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Emily Vickery

Bloom's Taxonomy - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 0 views

  • During the 1990's, a former student of Bloom's, Lorin Anderson, led a new assembly which met for the purpose of updating the taxonomy, hoping to add relevance for 21st century students and teachers. This time "representatives of three groups [were present]: cognitive psychologists, curriculum theorists and instructional researchers, and testing and assessment specialists" (Anderson, & Krathwohl, 2001, p. xxviii). Like the original group, they were also arduous and diligent in their pursuit of learning, spending six years to finalize their work. Published in 2001, the revision includes several seemingly minor yet actually quite significant changes. Several excellent sources are available which detail the revisions and reasons for the changes. A more concise summary appears here. The changes occur in three broad categories: terminology, structure, and emphasis.
Emily Vickery

Assessment Cyberguide for Learning Goals and Outcomes - 0 views

  • Using the New Bloom's Taxonomy to Design Meaningful Learning Assessments Kevin Smythe & Jane Halonen
Emily Vickery

The Busy Teacher's Guide to Using the Smartboard - 0 views

shared by Emily Vickery on 14 Nov 08 - Cached
  • The Busy Teacher's Guide to the Interactive Whiteboard
Alice Barr

Alma's "Freebies List": Educational Resources - 0 views

    This is a dynamic list of 'freebies' that has evolved over the years. Some I have found on my own, but many have been shared with me by my friends and colleagues. You are free to share this document with your colleagues and friends as long as you don't altar it. As you find other 'freebies', feel free to let me know (alma.row [at] I will keep this list updated and you can access that on my Delicious site, (click on Alma's_Freebies_List in top right corner). Look for the symbol for those additions since the last edition of this listing. Enjoy!
Jeff Johnson

Fellowships @ The Wilson Center 2009-2010 ( - 0 views

    The Center awards approximately 20-25 residential fellowships annually to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues. Topics and scholarship should relate to key public policy challenges or provide the historical and/or cultural framework to illuminate policy issues of contemporary importance.
Jeff Johnson

NSDC's Standards for Staff Development - 0 views

    Context Standards Process Standards Content Standards
just teaching

just-teaching blog - 0 views

shared by just teaching on 25 Jun 08 - Cached
    free teaching resources, a website where you can suggest teaching links or add to the blog by emailing just-teaching at
Teachers Without Borders

Warning to parents over children 'being raised online' | Society | The Guardian - 0 views

  • British children are spending more than 20 hours a week online, most of it at social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo, and are in effect being "raised online", according to research from the Institute for Public Policy Research.
  • British children are spending more than 20 hours a week online, most of it at social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo, and are in effect being "raised online", according to research from the Institute for Public Policy Research.
  • the lack of awareness among parents about what their children are doing on the internet.
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  • The research reinforces the belief of big online brands that social networking sites are the way to get advertisers in front of the lucrative youth market
  • "My mum will ask sometimes 'Is it safe?' but she doesn't really know," a 16-year-old girl told the IPPR. A 14-year-old boy added that even the sort of child-locks that are put on internet access at school can be circumvented by youngsters, who often know more about IT systems than their teachers. "We have restrictions at school but we can just get an administrator's account and take them off."
  • Children are also aware of the restrictions that the sites implement, with one 15-year-old girl telling researchers: "Everyone lies about their age 'cos I think it's like if you're under 18, your profile gets set to private."
  • The report suggests there is a lot of work to be done in educating parents about what their children are doing online. Ofcom already looks at the level of what it terms media literacy among consumers, but the IPPR wants the Department for Children, Schools and Families to have overall control of media literacy, with better information and support for parents
Teachers Without Borders

Virtual classroom project coming to a close « Learn Online - 0 views

  • learning about architecture, sustainability, and SL rendering.
  • The simplicity in learning the drawing tools, coupled with the ability to meet numbers of other people in the actual model who would then discuss and help me build the model was a very potent learning experience.
  • people who would be there for me, who would look at and discuss my drawings as I did them, and who would share with me links and other information relating to what I was doing for the simple enjoyment of sharing and helping.
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  • It doesn’t matter if the ideas I had - or the way I was trying to express them were any good or not.. what I’m talking about is the need we all have for encouragement and motivation to improve on and further our own learning. I could have enrolled in a course and paid a teacher to give me that … attention, but even then it would have felt disingenuous and limited by what that one teacher could muster after 20 years of putting up with it.
  • This amazing project that Konrad has taken me on boils down to is this: I have drawn a concept for a building I want to one day build, using Second Life and its communities to draw and develop the model. I have used numerous online networks to research and inform the model, and this drawing is only one step in many for this long term plan I have. That network has given me the motivation to take it all further. In the process I have learned a lot about sustainable building, drawing in SL, communicating with online networks beyond my normal peers, and in that I have gained new confidence. Now I am coming to an end with the VirtualClassroomProject, having reached the limitations of the model in SL Jokaydia, and want to take it further. I have made numerous attempts to connect with a local group who are developing sustainable building designs, but what was that I said about powering down? I think it will turn out that I will install the model somewhere more permanently in SL and continue to tweak the model, make variations and details, do a costing analysis for a real build, develop a website for it, and continue to try and find useful contacts who I can work with and possibly take something like this further - no doubt I will find them online… I already have one lead in Melbourne!
  • this project has helped me to render my private and two dimensional ideas into a public and socially supportive domain.
    "polished, finished, packed with closure" - these are important words for educators in SL because the environment offers the opposite of that - it encourages creativity and makes it easy to engage in the process of constructing spaces.
    Leigh Blackall reflects on his virtual residency in the Virtual Classroom Project
Teachers Without Borders

blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Virtual Classroom Project Refle... - 0 views

    Reflection on the Virtual Classroom Project with comment by Clay Burrell
Teachers Without Borders

BTW, teen writing may cause teachers to :( - - 0 views

  • It's a teachable moment," said Amanda Lenhart, senior research specialist at Pew. "If you find that in a child's or student's writing, that's an opportunity to address the differences between formal and informal writing. They learn to make the distinction ... just as they learn not to use slang terms in formal writing.
    • Teachers Without Borders
      It's also a great opportunity for teachers who use blogging in their classes. At the same time, I don't think discouraging informal writing is the right thing to do. Students should have the freedom to use the kind of language they feel is most appropriate given their audience and content. Teaching to adjust one's voice based on audience is therefore crucial.
  • Teens who consider electronic communications with friends as "writing" are more likely to carry the informal elements into school assignments than those who distinguish the two.
    • Teachers Without Borders
      I'd be interested to learn how many teachers use emoticons or other informal elements when writing on blogs or communicating with students outside of formal class assignments. For example, do teachers use informal elements when leaving comments on student blogs. Shouldn't they if they want to be seen as readers rather than evaluators?
  • Teens who keep blogs are more likely to engage in personal writing. They also tend to believe that writing will prove crucial to their eventual success in life. Parents are more likely than teenagers to believe that Internet-based writing such as e-mail and instant messaging affects writing overall, though both groups are split on whether the electronic communications help or hurt. Nonetheless, 73 percent of teens and 40 percent of parents said they believe Internet writing makes no difference either way.
    • Teachers Without Borders
      If the teacher models informal and formal writing well then this kind of informal writing is not likely to affect students' grasp of formal writing. However, the freedom to use informal, expressive writing might help students develop a stronger sense of voice in all kinds of written work, leading to improved confidence.
Teachers Without Borders

Creating a learning space for real life, in second life, 2 weeks on. « Learn ... - 0 views

  • I don’t believe that institutions are the ideal place for learning. Actually, I think it could be proven so… Instead, I’m going for a family home.. but one that can accommodate up to 15 people if need be
    • Teachers Without Borders
      In our many conversations over the last few weeks, Leigh has made clear that what he is interested in is a family home that can also be a learning place. Leigh has inspired me to think of everyday places as places for learning. This of course relates to Oldenburg's notion of the third place, except that Leigh is interested increating a kind of a third place in our homes, defined by Oldenburg as our first places. I'm really looking forward to our discussion this weekend in SL because I want to further explore this notion of one's dwelling as an informal learning place that exists not only in addition to the formal places of learning but also, and perhaps primarily, as THE place for learning.
  • disruption through architecture
    • Teachers Without Borders
      a powerful term! Need to explore this further with Leigh.
  • my design is for a family house that is large enough to host 15 or so people from time to time; that is fully self sufficient in providing for its own energy, water and food needs; that is a system that produces no waste; and that uses building materials and structures that are reused, portable and make minimal impact on the area being occupied
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  • Then I decided to focus on the building design, and for this I’m using discarded 20′ shipping containers as the basis of the building. Shipping containers are great to work with. They are readily available for reuse, reasonably cheap, structurally sound, transportable (obviously), durable, and come in remarkably good dimensions for proportioning an efficient living and working space
  • I have applied permaculture design processes and principles to this project, and thought of the space in Second Life as though it was a real space in real life. I very much enjoy the permaculture design process for its very holistic, even universal design ethic - and given its focus on sustainability and self sufficiency it is also very timely in todays world
  • my insistence to use real life proportions and limitations
  • I am trying to work out how to make it so that all the materials and objects that are used in the build can be packed inside the containers, and that any modifications I make to the containers will not compromise their structural integrity, or ability to be transported
  • To my mind, nothing these days should be built or developed without careful consideration of these issues. Nothing ever should have been actually! But regarding the challenges of designing a learning space, I am using these primary considerations within a frame of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Its obvious that if people’s basic survival needs are not being met, then they are not in a very good position to be learning things beyond what it takes to survive. If they are stressed, hungry, or uncomfortable, then we are hardly in an ideal space for learning about abstract concepts or developing new skills. Or if the learning space itself is struggling to pay out money for energy, food, or waste management, then it too is in less of a position to commit to learning. And so it is with a real world sustainability and self sufficiency approach that I’m considering these needs
    Leigh Blackall, the first Educator-in-Residence at the Virtual Classroom Project in jokaydia (SL) reflects on the first two weeks of his residency.
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