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Takuya Homma

Liveblogging Eric Schmidt/Google Interview at Brainstorm - 0 views

  • We get into constant problems with some prosecutor who subpoenas information we don’t want to give them, and we resist it. Which is why we don’t fully operate in China. Our argument is that information is not available in your domain. So countries are now trying to rewrite their laws to say this information cannot be available anywhere on the Internet.
  • Q: What about mobile? Schmidt: Our wireless initiative was a perfect outcome. It was the cost of an outcome. I am on the board of Apple. Last night I was in Palo Alto and there was a line outside. It shows the device is a step forward. IPhone’s competitors all have dec A phone is GPS, a camera, a computer, and a browser. The Phone is tehfirst one with a really functional browser. We show full ads, so that is a huge for revenues/ The new category of apps that have not come out yet really is a breakthrough. One winner of the Android apps, it looks around, names the buildings it sees and tells you what is happening inside of them. That is a really interesting product. In mobile there are a lot od product that have that WOW factor, because of the use of GPS. I think all the most interesting next-generation social apps will be mobile.
  • Q: [Sam Whitmore asks if Google does any work for the government related to the Patriot Act] Schmidt: Regarding the Patriot Act or any of the three-letter organizations, absolutely not. We do provide the federal government with some search and other services through our [government] sales group.
Takuya Homma

Irving Wladawsky-Berger: The Promise and Reality of Cloud Computing - 0 views

  • IT, said Carr, is the next great technology that is going through a similar transformation.  Many IT capabilities, now handled in a distributed way, will be centralized in highly industrialized, efficient, scalable data centers - Clouds - which should free companies to invest in innovation where it really matters to their business.  Nick acknowledged that IT clouds are quite different in nature from electricity - more complex and diverse in the services they offer.  So it is too early to tell how IT clouds will evolve.
  • At the conference, there was quite a bit of discussion about the relationship of cloud computing to computing-on-demand offerings, such as Amazon Web Services, and software-as-a-service application platforms, such as  Some have said that this spells the death of software.
  • I prefer to think of what is happening as the long-needed evolution of application software to something that is far more usable by humans.  When virtualizing applications to be used by people who care nothing about computers or technology - as is mostly the case with Clouds - the key thing we want to virtualize or hide from the user is complexity.
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  • This is far from the death of software.  In fact, it will take lots of innovative software to make computers and computing applications usable, let alone enjoyable to use  The more intelligent we want them to be - that is, intuitive, exhibiting common sense and not making us have to constantly take care of them - the more smart software it will take.  But with cloud computing, our expectation is that all that software will be virtualized or hidden from us and taken care of by systems and/or professionals that are somewhere else - out there in The Cloud.
Sho Tabata

Google: 10 years from now | Technology | - 0 views

  • In fact the ultraportables are important to this story. They are the real incarnation of what Bill Gates thought the Tablet would be. His 2001 forecast that in five years the Tablet would be the dominant model on sale was wrong. But I'll pick up his wonky prediction cap. I think that it will be true of the ultraportable in five years or so; in 10 years, surely.
  • And I think that ultraportable, like the Android phones, will be running Linux, because there's a lot of effort gone into developing low-power versions of it already.
Sho Tabata

10代に聞いた、昨今の携帯サイト流行事情 − MACお宝鑑定団 blog - 0 views

  • ブログよりタグが使えるホームページの方が便利らしいです。
  • 平成15年度から新設された科目「情報」の中でタグに関して学習してるため、抵抗がないんだそうです。
Takuya Homma

アメブロ、著名人ブロガー対象にクチコミサービス開始:マーケティング - CNET Japan - 0 views

  •  サイバーエージェントは7月30日、同社が運営するブログサービス「Ameba(アメブロ)」でオフィシャルブログを展開する芸能人や有名人を対象に、定期的にクチコミネタを配信するサービスを7月中に開始すると発表した。
Takuya Homma

For teens, the future is mobile | News - Digital Media - CNET News - 0 views

  • SAN FRANCISCO--Marketers convened here this week to figure out how best to reach teens on the Internet. The answer: It's all about the mobile phone.
  • The iPhone is just the beginning of the all-in-one device. Uses of mobile devices will expand to include all kinds of bar code applications and prepaid debit card payment methods,
  • But, he said, mobile phone providers likely won't succeed as the entertainment leaders for the phone, despite their efforts to sell ringtones, games, and music. Other companies like Apple, Google, and Yahoo will be more effective at "side-loading" the cell phone with services.
Sho Tabata

ギャルはなぜTVよりモバイルか: ギャルウォッチ :J-CAST テレビウォッチ - 0 views

  •    その点携帯は「SNS」や「掲示板」「個人HP」など、大勢の人とコミュニケーションを取れるコンテンツが充実していて、「孤独感」を感じさせなかったり、誰でも「情報を取得したり発信出来たりする」ので今の若者達にはうけているのです。
Sho Tabata

Mobile Social Networking To Generate $7.3 Billion Worldwide In 2013: Report | - 0 views

  • User-generated content ranging from social networking to dating and personal content delivery services is expected to grow about 563 percent from a $1.1 billion market today to at least $7.3 billion in 2013
  • Mobile social networking use will increase from 54 million users today to nearly 730 million in 2013 with the bulk of those users coming from Asia.
Takuya Homma

iPhoneのAPIが次世代のHTMLでApp Storeが次世代のHTTPだ - アンカテ - 0 views

  • iPhoneは、もう一つの、一般の人にも使えるインターネットのUIである。Webブラウザによって世界規模で張り巡らされたIPネットワーク網の使い道が広がったのと同じレベルで、iPhoneによってもう一段階「インターネット」が進化するだろう。
Takuya Homma

An Imminent Victory for Net Neutrality Advocates - Bits - Technology - New York Times ... - 0 views

  • This is an historic test for whether the law will protect the open Internet. If the commission decisively rules against Comcast, it will be a remarkable victory for organized people over organized money
  • Mr. Martin’s proposed ruling in favor of openness could actually end up hurting Internet users if it accelerates the nascent moves by the industry to charge customers based on how much data they use instead of offering essentially unlimited data for a flat fee. Add a Comment
Sho Tabata

GACL | Linux Journal - 0 views

  • Until Chrome came along, Google's Master Mobile Plan didn't quite add up. Now it does. Chrome -- Google's new superbrowser -- is cream on the top of a new mobile software stack. Let's call it GACL, for Gears, Android and Chrome on Linux.
Sho Tabata

はてなブックマーク - タグ mobileService - 0 views

    the best collection of japanese mobie web service.
Sho Tabata

市場規模は1兆円台に! 〜拡大し続けるモバイルコンテンツ市場〜:モバイルチャンネル - CNET Japan - 0 views

  • 携帯電話のブラウザ上でのコンテンツ流通市場が1兆円を超えたことは、世界に類をみない出来事です。モバイルコンテンツは日本の誇れるビジネスモデルといえるのではないでしょうか。
  • 07年の市場規模は、1兆1464億円(前年比123%)となり、他のコンテンツ産業が苦戦する中、モバイルコンテンツ産業は右肩上がりで成長しています。
  •  着信音系とゲームで6割のシェアを占めています。そのほか新しいコンテンツとして伸びているのが電子書籍系で221億円(前年比320%)と老舗の待受系(227億円)に迫る市場規模に成長しています。
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  •  今後は、着せ替え系といわれる待受画面に加え、メニュー、電池残量などのアイコン・文字フォント等の設定がカスタマイズできるコンテンツが注目を集めているようです。
Sho Tabata

3G Adoption In The U.S. Exceeds Western Europe: Report | - 0 views

  • n the U.S., 28.4 percent of subscribers now have a 3G device vs. the five largest countries in Europe, which have a combined penetration rate of 28.3 percent.
  • Within Europe, Italy has the highest 3G penetration at 38.3 percent; Spain comes in second place with 37.2 percent. The U.K. has a penetration rate of 19.9 percent, and Germany has 23.9 percent and France has 12.6 percent.
  • The U.S. also eclipses the five European countries when it comes to number of users with a 3G device. The U.S. has 64.2 million vs. Europe, which has 63.4 million.
Sho Tabata

10代・20代で高まるクロスメディア傾向、年代・性別で携帯の使い方に大きな違いが【博報堂調査】:MarkeZine(マーケジン) - 0 views

shared by Sho Tabata on 14 Jul 08 - Cached
  • 携帯電話は10代にとって外出先でパソコンの代わりに使うものではなく、いつでも気軽に使える情報源となっている
Takuya Homma

how steve jobs plans to eat firefox and why i'm not getting an iphone - 0 views

  • the mobile Internet is Steve's best new shot at taking over the world. Safari won't replace IE or Firefox on the desktop, but Apple's strong bet is that the Internet in your pocket will replace your desktop, at least for certain uses.
Takuya Homma

携帯電話は「生活サポートケータイ」へ--山田新社長が語るドコモのこれから:モバイルチャンネル - CNET Japan - 0 views

  •  もうひとつドコモが進めているのが、携帯電話とほかの機器などとを融合したサービスだ。自動車の道路交通情報システム(ITS)や情報家電、放送などとの融合を模索している。これが実現すれば、ユーザーは状況に応じて最適な端末、最適な通信環境を使い、さまざまなアプリケーションを利用できるようになるという。
  • ドコモでは2010年に下り最大300Mbps、上り最大75Mbpsの通信が可能なSuper 3G(LTE)のサービスを開始する予定だ。2006年からシステムの開発に着手にしており、2008年2月には屋外で下り250Mbps、上り50Mbps程度の通信に成功している。ドコモではSuper3Gの実現にあわせてネットワークのIP化も推進。端末からコアネットワークまですべてをIP化する計画だ。
Takuya Homma

Taking social networks abroad - Why MySpace and Facebook are failing in Japan - 0 views

  • Perhaps an even bigger problem is that both Facebook and MySpace fail to offer an optimized version for Japanese handsets. Millions of Japanese are accustomed to using one thumb, a dialpad and a jog dial on their phones when accessing the web during their commutes to school and work. In this country, the mobile web is bigger than the PC web.
  • Offering a country-specific version before a local copycat beats you to it is an obvious key factor for success, and not only in Japan.
  • Practical experience from the Japanese web industry has shown that partnering up with a local company is the best way to diminish these dangers
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  • But the Japanese market isn’t lost yet for MySpace and Facebook, despite Mixi’s dominance. If millions of Americans don’t mind registering to multiple social networks, why should the Japanese?
    Sized at an estimated $5.6 billion in 2007, Japan boasts one of the biggest online advertising markets in the world - a huge ...
Takuya Homma

New Tool From Facebook Extends Its Web Presence - - 0 views

  • “We are going to see the big social networks start to decentralize into a series of social applications across the Web,” Mr. Zuckerberg said. “I think we are at the beginning of a movement and the beginning of an industry.”
  • For example, the mobile service company Loopt, based in Mountain View, Calif., helps people find their friends and see what they are doing on a map on their mobile phone. It will use Facebook Connect so its users do not have to re-enter their connections to the friends they want to track.
  • Sean Parker, a former Facebook executive who now runs Causes, said Facebook was trying to stimulate the creation of more sophisticated applications. “They are trying to evolve to a place where the right companies get funded and they launch more ambitious features on the platform,” he said.
Takuya Homma

Why you need a local partner in Japan - Joi Ito's Web - 0 views

  • It is REALLY hard to launch in Japan without a local partner. There are many reasons. Foreign brands have very little value in Japan without local promotion.
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