GeogSpace - 12 views
'GeogSpace offers quality primary and secondary geography resource materials for all teachers of geography, including those that are very experienced and those just commencing their involvement. The materials will support teachers to develop their knowledge, skills and pedagogical capacity to teach geography of the highest quality. '
Library Operating Expenditures: A Selected Annotated Bibliography | Professional Tools - 12 views
Like academic libraries, school libraries rely primarily on their parent institution for financial support. The latest nation-wide expenditures figures for school library media centers in public schools comes from Characteristics of Public Elementary and Secondary School Library Media Centers in the United States: Results From the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey published in August 2013. The "Selected Findings" summary in the beginning of the Adobe Reader PDF version notes -- -- During the 2010-11 school year, public school library media centers spent an average of $9,340 for all information resources [Information resources include such items as books, periodicals, audio/visual materials, database licensing, and software. They do not include salaries, computer hardware, or audio/visual equipment.] (table 4). This includes an average of $6,010 for the purchase of books and $490 for the purchase of audio/video materials [Includes all copies of any tape, CD, DVD, or Blu-ray]. -- The number of holdings in public library media centers per 100 students was 2,188 for book titles and 81 for audio/video materials at the end of the 2010-11 school year (table 5).
Nothing beats the real thing! - 13 views
Protect, Nurture, Grow with Web2.0 - 0 views
GameOn: Cybersmart - 30 views
Good at gardening, hopeless at engineering * Inside Story - 7 views
Less than twenty years after the Karmel reforms one of their architects looked back in dismay at what had been wrought. "We created a situation unique in the democratic world," Jean Blackburn pointed out in 1991. "It is very important to realise this. There were no rules about student selection and exclusion, no fee limitations, no shared governance, no public education accountability, no common curriculum requirements below the upper secondary level... We have now become a kind of wonder at which people [in other countries] gape. The reaction is always, 'What an extraordinary situation.'"
Fiction with a twist blog: Upper primary/lower secondary - October 22 start - 17 views
Dear everyone Fiction with a Twist is a 5 week blog, hosted by the School Libraries and Information Literacy Unit with a full set of teaching resources at
Perfect Site to Look for Perfect Job - 1 views
The Perfect Job For Me - 1 views
I have graduated in Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education and have successfully passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers three years ago. I have always dreamed of working abroad but have...
iPad Space Science Portal - 12 views
Teacher Resources - The International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) - 17 views
BFTP: So just what SHOULD librarians be teaching? - Home - Doug Johnson's Blu... - 0 views
reading bubble will be larger in schools with a large percentage of students who are not testing at grade leve
library media programs have intrinsic reading motivation and free volunteer reading as their core contributions to a school's reading program
providing and promoting high interest materials at a variety of reading levels that meet a variety of developmental needs, we will create kids who not only can read by want to read.
- ...6 more annotations...
Is English Language So Popular because of the USA? - 0 views
Americans might tend to inflate the influence of the United States in the history of the spread of English. Before the World Wars, particularly WWII, the US was a bit player on the world stage. The...
Secondary Library services survey - Year 10 - 16 views
Social Media Employee Policy Examples from Over 100 Organizations | Social Media Today - 1 views
The following table contains the names of over 100 companies and organization that have published their Employee Social Media Policies or Guidelines online... The left side column is the name of the organization, and it is linked to their organizational or corporate home page. The right side column displays a link to the actual document of policy web page for you to either download or review.
Ralph can be reached by email at on Twitter @RalphPaglia and LinkedIn at