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amber sanpedro

Springhill Group - 0 views

    Hospital Corporation of America Chillers, Pumps, and Boiler Replacement Project Wednesday, January 18 · Edit " This project consisted of removing and replacing (2) existing 1100 ton chillers, removing (4) existing tower water pumps which were replaced with (2), and removing (3) existing chilled water pumps which were replaced with (2). A single new 400HP boiler was installed where one of the existing original boiler's was demolished by an owner paid subcontractor separate from this contract. There was also a generator that was removed in order to make room in the chiller room for the new equipment and piping. A large condensing unit servicing some operating rooms had to be relocated in order to allow access to the mechanical room for demolition and delivery of the new equipment and piping. Much of the existing chilled water and tower water piping was removed and replaced with throughout the chiller room and on the mezzanine above the chiller room. Steam, condensate and fuel oil piping servicing the old boiler was removed and re-configured to meet the needs of the new boiler. Access to the south mechanical room was very limited. All of the equipment and piping had to be hoisted into and out of an access shaft just large enough for the new equipment. Besides the limited space, the set-up area for the hoisting rig was right next to the Emergency Room/Helepad entrance. The coordination with our hoisting and rigging subcontractor, the hospital personnel and Stanger Industries years of experience with similar projects proved invaluable on this challenging aspect of the project. One of the stipulations of this project was to insure that all systems would remain on line during the installation of all of the new equipment. In order to accomplish this task, isolation valves were installed in key locations to allow us to isolate this south mechanical room from the rest of the system and utilize the north mechanical room's
hannah brooklyn

Springhill group Home Loans and Deposits : Blogspot : Redgage - 1 views

    News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Blogspot Springhill Group Home Loans Springhill Group Home Loan's unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective - Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH. Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan's services. With SHG's state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer's needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH's customer service philosophy - Housing Finance With You, All Through. About Us Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at News Center News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans:Fed Seen Buying $545B Of Home-Loan Debt : Report News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again Rural Housing Finance Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Featuresoffers home loans in rural areas for: Construction of Houses on plot owned by you Addition of more rooms or floors to your existing house Renovation & Improvement of your house Purchase of a new house Specially Designed Housing Loans for Agriculturists. Loan eligibility on the basis of land owned by y
Bethany Rawlins

isabelamber.blogspot | Springhill Group: Newsvine - Springhill group Home Loans and Dep... - 1 views

    Newsvine - Springhill group Home Loans and Deposits : Blogspot : Redgage - Newsvine By hannahbrooklyn springhillhome On Redgage News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Blogspot Springhill Group Home Loans Springhill Group Home Loan's unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective - Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH. Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan's services. With SHG's state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer's needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH's customer service philosophy - Housing Finance With You, All Through. About Us Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at News Center * News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans:Fed Seen Buying $545B Of Home-Loan Debt : Report * News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again * News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again Rural Housing Finance Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Featuresoffers home loans in rural areas for: * Construction of Houses on plot owned by you * Addition of more rooms or floors to your existing house * Renovation & Improvem
katelyn williams

Springhill Group Home Loans | Springhill group Home Loans and Deposits : Blogspot - You... - 0 views

    Springhill Group Home in Business and Economy : YousayToo News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Blogspot Springhill Group Home Loans Springhill Group Home Loan's unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective - Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH. Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan's services. With SHG's state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer's needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH's customer service philosophy - Housing Finance With You, All Through. About Us Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at News Center Rural Housing Finance Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Featuresoffers home loans in rural areas for: Loan Against Properties Springhill Group Home Equity Loans helps you encash the present market value of the property by taking a loan by mortgaging the property. Features of Loan Against Property News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans:Fed Seen Buying $545B Of Home-Loan Debt : Report News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And S
anastasia carmen

Springhill group Home Loans and Deposits : Blogspot - Multiply Group - 0 views

    News Center - Springhill Group Home Loan : Multiply News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Blogspot Springhill Group Home Loans Springhill Group Home Loan's unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective - Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH. Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan's services. With SHG's state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer's needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH's customer service philosophy - Housing Finance With You, All Through. About Us Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at Rural Housing Finance Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Featuresoffers home loans in rural areas for: Loan Against Properties Springhill Group Home Equity Loans helps you encash the present market value of the property by taking a loan by mortgaging the property. Features of Loan Against Property News Center News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans:Fed Seen Buying $545B Of Home-Loan Debt : Report News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Sa
katelyn williams

News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : A Jetpak created by springhillgrouphome : J... - 0 views

  •  News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at background-color: white; line-height: 1.3; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right:
melissa rocks

Home loans scheme | Livejournal - The-looser-it-s-me - 0 views

    If you live in a Universal Home Insulation Scheme (UHIS) area in Scotland you could benefit from an interest free loan of up to £10,000. To find out if you live in a UHIS area please contact your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012 What's on offer? · Loans of between £500 and £10,000 are available (please note: loans are only available up to a maximum of £4,000 for solar photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines and small scale hydro technologies · Loans are interest free so you only pay back what you borrow · Applicants can pay back the loan in monthly instalments over a maximum of eight years. Loans can be combined with funding from fuel suppliers under the Carbon Emission Reduction Target. Loans cannot be combined with an Energy Saving Scotland Boiler Scrappage Scheme voucher. What can I use the loan for? · Installing cavity wall or solid wall insulation and/or loft insulation · Installing renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic, solar water and space heating, heat pumps (ground, air and water source), small scale hydro and wood fuelled boiler systems · Replacing old, inefficient boilers with an Energy Saving Trust Recommended (ESTR) boiler The energy efficiency or renewable measure funded by the loan must be recommended in one of the following documents: · Energy Performance Certificate (within the home report completed when buying, renting or selling a home) · Home energy report for energy efficiency measures only (produced on completion of an Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Check (HEC) · Home Energy Generation report (completed via a phone survey carried out by an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor ) · Home report on renewables and energy efficiency ( completed via a home visit from an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor), or · Energy Assistance Package (EAP) Stage Four managing agent letter detailing the work recommended. You can find out mor
amber sanpedro

Home loans scheme - The-looser-it-s-me - 0 views

    If you live in a Universal Home Insulation Scheme (UHIS) area in Scotland you could benefit from an interest free loan of up to £10,000. To find out if you live in a UHIS area please contact your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012 What's on offer? Loans of between £500 and £10,000 are available (please note: loans are only available up to a maximum of £4,000 for solar photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines and small scale hydro technologies Loans are interest free so you only pay back what you borrow Applicants can pay back the loan in monthly instalments over a maximum of eight years. Loans can be combined with funding from fuel suppliers under the Carbon Emission Reduction Target. Loans cannot be combined with an Energy Saving Scotland Boiler Scrappage Scheme voucher. What can I use the loan for? Installing cavity wall or solid wall insulation and/or loft insulation Installing renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic, solar water and space heating, heat pumps (ground, air and water source), small scale hydro and wood fuelled boiler systems Replacing old, inefficient boilers with an Energy Saving Trust Recommended (ESTR) boiler The energy efficiency or renewable measure funded by the loan must be recommended in one of the following documents: Energy Performance Certificate (within the home report completed when buying, renting or selling a home) Home energy report for energy efficiency measures only (produced on completion of an Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Check (HEC) Home Energy Generation report (completed via a phone survey carried out by an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor ) Home report on renewables and energy efficiency ( completed via a home visit from an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor), or Energy Assistance Package (EAP) Stage Four managing agent letter detailing the work recommended. You can find out more about all these documents and ho
amber sanpedro

Home loans scheme - 0 views

    If you live in a Universal Home Insulation Scheme (UHIS) area in Scotland you could benefit from an interest free loan of up to £10,000. To find out if you live in a UHIS area please contact your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012 What's on offer? Loans of between £500 and £10,000 are available (please note: loans are only available up to a maximum of £4,000 for solar photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines and small scale hydro technologies Loans are interest free so you only pay back what you borrow Applicants can pay back the loan in monthly instalments over a maximum of eight years. Loans can be combined with funding from fuel suppliers under the Carbon Emission Reduction Target. Loans cannot be combined with an Energy Saving Scotland Boiler Scrappage Scheme voucher. What can I use the loan for? Installing cavity wall or solid wall insulation and/or loft insulation Installing renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic, solar water and space heating, heat pumps (ground, air and water source), small scale hydro and wood fuelled boiler systems Replacing old, inefficient boilers with an Energy Saving Trust Recommended (ESTR) boiler The energy efficiency or renewable measure funded by the loan must be recommended in one of the following documents: Energy Performance Certificate (within the home report completed when buying, renting or selling a home) Home energy report for energy efficiency measures only (produced on completion of an Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Check (HEC) Home Energy Generation report (completed via a phone survey carried out by an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor ) Home report on renewables and energy efficiency ( completed via a home visit from an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor), or Energy Assistance Package (EAP) Stage Four managing agent letter detailing the work recommended. You can find out more about all these documents and how to get th
melissa rocks

Home loans scheme | Livejournal - 0 views

    If you live in a Universal Home Insulation Scheme (UHIS) area in Scotland you could benefit from an interest free loan of up to £10,000. To find out if you live in a UHIS area please contact your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012 What's on offer? · Loans of between £500 and £10,000 are available (please note: loans are only available up to a maximum of £4,000 for solar photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines and small scale hydro technologies · Loans are interest free so you only pay back what you borrow · Applicants can pay back the loan in monthly instalments over a maximum of eight years. Loans can be combined with funding from fuel suppliers under the Carbon Emission Reduction Target. Loans cannot be combined with an Energy Saving Scotland Boiler Scrappage Scheme voucher. What can I use the loan for? · Installing cavity wall or solid wall insulation and/or loft insulation · Installing renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic, solar water and space heating, heat pumps (ground, air and water source), small scale hydro and wood fuelled boiler systems · Replacing old, inefficient boilers with an Energy Saving Trust Recommended (ESTR) boiler The energy efficiency or renewable measure funded by the loan must be recommended in one of the following documents: · Energy Performance Certificate (within the home report completed when buying, renting or selling a home) · Home energy report for energy efficiency measures only (produced on completion of an Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Check (HEC) · Home Energy Generation report (completed via a phone survey carried out by an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor ) · Home report on renewables and energy efficiency ( completed via a home visit from an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor), or · Energy Assistance Package (EAP) Stage Four
melissa rocks

Home loans scheme | Livejournal : A Jetpak created by melissarocks : Jeteye - 0 views

    If you live in a Universal Home Insulation Scheme (UHIS) area in Scotland you could benefit from an interest free loan of up to £10,000. To find out if you live in a UHIS area please contact your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012 What's on offer? · Loans of between £500 and £10,000 are available (please note: loans are only available up to a maximum of £4,000 for solar photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines and small scale hydro technologies · Loans are interest free so you only pay back what you borrow · Applicants can pay back the loan in monthly instalments over a maximum of eight years. Loans can be combined with funding from fuel suppliers under the Carbon Emission Reduction Target. Loans cannot be combined with an Energy Saving Scotland Boiler Scrappage Scheme voucher. What can I use the loan for? · Installing cavity wall or solid wall insulation and/or loft insulation · Installing renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaic, solar water and space heating, heat pumps (ground, air and water source), small scale hydro and wood fuelled boiler systems · Replacing old, inefficient boilers with an Energy Saving Trust Recommended (ESTR) boiler The energy efficiency or renewable measure funded by the loan must be recommended in one of the following documents: · Energy Performance Certificate (within the home report completed when buying, renting or selling a home) · Home energy report for energy efficiency measures only (produced on completion of an Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Check (HEC) · Home Energy Generation report (completed via a phone survey carried out by an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor ) · Home report on renewables and energy efficiency ( completed via a home visit from an Energy Saving Scotland home renewables advisor), or · Energy Assistance Package (EAP) Stage Four managing agent letter detailing the work recommended. You can find out more about all these documents and how to
tony bricks

News Center-Springhill Group Home Loans - 0 views

    By Angie Barrett | November 28, 2011 10:09 am  America's Choice Home Loans announced the opening of Branch 1013, located in Newberg, Oregon. Managed by Jerry Holman, a long time veteran of the mortgage industry, the branch opened on October 20."Please give Jerry a warm welcome and let him know he is a part of our family," says Jonathan Fowler, Director of National Production for the company. "Jerry, thank you very much for choosing America's Choice Home Loans. We appreciate you and your office and are here to make your lending career bigger and brighter than ever. You will find out why we are America's Choice Home Loans - Thank you very much and welcome." Being an expert in home loan and mortgage, Jerry will continue to concentrate on helping customers with their residential home loan needs. America's Choice Home Loan is continuously searching for experienced mortgage loan originators to join the company. Contrary to many in the industry who have been discouraged, scaled back or closed down completely, Mr. Fowler is unfazed. "America's Choice has the ability to expand, including the capacity for rapid growth. We have been positioning ourselves for this, and we're ready," adds Mr. Fowler. America's Choice Home Loans LP is located at 8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 200, Houston TX 77024 and can be reached at 713-463-6779. Visit their website and their Facebook fan page. About America's Choice Home Loans LP America's Choice Home Loans LP has been a retail mortgage lender since 1998. The company is a HUD, VA and USDA approved mortgagee headquartered in Houston, TX.
    By Angie Barrett | November 28, 2011 10:09 am  America's Choice Home Loans announced the opening of Branch 1013, located in Newberg, Oregon. Managed by Jerry Holman, a long time veteran of the mortgage industry, the branch opened on October 20."Please give Jerry a warm welcome and let him know he is a part of our family," says Jonathan Fowler, Director of National Production for the company. "Jerry, thank you very much for choosing America's Choice Home Loans. We appreciate you and your office and are here to make your lending career bigger and brighter than ever. You will find out why we are America's Choice Home Loans - Thank you very much and welcome." Being an expert in home loan and mortgage, Jerry will continue to concentrate on helping customers with their residential home loan needs. America's Choice Home Loan is continuously searching for experienced mortgage loan originators to join the company. Contrary to many in the industry who have been discouraged, scaled back or closed down completely, Mr. Fowler is unfazed. "America's Choice has the ability to expand, including the capacity for rapid growth. We have been positioning ourselves for this, and we're ready," adds Mr. Fowler. America's Choice Home Loans LP is located at 8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 200, Houston TX 77024 and can be reached at 713-463-6779. Visit their website and their Facebook fan page. About America's Choice Home Loans LP America's Choice Home Loans LP has been a retail mortgage lender since 1998. The company is a HUD, VA and USDA approved mortgagee headquartered in Houston, TX.
    News Center Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. News Center Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. News Center Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at
Isabella Amber

Springhill Group Korea's Journal - 0 views

    "Springhill Group Korea : News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans - BlogSpot FHA Warns About Home Equity Mortgage Loan Scams The FHA official site includes a page about reverse mortgages and Home Equity Conversion Mortgages. On that page, you'll find a warning from the FHA and HUD about scam artists who take advantage of some loan applicants who don't know enough about the FHA's free information on HECM loans and reverse mortgage loans. "Reverse mortgages are becoming popular in America" the FHA site says, "Reverse mortgages are a special type of home loan that lets a homeowner convert the equity in his/her home into cash. They can give older Americans greater financial security to supplement social security, meet unexpected medical expenses, make home improvements, and more. If you are interested in a reverse mortgage, beware of scam artists that charge thousands of dollars for information that is free from HUD!" The warning is good-but what kind of information are these scam artists charging so much money for? According to the FHA, simple details such as the nature of a HECM loan, who is eligible, even free advice about whether a borrower should us an estate planner to find a participating lender. On this topic, the FHA and HUD advise: "FHA does NOT recommend using any service that charges a fee for referring a borrower to an FHA-approved lender. You can locate a FHA-approved lender by searching online at or by contacting a HECM counselor for a listing. Services rendered by HECM counselors are free or at a low cost. To locate a HECM counselor Search online or call (800) 569-4287 toll-free, for the name and location of a HUD-approved housing counseling agency near you". Very good advice for borrowers age 62 an older (the only people who qualify for FHA HECM loans) interested in applying for an FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. Here's another fact about HECM loans you might n
Bethany Rawlins

Springhill Group Home Loans | Springhill group Home Loans and Deposits : Blogspot - 3 views

    News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Blogspot Springhill Group Home Loans Springhill Group Home Loan's unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective - Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH. Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan's services. With SHG's state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer's needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH's customer service philosophy - Housing Finance With You, All Through. About Us Springhill Group Home is a housing finance company with the principal goal of achieving a social requirement of motivating home ownership by offering long-term finance to households. Springhill Group Home has turned the idea of housing finance in Springhill into a world-class business venture with outstanding reputation for dependability, honesty and outstanding services. Springhill Group Home has a wide network of contacts from different loan companies within United States and Asia catering to towns & cities spread across the country providing housing loans and property advisory services. For inquiries, email us at News Center News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans:Fed Seen Buying $545B Of Home-Loan Debt : Report News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : Rates For Home Loans And Savings Could Swing Again Rural Housing Finance Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Featuresoffers home loans in rural areas for: Construction of Houses on plot owned by you Addition of more rooms or floors to your existing house Renovation & Improvement of your house Purchase of a new house Specially Designed Housing Loans for Agriculturists. Loan eligibility on the basis of land owned by y
amber sanpedro

Top 5 Home Loan Scams - WordPress - 0 views

    Recent headlines about the troubled subprime lending industry are making Americans more aware of the consequences of risky lending practices. But unscrupulous lenders and scam artists continue to prey on unsuspecting loan shoppers and homeowners. Unfortunately, loan-related scams aren't restricted to tricking consumers into loans with outrageously high interest rates. Today's sophisticated scammers are using loans as a vehicle to do everything from stealing sensitive personal information to virtually stealing a credit-challenged homeowner's own home. The mortgage experts at have identified five top scams that all consumers - mortgage shoppers and homeowners alike - should be on the look-out for. 1. Unsolicited phone calls Americans across the country have reported receiving phone calls from telemarketers posing as representatives from well-known organizations such as Fannie Mae offering to refinance loans at low rates. These "representatives" often ask for personal information, claiming they need it to qualify a victim for a loan. This information is then used to steal a victim's identity.'s Advice: Be wary of any phone call offering remarkably low interest rates on loans, especially if you have registered your phone number with the Do Not Call Registry. Most major nationwide lenders do not solicit business over the phone. Never give out personal information over the phone unless you are absolutely sure who you are speaking with. 2. "Helpful" contractors Many homeowners have reported contractors - often roofing or remodel professionals - approaching them with an offer to perform upgrades on their home at a reasonable price. These contractors offer financing through low-interest loans. It's not until after signing numerous forms that too many homeowners realize they have signed off on a high-interest home equity loan, and that the contractor has been hired by unscrupulous lenders to sell loans, not impro
hannah brooklyn

springhill group counselling | Tumblr - 0 views

  • SOUTH GROUP SPRINGHILL KOREA - Asia dominates the $4.4 billion ultrapure water market on Environmental Expert Asian purchases will account for 63 percent of the purchases of ultrapure water products in 2012. This is the latest forecast in Ultrapure Water World Markets published by the McIlvaine Company. (
  • SOUTH GROUP SPRINGHILL KOREA - Dimplex's DuoHeat radiators could lower energy bills | Easier The DuoHeat radiators are revolutionary energy-efficient electric radiators. The slim, modern radiator ensures plenty of heat is available throughout the day whilst keeping costs down by using two automatically controlled heat sources. One source of heat comes from off-peak energy, which is retained at the heart of the heater and emitted throughout the day. The other source of heat, a low-wattage radiant element at the front of the radiator, is used only when necessary to retain your chosen room temperature.
  • | Springhill Group: Medicare Dupery Bill Re-brought In (1888PressRelease) Uncovering medicare scams latest news articles for general public to use. U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami, has reintroduced legislation that would double the amount of fines and incarceration for people in prison for Medicare fraud/scam. It also creates a new criminal offense punishable with a 10 year minimum sentence for those who intentionally sell or distribute the ID numbers of Medicare beneficiaries. According to the Springhill Group, the legislation also bars those who have been part of Medicare dupery in the past from billing Medicare if they switch companies.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Springhill Group - Begin with the Basics: Creating a Solid Investment Policy Spring Hill FL Most builders understand that laying a strong foundation is the key to constructing a good home. Do the job right and the structure will be stable. Do it wrong and it could collapse in Spring Hill.
  • Springhill Group Counselling | Tumblr New Zeus Malware Scam Promises Rebates, Security CSO — A new Zeus P2P malware variant discovered last week by security vendor Trusteer is attempting to scam users of some of the Internet’s most popular and trusted brands — Facebook, Google Mail, Hotmail and Yahoo — with promises of rebates and new security measures.
  • New Zeus Malware Scam Promises Rebates, Security CSO — A new Zeus P2P malware variant discovered last week by security vendor Trusteer is attempting to scam users of some of the Internet’s most popular and trusted brands — Facebook, Google Mail, Hotmail and Yahoo — with promises of rebates and new security measures. Slideshow: The Future of Malware
  • Apple’s Calls for Repatriation Tax Holiday Gain No Traction with White House – In The News - Springhill Group Counselling   With some two-thirds of its cash hoard housed overseas, Apple would like a tax holiday to allow it to move that money back to the U.S., but its pleas have fallen on deaf ears at the White House.   With $64 billion in cash remaining offshore, Apple executives said during a conference call on Monday that they have no plans to bring that money back to the U.S. because of taxes.
  • New Zeus Malware Scam Promises Rebates, Security CSO — A new Zeus P2P malware variant discovered last week by security vendor Trusteer is attempting to scam users of some of the Internet’s most popular and trusted brands — Facebook, Google Mail, Hotmail and Yahoo — with promises of rebates and new security measures.
  • SOUTH GROUP SPRINGHILL KOREA: China, Korea linked to pill scam | Bangkok Post: news | Dropjack SOUTH GROUP SPRINGHILL KOREA: China, Korea linked to pill scam | Bangkok Post: news Posted by honeybunny 7 hours ago ( Thailand is seeking help from China and South Korea to support its efforts to crack down on the smuggling of pseudoephedrine-based cold pills. 
    Springhill Care Group :: Care2 Groups | SPRINGHILL GROUP Springhill Group Care - Providing for all levels of care, balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff. …golden age living and health care at its very best… At Springhill Care Group, our attitude is to exceed the expectations of our residents and their friends, that offer balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff. At Springhill Care Group, we firmly believe in safeguarding the interests of our clients and we pride ourselves on offering the most resident friendly environment. Springhill Group: Denish's Sharebook LIVING AND CARE OPTIONS America's Choice Home Loans announced the opening of Branch 1013, located in Newberg, Oregon. Managed by Jerry Holman, a long time veteran of the mortgage industry, the branch opened on October 20. "Please give Jerry a warm welcome and let him know he is a part of our family," says Jonathan Fowler, Director of National Production for the company. "Jerry, thank you very much for choosing America's Choice Home Loans. We appreciate you and your office and are here to make your lending career bigger and brighter than ever. You will find out why we are America's Choice Home Loans - Thank you very much and welcome." Being an expert in home loan and mortgage, Jerry will continue to concentrate on helping customers with their residential home loan needs. America's Choice Home Loan is continuously searching for experienced mortgage loan originators to join the company. Contrary to many in the industry who have been discouraged, scaled back or closed down completely, Mr. Fowler is unfazed. "America's Choice has the ability to expand, including the capacity for rapid growth. We have been positioning ourselves for this, and we're read
hannah brooklyn

News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : America's Choice Home Loans LP Opens in Ore... - 0 views

    By Angie Barrett | November 28, 2011 10:09 am America's Choice Home Loans announced the opening of Branch 1013, located in Newberg, Oregon. Managed by Jerry Holman, a long time veteran of the mortgage industry, the branch opened on October 20."Please give Jerry a warm welcome and let him know he is a part of our family," says Jonathan Fowler, Director of National Production for the company. "Jerry, thank you very much for choosing America's Choice Home Loans. We appreciate you and your office and are here to make your lending career bigger and brighter than ever. You will find out why we are America's Choice Home Loans - Thank you very much and welcome." Being an expert in home loan and mortgage, Jerry will continue to concentrate on helping customers with their residential home loan needs. America's Choice Home Loan is continuously searching for experienced mortgage loan originators to join the company. Contrary to many in the industry who have been discouraged, scaled back or closed down completely, Mr. Fowler is unfazed. "America's Choice has the ability to expand, including the capacity for rapid growth. We have been positioning ourselves for this, and we're ready," adds Mr. Fowler. America's Choice Home Loans LP is located at 8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 200, Houston TX 77024 and can be reached at 713-463-6779. Visit their website and their Facebook fan page. About America's Choice Home Loans LP America's Choice Home Loans LP has been a retail mortgage lender since 1998. The company is a HUD, VA and USDA approved mortgagee headquartered in Houston, TX.
amor power

Top 5 Home Loan Scams - TravelBlog - 0 views

    Recent headlines about the troubled subprime lending industry are making Americans more aware of the consequences of risky lending practices. But unscrupulous lenders and scam artists continue to prey on unsuspecting loan shoppers and homeowners. Unfortunately, loan-related scams aren't restricted to tricking consumers into loans with outrageously high interest rates. Today's sophisticated scammers are using loans as a vehicle to do everything from stealing sensitive personal information to virtually stealing a credit-challenged homeowner's own home. The mortgage experts at have identified five top scams that all consumers - mortgage shoppers and homeowners alike - should be on the look-out for. 1. Unsolicited phone calls Americans across the country have reported receiving phone calls from telemarketers posing as representatives from well-known organizations such as Fannie Mae offering to refinance loans at low rates. These "representatives" often ask for personal information, claiming they need it to qualify a victim for a loan. This information is then used to steal a victim's identity.'s Advice: Be wary of any phone call offering remarkably low interest rates on loans, especially if you have registered your phone number with the Do Not Call Registry. Most major nationwide lenders do not solicit business over the phone. Never give out personal information over the phone unless you are absolutely sure who you are speaking with. 2. "Helpful" contractors Many homeowners have reported contractors - often roofing or remodel professionals - approaching them with an offer to perform upgrades on their home at a reasonable price. These contractors offer financing through low-interest loans. It's not until after signing numerous forms that too many homeowners realize they have signed off on a high-interest home equity loan, and that the contractor has been hired by unscrupulous lenders to sell loans, not improve
amber sanpedro

Bing News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans : America's Choice Home Loans LP Opens -... - 0 views

  •   America's Choice Home Loans announced the opening of Branch 1013, located in Newberg, Oregon. Managed by Jerry Holman, a long time veteran of the mortgage industry, the branch opened on October 20. "Please give Jerry a warm welcome and let him know he is a part of our family," says Jonathan Fowler, Director of National Production for the company. "Jerry, thank you very much for choosing America's Choice Home Loans. We appreciate you and your office and are here to make your lending career bigger and brighter than ever. You will find out why we are America's Choice Home Loans - Thank you very much and welcome." Being an expert in home loan and mortgage, Jerry will continue to concentrate on helping customers with their residential home loan needs. America's Choice Home Loan is continuously searching for experienced mortgage loan originators to join the company. Contrary to many in the industry who have been discouraged, scaled back or closed down completely, Mr. Fowler is unfazed. "America's Choice has the ability to expand, including the capacity for rapid growth. We have been positioning ourselves for this, and we're ready," adds Mr. Fowler. America's Choice Home Loans LP is located at 8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 200, Houston TX 77024 and can be reached at 713-463-6779. Visit their website and their Facebook fan page. About America's Choice Home Loans LP America's Choice Home Loans LP has been a retail mortgage lender since 1998. The company is a HUD, VA and USDA approved mortgagee headquartered in Houston, TX.
Isabella Amber

Springhill Group Korea - Springhill Group Korea - 0 views

    " Springhill Group Home Loan's unrelenting aim on Corporate Governance, superior standards of ethics and focus of perspective - Confidence, Reliability, Transparency and Expert Service are the essential attitude of SGH. Customer satisfaction is the tradition of all Springhill Group Home Loan's services. With SHG's state-of-the-art information and facts methods to provide customer's needs inspire customers in order to make the right home buying decision. This is what sets apart SGH's customer service philosophy - Housing Finance With You, All Through. Rural Housing Finance Springhill Group Home Rural Housing Finance Features offers home loans in rural areas for: Construction of Houses on plot owned by you Addition of more rooms or floors to your existing house Renovation & Improvement of your house Purchase of a new house For Agriculturists: If you are a farmer/planter/horticulturist/dairy farmer etc. having your own land and looking to have your own home, get in touch with us. Specially Designed Housing Loans for Agriculturists. Loan eligibility on the basis of land owned by you and the crops being cultivated. Housing Loan in residential area of your own village Loans for buying house or flat in city of your choice For Salaried & Self Employed: Everyone wants a place to call home, and then what better place than your village or town to own one. Housing Loans for homes in rural areas for Salaried persons Housing Loans for homes in rural areas for Self Employed Businessmen or Self Employed Professional. Loan Against Properties Springhill Group Home Equity Loans helps you encash the present market value of the property by taking a loan by mortgaging the property. Features of  Loan Against Property Purpose Loan can be for any purpose. However, the funds should not be used for speculation or any illegal purposes.  Customers have benefited by taking loans to meet the following funding requirements Education Marriage Expenses Medical Expenses Property
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