Just Google It? Developing Internet Search Skills - NYTimes.com - 39 views
500 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing - NYTimes.com - 27 views
The Kids' Books Are All Right - NYTimes.com - 11 views
Best Buy and Verizon Jump Into E-Reader Fray, With iRex - NYTimes.com - 1 views
iRex Technologies, a spinoff of Royal Philips Electronics that already makes one of Europe’s best-known e-readers, plans to announce that it is entering the United States market with a $399 touch-screen e-reader.
The iRex has an 8.1-inch touch screen and links to buy digital books in Barnes & Noble’s e-bookstore and periodicals from NewspaperDirect, a service that offers more than 1,100 papers and presents them onscreen largely as they appear in print form.
The iRex can also handle the ePub file format, a widely accepted industry standard, which means that owners can buy books from other online bookstores that use ePub and transfer texts onto the iRex.