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Emotional Intelligence May Cause Job Burnout - 0 views

    An employee's job performance is dependent upon many things, includingemotional intelligence (EI). "It has been established that the emotions an employee experiences in their organization affect his/her psychological and physical health, and also that employee's attitude towards duties, the organization, and work-related accomplishments," said Tae Won Moon of the Department of Business Administration at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea, and lead author of a recent study examining EI on the job. Burnout, also termed emotional exhaustion, is a key factor in determining how emotional intelligence affects job performance. "In our study we used the words emotional exhaustion and burnout interchangeably. Burnout includes three distinct states: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment," said Won Moon. "Among these three states, emotional exhaustion is at the core of burnout." When an employee is forced to exhibit emotions to customers that are insincere, such as smiling to a customer when having a bad day, causes emotional dissonance. "Researchers have suggested that sustained emotional dissonance reduces an individual's self-identity or even promotes a strong contrary (pseudo) identity and this leads to feelings of stress, frustration, or burnout/emotional exhaustion," said Won Moon. High levels of EI are linked to increased coping skills, on and off the job. Therefore, Won Moon theorized that low levels of EI would lead to emotional exhaustion or burnout. For the study, Won Moon interviewed 295 employees from a South Korean department store. The average age of the participants was 38, and all had been employed for at least one year. The results revealed that three key components ofEI, optimism, social skills and emotional validation, were negatively linked to emotional exhaustion. "We speculate that individuals who are good at utilizing their emotions by incorporating emotion in thought, and understa
zhane blaze

7 Ways to Be a Stress-Free Workaholic - 0 views

    Saying it's a crazy, complex world out there is putting it mildly. The rate of technological change is staggering. The constant bombardment of information and communication has us all on overload. And we're constantly slugging it out in a brutally competitive global market.
springhill group

Everyday Life's a Struggle for 25 Years and Younger - 0 views

    People under the age of 25 are 'struggling to cope' with everyday life, says the Prince's Trust. Their recent survey claims that one in ten young people are now struggling to deal with day-today life. Over 2000 16-25 year olds were surveyed by prince's trust across UK. They have discovered that those who are jobless and out of school are the most discontented. Due to this they are the most unhappy, these are the people who are likely to have grown up without anyone to talk to and converse their issues with. "I used to apply for jobs but after getting knocked back, it hit my confidence. I'd wake up and just not know what to do with the 24 hours in the day", says Leon White, 24. He is currently living with his family but his father passed away ten years ago and he left school without receiving any qualifications. He dreams of a career in music, but has only recently been able to secure a full-time job in a hotel, after taking a hospitality training course. The survey indicated that almost three out of ten people that were questioned said they felt their career prospects had been permanently damaged by the recession. Government said they are not satisfied with the rate of employment while the level of unemployment is at its lowest since 2009. A spokesman from the Department for Work and Pensions said: "Youth unemployment has fallen recently, and excluding full-time students, there are now 626,000 unemployed 16-24 year olds - the lowest figure since early 2009. But we are not complacent about the scale of the challenge we still face. "Through our Youth Contract we're offering nearly 500,000 work experience placements, wage incentives and apprenticeships over the next three years to help young people gain the skills and experience needed to get a job."
springhill group

Christian counselor's attempt to cure gay man was 'malpractice' - 0 views

    A gay man was tried to be converted to become heterosexual, his Christian psychotherapist found guilty of professional misconduct. Lesley Pilkington, a Christian psychotherapist, was condemned by the professional body for counselors subsequent to an undercover journalist posing as a patient furtively recorded her during a therapy session at her home. British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) ruled that she had breached the profession's ethical code despite finding that Mrs. Pilkington's client, Patrick Strudwick, "deliberately misled her".
    Christian counselor's attempt to cure gay man was 'malpractice' A gay man was tried to be converted to become heterosexual, his Christian psychotherapist found guilty of professional misconduct. Lesley Pilkington, a Christian psychotherapist, was condemned by the professional body for counselors subsequent to an undercover journalist posing as a patient furtively recorded her during a therapy session at her home.
springhill group

Recalling Good Times May Reduce Depression - In The News - Springhill Group Counselling - 0 views

    Recalling Good Times May Reduce Depression There is a new strategy that was discovered to improve mood for the "depress", it is easier and costs nothing. This is easy just the recollection of positive day-to-day experiences. This can work for those who are not suffering from depression as well.
springhill group

Universal Preschool, What High-Quality Education Really Means - In The News - Springhil... - 0 views

    Universal Preschool, What High-Quality Education Really Means "Make high-quality preschool available to every child in America", says President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. This proposal he referred to research that has demonstrated long term positive effects of attending high-quality preschool programs. The early childhood community got excited in President Obama's support.
springhill group

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Reduces Depression - 0 views

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Reduces Depression A study in the Lancet says cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can reduce symptoms of depression in people who fail to respond to drug treatment. CBT is a kind of psychotherapy that was instituted to help nearly half of the 234 patients who underwent it added with normal care from their GP.
springhill group

Six Things Women Firsts Notice About Men - 0 views

    Six Things Women Firsts Notice About Men According to Dr Gordon Patzer, author of Looks: Why They Matter More Than You Ever Imagined, and one of the world's leading authorities on physical attractiveness, a lot of what women notice in the first few minutes is appearance-based.
springhill group

Counseling Help for the Depressed - 0 views

    Counseling Help for the Depressed People may often take this for granted, thinking depression is just a sad feeling or a depressed mood but it is more than that. Depression is a more serious condition that affects people differently.
springhill group

Counseling for Trauma Victims - Springhill Group Counselling - 0 views

    Counseling for Trauma Victims Trauma is defined as "severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience" (The Cambridge Dictionary). But trauma is also an extremely subjective experience because what may be traumatic for one person may barely affect another.
springhill group

How to Have an Effective Counseling - 0 views

    How to Have an Effective Counseling You don't need a good counselor alone to make counseling effective, it's a two way street. The person receiving the counseling needs to be cooperative because a good counselor couldn't do his job if the person receiving the counseling wouldn't participate.
springhill group

Burnham: Mental Health Counseling On NHS Will Be A Right - 1 views

    Shadow health secretary highlights cuts and 'biggest unaddressed health challenge' as he pledges Labour solution A Labour government will preserve the right to counseling for mental health problems in the NHS constitution, same goes with people have a right to drugs and treatment for mental illness, Andy Burnham promise October this year. Burnham, the shadow health secretary, said at a conference on mental health and wellbeing in Shrewsbury, that mental health is the biggest unaddressed health challenge of the age, costing business £71m a day, or £26bn a year. He laid blame on and accused the government of lessening the mental health budget and abandoning the national survey of investment in adult mental health services, which showed how much was spent yearly. "There is growing evidence of highly vulnerable people being held in police cells and sleeping on camp beds in office space because no crisis beds are available," he will say. "The cost of living crisis is tipping many people over the edge and concerns have been raised over the suicide rate. It is imperative that the openness and transparency the secretary of state speaks of are brought urgently to mental health services so parliament can have a proper debate on what's happening to vulnerable people."
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