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Chris Hall

BBC - BBC Radio 4 Programmes - The Secret History of Social Networking, Episode 1 - 0 views

    Wednesday, 11:00 on BBC Radio 4 (FM only) In the first instalment of a three-part series, Rory Cellan-Jones traces the roots of social networking from the counterculture of the 1970s through early bulletin board systems such as California's The WELL and t
Chris Hall

Facebook Use May Lead to Psychological Disorders in Teens [STUDY] - 0 views

    While social networking site Facebook was created to help people connect with their friends, increasing research in the effect of social media on human interaction is painting a different picture - one that features the development of antisocial behavior,
Chris Hall

What research has to say for practice - ALT_Wiki - 0 views

    Nine guides written on technology enhanced learning initially by the authors listed below. Nearly all are current or recent members of the ALT Research Committee.
Chris Hall

Individual Knowledge in the Internet Age (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    In the last several years, many observers of education and learning have been stunned by the abundance of information online, the ever-faster findability of answers, and the productivity of online "crowds," which have created information resources like Wi
Chris Hall

JISC Digital Media - Blog: Backing up delicious bookmarks - 0 views

    Whenever using free web services it is important to make regular backups in case the service suddenly becomes unavailable. This screencast looks at the simple steps required to backup a delicious account which should be done on a monthly/yearly basis, de
Chris Hall

Evaluating the impact of Web articles - 0 views

    The growing flood of scholarly literature is exposing the weaknesses of current, citation-based methods of evaluating and filtering articles. A novel and promising approach is to examine the use and citation of articles in a new forum: Web 2.0 services li
Chris Hall

Get your Face out of MySpace? - EvidenceNet - 0 views

    This paper presents a summary of literature and main issues relating to the impact of social networks in Higher Education in the UK, with particular emphasis upon students' communication and engagement with faculty via social network sites. The review wil
Chris Hall

"Where Do You Learn?": Tweeting to Inform Learning Space Development (EDUCAUSE Quarterl... - 0 views

    A study in which participants are asked to send Twitter messages instead of recording the information in a diary
Chris Hall

6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations - 0 views

    here a
Chris Hall

10 Ways Universities Share Information Using Social Media - 0 views

    Instead of focusing their attention on promoting information to mainstream media, some university public affairs offices are using the power of social media to engage the community directly.
Chris Hall

Why Facebook Is for Old Fogies - TIME - 0 views

    Facebook is five. Maybe you didn't get it in your news feed, but it was in February 2004 that Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, along with some classmates, launched the social network that ate the world. Did he realize back then in his dorm that he was wit
Chris Hall

14 Ways K-12 Librarians Can Teach Social Media - NeverEndingSearch - Blog on School Lib... - 0 views

    This is the best time in history to be a teacher-librarian. Major shifts in our information and communication landscapes present new opportunities for librarians to teach and lead in areas that were always considered part of their role, helping learners o
Chris Hall

BBC NEWS | Education | Facebook 'cuts student drop-outs' - 0 views

    Social networking websites such as Facebook are helping to reduce college drop-out rates, it is claimed.
Chris Hall

BBC - Digital Revolution Blog - 0 views

    "Digital Revolution is an experiment in collaboration. Twant to hear the opinions, thoughts and experiences from the populace of the web - you. Add your comments to our blog posts. Tell us the stories you think we should be covering. Your input will help
Chris Hall

twtpoll :: a simple survey twitter app. - 0 views

    Find out what your followers are thinking. Engage with your customers. Get feedback.
Chris Hall

Research into the Challenges, Usage and Benefits of social media in Higher Education In... - 0 views

    The importance of social media is rising up the strategic agenda for management and users at UK Universities. Social Media is growing in its adoption across all areas of society, including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). To gain a current picture o
Chris Hall

The Tao of Tweeting - 0 views

    It doesn't take much skill to tweet - you simply type what you want to say in under 140 characters. But while the barrier to entry is extremely low, tweeting well is something else entirely.
Chris Hall

My bright idea: Jaron Lanier | Technology | The Observer - 0 views

    Jaron Lanier, author of 'You Are Not A Gadget' and the coiner of the term 'Digital Maoism' talks with Aleks Krotoski (of Virtual Revolution Fame) about the impact of "social media" on wider society
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