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Chris Hall

The space for social media in structured online learning | Salmon | Research in Learnin... - 0 views

    "In this paper, we explore the benefits of using social media in an online educational setting, with a particular focus on the use of Facebook and Twitter by participants in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) developed to enable educators to learn about the Carpe Diem learning design process. We define social media as digital social tools and environments located outside of the provision of a formal university-provided Learning Management System. We use data collected via interviews and surveys with the MOOC participants as well as social media postings made by the participants throughout the MOOC to offer insights into how participants' usage and perception of social media in their online learning experiences differed and why. We identified that, although some participants benefitted from social media by crediting it, for example, with networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities, others objected or refused to engage with social media, perceiving it as a waste of their time. We make recommendations for the usage of social media for educational purposes within MOOCs and formal digital learning environments."
Chris Jobling

ceLTIc Project - ceLTIc Project - 0 views

    "The primary objective of this project is to investigate how elearning applications can be more tightly integrated with virtual learning environments through the use of the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) specification. A range of popular open source and commercial elearning applications (tool producers) are being used to both identify priorities for integrations with VLEs (or other tool consumers) and also to evaluate the benefits which can be derived from adopting this approach."
Chris Hall

Tips for Writing a Strong Rubric - Rubric Examples Included! - 0 views

    "Before jumping into creating a rubric, think carefully about the performance objectives of the assignment. Keep these objectives specific and clear."
Chris Hall

Plagiarism Curricula May Reduce Need for Punitive Plagiarism Education | Miller | Evide... - 1 views

    "Objective - To describe the development and implementation of two courses designed to help university students avoid plagiarism. Design - Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Setting - A university in the United Kingdom. Subjects - An unknown number of university students who took a Plagiarism Awareness Program (PAP) course between 2008 and 2011, and approximately 3,000 university students enrolled in a Plagiarism Avoidance for New Students (PANS) course delivered via a virtual learning environment (VLE) between October and December 2012. The authors attempted to collect rates of continued plagiarism among students who had taken plagiarism education courses. The authors also surveyed 702 university students about plagiarism in 2011. Methods - Data collected from PAP participants informed revision of the authors' approach to plagiarism education and led to development of the second course, PANS. At the end of the course, students completed a test of their knowledge about plagiarism. Authors compared scores from students who took a course supervised by a librarian to the scores from students who took the course independently. Main Results - Students reported that many aspects of citation and attribution are challenging (p. 149). The authors discovered that 93% of students who completed the PANS course facilitated by a librarian in-person passed the final exam with a grade of 70% or higher, while 85% of students who took the same course independently, without a librarian instructor, in an online VLE scored 70% or higher (p. 155). The authors report that referrals of students who plagiarized declined significantly (p-value < 0.001) since the implementation of a plagiarism avoidance curriculum. Conclusion - As reported by the authors, first-year university students require more extensive education about plagiarism avoidance. A university plagiarism avoidance program instructed by librarians reduces the total number of students caught plagiarizing an
Chris Hall

ReportASurveyofUndergraduateTechnologyUseandAttitudes.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    A Survey of Undergraduate Technology Use and Attitudes. Funded by Evaluation of Learners' Experiences of e‐learning Special Interest Group (ELESIG ) Small Grant
Chris Hall

User_Learning_Curve_v1.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    "Your target audience is not the same.Learn who they really are using this simple technique."
Chris Hall

Dimensions_of_Quality.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Dimensions of quality, by Professor Graham Gibbs, sets out to identify those factors that give a reliable indication of the quality of student learning.
Chris Hall

Performance Zone.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Widget driven e-learning portal
Chris Hall

SkillsClinic - 0 views

    The Swansea University School of Health Science visual SKILLS CLINIC for health professionals.
Chris Jobling

Sheila's work blog » Enhancing and creating student centred portfolios in VLE... - 0 views

    Enhancing and creating student centred portfolios in VLEs webinar ... context setting blog pos.
Chris Hall

Edgeless_University_-_web.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    The full "Edgeless University" report from Demos
Chris Hall

Re.ViCa Online Handbook.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Throughout the last decade, numerous initiatives have been set up to experiment with the establishment of ICT-enhanced activities, under various frameworks and to varying degrees of success. The higher education area is a very complex world with a diverse
Chris Hall

HEA_Wales_Bulletin_31_Oct_11.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    This bulletin is designed to keep all our colleagues and contacts up to date on our latest news, events, resources and funding opportunities.
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