing projects, seminars, resources. PP.
Meghan Flaherty

Beijing Declaration - 0 views

  • goals of equality, development and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity
  • the status of women has advanced in some important respects in the past decade but that progress has been uneven, inequalities between women and men have persisted and major obstacles remain, with serious consequences for the well-being of all people
  • Women's empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society, including participation in the decision-making process and access to power, are fundamental for the achievement of equality, development and peace
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  • Equal rights, opportunities and access to resources, equal sharing of responsibilities for the family by men and women, and a harmonious partnership between them are critical to their well-being and that of their families as well as to the consolidation of democracy
  • Local, national, regional and global peace is attainable and is inextricably linked with the advancement of women, who are a fundamental force for leadership, conflict resolution and the promotion of lasting peace at all levels
  • Promote people-centred sustainable development, including sustained economic growth, through the provision of basic education, life-long education, literacy and training, and primary health care for girls and women
  • Take positive steps to ensure peace for the advancement of women and,recognizing the leading role that women have played in the peace movement,work actively towards general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and support negotiations on the conclusion, without delay, of a universal and multilaterally and effectively verifiable comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty which contributes to nuclear disarmament and the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in all its aspects
  • Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls
  • Ensure equal access to and equal treatment of women and men in education and health care and enhance women's sexual and reproductive health as well as education

Factors that Promote Implementation of Peace Education Training - 0 views

  • What factors influence whether or not teachers trained in peace education actually teach about peace?
  • It involves getting the adult students to express their concerns about violence in their lives, presenting an analysis of different peace strategies, and arguing that teaching about alternatives to violence is an effective way to deal with the threats of violence both in schools and in the broader community.
  • The objectives of the course are to explore the role of violence in the lives of students, to consider the effect of violence upon educational practices, to examine how peace education can help deal with violence, and to provide examples of peace education activities and curricular ideas.
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  • The main hypothesis of this study is that theoretical knowledge about violence and nonviolence is not enough to motivate teachers to become peace educators. They need further support, either in their personal or professional lives, to pick up this new curricular area.
  • Lantieri and Patti say that coaching and practice are key components in whether or not teachers used the peace education material in which they received training:
  • to mentor their development as peace educators.
  • district-wide support
  • peace education should not just be an add on used by a few teachers, but rather should involve all levels of the school.
  • teacher training
  • A supportive administration
  • rganization siz
  • specific characteristics of the program, school-based factors and community support.
  • Much training in peace education comes from outside consultants and is limited. As a result educators are not trained in conflict resolution as extensively as they are in subject areas, so that they may feel insecure about pursuing it in their classes.
  • if the participants in this study find that peace education provides immediate benefits, they are more likely to incorporate into their educational practices.
  • he presence of a supportive administrator is the most important ingredient in whether a particular innovation gets adopted
  • personal friendships and kinship ties provide support for these individuals to become peace educators.
  • One course alone will not begin to make a peace educator.
  • From these responses it can be concluded that knowledge of subject matter is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for peace education curriculum reforms. Professional educators also need personal and professional support for a world view that embraces peace in the midst of a violent culture that glamorizes violence.
  • Family support, feelings of urgency, and professional factors like administrative support and positive school climate help teachers deal with the overwhelming nature of this subject matter
  • How can school leaders provide a climate that supports the use of peace education curricula?
  • The impact of peace education upon students is very hard to assess because students could take years to transfer learning about nonviolence into positive peaceful behaviors. Because of the complex factors that influence human behavior, it is almost impossible to demonstrate that a teacher's activities result in a specific behavior on the part of a student. What this study does show is that teachers feel they benefit from learning about peace strategies and that incorporating peace education reforms has positive benefits for professional educators struggling to deal with problems of violence.
    Factors that impact the Implementation of Peace Education Training
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