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Chris Hall

FeedForward - 0 views

    FeedForward is a desktop application that keeps you on top of your personal information environment, enabling you to scan, organise, remix, and republish entries from your feeds to everything from Twitter to bibliographic databases
Chris Hall

twtpoll :: a simple survey twitter app. - 0 views

    Find out what your followers are thinking. Engage with your customers. Get feedback.
Chris Hall

ALA Blog - A catalyst for lifelong learning: e-learning's seven 'deadly sins' - 0 views

    Twitter, Moodle and Ning get you excited about learning, and blogs, wikis and RFIDs are common terms in your vocabulary. Visiting a virtual world is the norm, and you can't understand why your colleagues don't jump on board the e-learning super highway im
Chris Hall

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 0 views

    "I have always liked David White's ideas about digital visitors and residents. And in the training sessions we run we find an increasing individual differentiation in people;s confidence and competence in using digital technologies. In this video David White (@daveowhite, of the University of Oxford explains how the Visitors and Residents model provides a framework to understand individuals' engagement with the Web based on motivation and context. In part 1 of this series, he argues that the metaphors of 'place' and 'tool' best represent the use of technology in contemporary society and allow us to better adapt to the challenges of new forms of academic practice."
Chris Hall

What the Research Tells Us About Online Higher Education - 0 views

    "This presentation provides an overview of the existing research on online higher education, including prior research on four-year colleges, CCRC's research on two-year colleges, and implications in terms of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and hybrids. It also discusses the notion of online course outsourcing, and the contrasting notion of a coherent curriculum that supports students throughout college to graduation."
Chris Hall

NEA - Clickers and Classroom Dynamics - 0 views

    "Clickers and Classroom Dynamics By Derek Bruff, Vanderbilt University Classroom response systems create new opportunities for managing student discussions and assessing student learning"
Chris Hall

Teaching excellence in the disciplines | Higher Education Academy - 0 views

    "Based on interviews with deans from a range of UK universities, this report produced by LSE Enterprise for the HEA, provides a snapshot of different conceptions of what constitutes good teaching practice at discipline level and exemplifies the challenges facing the architects of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and reviews the current literature base."
Paul Latreille

Teacher Experience Exchange - 5 innovative tools to spice up your presentations - 0 views

    Some alternatives to PowerPoint for presentations (and not just Prezi either)...
Chris Hall

Times Higher Education - Use of Turnitin software does not deter cheating, study finds - 0 views

    Students who are aware that their work will be checked by plagiarism-detection software are just as likely to cheat as those who are not, a study suggests.
Chris Hall

"Helping university students to 'read' scholarly journal articles" by Yuka Fujimoto, Pauline Hagel et al. - 1 views

    "Academics often treat students' discipline-specific literacy as unproblematic. In doing so they may underestimate the difficulties for university students as they move between subjects of study that may involve different disciplines, language genres and academic practices. This paper describes an initiative aimed at supporting students in reading academic articles in preparation for completing an essay for an assessment task. This initiative involved a structured and collaborative two-week tutorial exercise that provided students with practice in using a framework to extract the main ideas from academic readings. Students were surveyed after this exercise, and their reflections of its value are described in this paper. The findings of this study will inform further stages of the project which aim to develop and investigate practical ways to develop student's academic literacy across several business disciplines."
Chris Hall

Plagiarism Curricula May Reduce Need for Punitive Plagiarism Education | Miller | Evidence Based Library and Information Practice - 1 views

    "Objective - To describe the development and implementation of two courses designed to help university students avoid plagiarism. Design - Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Setting - A university in the United Kingdom. Subjects - An unknown number of university students who took a Plagiarism Awareness Program (PAP) course between 2008 and 2011, and approximately 3,000 university students enrolled in a Plagiarism Avoidance for New Students (PANS) course delivered via a virtual learning environment (VLE) between October and December 2012. The authors attempted to collect rates of continued plagiarism among students who had taken plagiarism education courses. The authors also surveyed 702 university students about plagiarism in 2011. Methods - Data collected from PAP participants informed revision of the authors' approach to plagiarism education and led to development of the second course, PANS. At the end of the course, students completed a test of their knowledge about plagiarism. Authors compared scores from students who took a course supervised by a librarian to the scores from students who took the course independently. Main Results - Students reported that many aspects of citation and attribution are challenging (p. 149). The authors discovered that 93% of students who completed the PANS course facilitated by a librarian in-person passed the final exam with a grade of 70% or higher, while 85% of students who took the same course independently, without a librarian instructor, in an online VLE scored 70% or higher (p. 155). The authors report that referrals of students who plagiarized declined significantly (p-value < 0.001) since the implementation of a plagiarism avoidance curriculum. Conclusion - As reported by the authors, first-year university students require more extensive education about plagiarism avoidance. A university plagiarism avoidance program instructed by librarians reduces the total number of students caught plagiarizing an
Chris Hall

"Information literacy meets employability -Social media training and the library" - 1 views

    "Information literacy meets employability -Social media training and the library"
Chris Jobling

Scrivener as a Syllabus Tool | Josh Braun's Blog - 1 views

    Thanks Kasia!
Chris Hall

Education online en-masse: lessons for teaching and learning through MOOCs | ALT Online Newsletter - 0 views

    "On 24 April 2015 forty educators from 19 institutions discussed key issues in MOOC design and implementation at a one-day workshop hosted and funded by the University of Reading, a leading member of the FutureLearn MOOC consortium. The workshop offered the opportunity to evaluate practical lessons from the design and delivery of MOOCs, particularly those encouraging skills development. The focus was on problem-based discussion of approaches to teaching and learning, and the extent to which MOOC learning outcomes can be defined, measured, or achieved."
Chris Hall

Times Higher Education - Tech-savvy students want real-life lecturers too, study finds - 0 views

    Universities have been warned not to assume that "digital native" students will embrace all e-learning initiatives, or indeed prefer them to traditional forms of education.
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